"Reporting to King Shun, the number of hungry people is 431 strong men, 279 strong women, 43 old and weak, and 62 children, totaling 815 people. A total of two and a half bags of grain and rice were distributed, and one hundred and ninety-seven and a half bags of grain and rice were left." Shi Changsheng took the rag and came to report.

Having just drank some gruel, Shi Changsheng's complexion looked rosier than before.

"That's right!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded, "Since you are also a scholar and there is a shortage of a county magistrate here, why not take care of it for me?"

Yesterday, Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, complained to himself that the affairs of Yaozhou and his fellow officials should be taken care of by him, and he was really too busy to move.

It happened that Shi Changsheng was also a scholar. Seeing that he was quite organized in distributing food, Zhang was interested in recruiting him.

When Shi Changsheng heard that he wanted to "become a thief", he was a little hesitant, but then he thought that if King Shun hadn't rescued him, he would have starved to death. I'm afraid that his wife, daughter, and son would have suffered a disastrous fate.

He couldn't help but hurriedly worshiped: "I can't repay King Shun for his life-saving kindness, but I can't help but obey him if I can drive him!"

"Hey, you!" Lady Hong said unhappily when she heard this, "My husband saved the lives of your whole family without mentioning it, and promoted you to be the head of a county, and you are still coy and unwilling! "

"What Madam taught me is that it was Shi who was at fault!" Shi Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after hearing this, and quickly apologized.

As a result, before Shi Changsheng finished speaking, his daughter couldn't help but stop in front of her father and argued loudly: "My father's willingness or unwillingness is a matter of business! How can a gentleman violate justice because of personal favors?"

"There is no repayment for King Shun's life-saving kindness. I pledged myself to him, so what does it have to do with my father?"

Despite her young age, Shi Moxi has sharp teeth. Her words "How can a gentleman compromise justice because of personal favors?" quite mean to accuse the red lady of taking advantage of her kindness to repay her kindness.

No, what are you still relying on?

The red lady didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How old are you now that you know how to steal men?

She originally pretended to be a villain and wanted to mention Zhang Shun's kindness to their family, but now she got herself involved.

"What nonsense?" Zhang Shun waved his hand, pointed at the red lady and said, "Did you see that you have to be so beautiful to be qualified to be my woman?"

"You're lying. Aren't the two men next to her also your women?" the little girl said unconvinced.

Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying were watching a joke nearby, but they didn't expect that they could be shot while lying down.

"This naughty kid, even if he is blind, his mouth is so poisonous!" The two of them couldn't help but get angry.

One wanted to shoot her through the heart with a bullet, and the other wanted to smash her dog's head with a whip.

"Okay, okay, Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, don't be like her!" Zhang Shun quickly grabbed one with one hand, fearing that they would rush over and eat her alive.

"I can really give birth," Mo Moxi opened his mouth and shouted again, but his father Shi Changsheng covered his mouth.

In this era, people's family background is the most important thing. Don't look at Shi Changsheng's family, who are about to starve to death, but if you look carefully, they are a family that has been clean and scholarly for generations.

Don't underestimate these two standards, they are serious.

However, as far as a clean family background is concerned, it requires that there are no illegal, criminal or despicable people in the five services, which can almost screen out more than 50% of families in the late Ming Dynasty.

If his family hadn't been in trouble, Mo Ximo said she would be a concubine, even if she met an emperor choosing a concubine or a vassal king marrying a wife when she was of the right age, she would be fully qualified to run for election.

That's why when Shi Changsheng owed usury to someone and couldn't repay it, he would rather abandon his family and leave than let his daughter be a concubine. This is the reason.

Even though I am poor, I come from an innocent family. You are just a businessman if you are rich.

As for Zhang Shun, if he had not occupied the territory of Shaanxi, implemented benevolent government, and was boasted by a group of people as "King Shun is alive", I am afraid he would be nothing more than a "thief" in the eyes of these people.

It is not a shame to be Zhang Shun's "concubine" if she has no choice.

It's just that as a woman, it would be a huge shame to be rejected over and over again.

So when Shi Changsheng saw his daughter speaking indiscriminately, he quickly stopped her.

"Okay, okay, stop yelling. Since you want to stay, then you can stay!" The red lady couldn't help but shook her head when she saw this.

"You" Zhang Shun, Ma Yingniang, and Wang Qiying were stunned when they heard this. Did someone praise you in a subtle way, so you don't know your last name?

"After all, she is a woman from a good family. If there is a fight, her husband will not look good if word spreads!" The red lady looked at the expressions of the three of them and couldn't help but explain.

Well, for some reason, Zhang Shun suddenly remembered that when he was in Nanyang, Mrs. Zhu cried, made trouble and hanged herself while wearing her wedding dress.

He couldn't help but shudder, and nodded in agreement.

Well, just think of it as having a pet monkey!

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, after Zhang Shun arranged for his new cheap "father-in-law" and fellow county magistrate Shi Changsheng to gather the refugees, he left Jinsuoguan and headed north.

As soon as I entered Yijun County, I saw groups of refugees.

Some were squatting in the grass using sticks to dig out grass roots and wild vegetables, others were gathering around the trees with knives to peel off bark, and still others were riding on branches, picking green fruits.

"Can this be eaten?" Zhang Shun had never seen this before.

Books often say, "When you are hungry, eat grass roots and bark" to satisfy your hunger. Do people really eat this?

He was about to get off his horse and go to inquire, but unexpectedly a clear voice responded: "That grass root is thatch root, and it tastes sweet."

"The leaves are thistles. Boiled in boiling water, they are a rare delicacy."

"The bark is elm bark. It is a first-class product. It is ground into dough and is as sticky as glutinous rice, with no beans or wheat left in it."

"Among them, poplar leaves are the most unpalatable. They make you bloated after eating them."

Zhang Shun turned around and saw that she was riding a horse with the red lady, and she was commenting on the grass, flowers, trees, fruits and other things on the roadside in a lively manner, without mentioning the word "eat or drink" in every sentence.

Although she had already washed herself, she was still very thin and tight.

Especially when he was wearing an old dress from the Red Lady, it was much wider and made him look even thinner.

You're a sharp talker, but Zhang Shun glanced at the red lady and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

It was Ma Yingniang's turn to be on duty last night, so this girl was handed over to the Red Lady.

As a result, she was cleaned up