Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1064 Miyuan Magistrate

After leaving the city of Xi'an, the red lady was like a runaway foal, happily riding a fast horse back and forth in front of Zhang Shun, and there was no trace of her former meekness and weakness.

She would also shoot with her bow from time to time, knocking over some birds and rabbits on the roadside. Then she would bend down to pick it up, throw it to the guard beside her and say, "Take it, I will bake it for King Shun later!"

There were so many strange women in Zhang Shun's harem, but none of them were as heroic as her.

Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying looked at the red lady with envy, and couldn't help but feel eager to give it a try.

"Go, go, go and play for a while if you want!" Zhang Shun saw it and couldn't help but smile tolerantly.

The two hesitated for a moment, but in the end they didn't move even half a minute.

The two of them smiled and explained: "Forget it, now that my husband is away from home, his body is so fragile that there is no room for any mistakes. Only if we personally protect him, can we feel at ease!"

Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. I have two thousand elite cavalry with me. Not to mention ordinary bandits and bandits. Even if the imperial army comes, they can still escape if they can't be beaten. How can they feel at ease?

It turns out that Ma Yingniang is not good at riding and shooting, but she is a good blunderbuss.

But if it is used to shoot birds, it is overqualified for use.

The birds fell in response to the sound, and all of them were broken into pieces, making it difficult to eat.

Although Wang Qiying is good at bow and arrow, she can't compare to the red lady who can shoot left and right with two spears.

If you try to imitate others by force, you are just asking for boredom.

Therefore, the two of them did not want to expose their shortcomings, so they simply took the opportunity to give the red lady some eye drops.

How could Zhang Shun not know what they were thinking?

He couldn't help but smile and shook his head slightly.

Zhang Shun looked at the high-spirited look of the red lady, and inexplicably remembered a sentence: Therefore, even though there is a famous horse, it is humiliated in the hands of slaves and dies in a stall, and it cannot be called a thousand-mile horse!

If outstanding women like them can only be kept in the back house to provide for themselves and give birth to children, it would really be a disgrace to their talents.

Wait, when you think about it this way, it seems to be even more exciting!

It was seventy or eighty miles from Xi'an to Sanyuan County. Zhang Shun was thinking wildly all the way, crossing two rivers, the Weishui River and the Jingshui River, and finally arrived at Sanyuan County in the evening.

Sanyuan County, as the name suggests, is named after the three plains of Menghouyuan, Fengyuan and Bailuyuan in the county.

It is located to the north of the Wei River. It is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. It can be roughly divided into three parts: the southern plain, the northern Taiyuan and the northwest mountain plain. It is the northern gate of Xi'an.

When everyone rushed here, it was already dark, and Zhang Jinyan, the magistrate of Sanyuan County, had already arranged for manpower to "go out and leave the police."

The so-called "out of police and out of sight" means to clear the road and prohibit pedestrians from passing at will.

Zhang Shun himself was not an emperor, and he did not bring out the whole set of complicated ceremonial guards in Prince Fu's Mansion.

He himself doesn't like complicated etiquette, so naturally he doesn't need any grand ceremony.

When Zhang Shun arrived at the city gate, Zhang Jinyan saw him, and he ordered: "The rest of the soldiers are camping outside the city. You only need to arrange accommodation for me and the two hundred guards."

"As for the common people and the gentry, please disperse and don't disturb the common people!"

Zhang Jinyan quickly nodded and bowed in response, and dismissed the people who were kneeling on both sides, "paying homage to the holy face."

Zhang Shun, Hong Niangzi, Ma Yingniang, Wang Qiying, Yu Chongxiao, Zuo Guangxian, Wukong, Wang Jinyi and others came to Jianzhong Station under the leadership of Sanyuan Magistrate.

This inn was originally built in the Qing Ming Dynasty, and it was originally bustling with a lot of people staying there.

But after the "change of dynasties", how could the former gentry and officials still dare to take advantage?

As a result, the inn was much empty and could easily accommodate the two hundred or so of them.

Zhang Jinyan was originally the magistrate of Sanyuan County in the former Ming Dynasty, but was from Xinxiang County, Weihui Prefecture, Henan Province. If we look closely, he was half of Zhang Shun's hometown.

It's just that when the rebel army conquered Xi'an and recruited the counties to surrender, he still wanted to live and hid in the woods to the north and refused to serve.

As a result, when the rebels made a big circle and occupied Yulin, Ningxia, Guyuan and Gansu, he saw that the situation was over, and then he responded to Hong Chengchou's call and became the king of Qin.

Zhang Shun only said that he was a man who could adapt to the wind and could only support the political structure of Shaanxi for himself, so he didn't care much about it.

The food has passed three rounds, and the wine has passed the five flavors.

After everyone had finished eating and drinking, Zhang Shun was thinking about leaving the "thousand-mile horse" "only in the hands of slaves", so he wanted to drive them away.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Thank you Zhang Zhixian for your hospitality. The dishes today are very rich!"

Zhang Jinyan couldn't help but blush when he heard this. What kind of "hospitality"?

In fact, apart from the two local specialties of soaked oil cake and polygonum flower candy, it is just two meats and a few vegetables.

It's just that now that Miyuan's harvest is not good and it's been hit by war, it's really hard to come up with anything better.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jinyan, the magistrate of Sanyuan County, said a few polite words, then hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but cupped his hands and said: "I have something I want to report to His Highness King Shun. Please think carefully about it!"

"Oh? Please speak!" As soon as Zhang Shun heard this, he knew that he was going to make a long speech.

Although he scolded him a hundred times in his heart, Zhang Shun also knew the important matters of military affairs and people's livelihood, and could not help himself from being willful.

"The most important plan in the world is water conservancy. If water conservancy flourishes, a place will be moist and the fields will be fertile for thousands of miles; if water conservancy fails, the dikes will be destroyed and the people will benefit!" Zhang Jinyan couldn't help but said with great joy when he saw Zhang Shun agreeing.

"In the past, the King of Qin built the Zhengguo Canal, and the Guanzhong became a fertile wilderness. In good years, Qin became rich and powerful, and conquered the princes!"

"King Hui of Wei dug a chasm to connect the Yellow River, Ji River, Huaihe River and other waterways, so that the Central Plains was connected in all directions and filled with traffic, and the Wei State dominated the princes."

"Let's get down to business!" Zhang Shun listened to his preparations for a long time and became impatient.

He couldn't help but think: No wonder someone wrote a letter to Zhu Yuanzhang in the past. He wrote more than ten thousand words and did not get to the point. The angry Zhu Yuanzhang just slapped him.

In fact, Zhang Shun now also wants to give Zhang Jinyan a slap in the face, talk about things when they have something to say, and don't talk nonsense.

"Ah?" Zhang Jinyan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and embarrassed when he heard this.

Zhang Shun refused to let him speak politely, and suddenly he became speechless.

"Please stop talking nonsense and use Jing River to irrigate the farmland!" Zhang Jinyan said a word without beginning or end after a long while.

The three girls, Lady Hong, Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying, heard this very interestingly and almost laughed out loud on the spot.

"Speak clearly!" Zhang Shun frowned, what on earth is going on with you?

If you are asked to talk incessantly, you will not get to the point; if you are not allowed to speak, you will just say a sentence. Are you deliberately making fun of me?

In fact, after Zhang Jinyan said this, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. But when the matter came to a head, he had to bite the bullet and said: "King Shun Rongzhen, this matter is really big, so we have to start from the beginning!"

"Just tell me, don't be verbose!" Zhang Shun was also very patient. When he saw him talking about business, he didn't interrupt him because it was inappropriate.

Thanks to fans "Wu Shuishi", "Purple Layer 1" and "Zhaixiang" for the big prizes, and thanks to fans "Siegfried", "Book Friends 20210319152539340", "Zhenshangganxia1", "Book Friends 160812061031344", etc. Thank you for your generous support to the author!

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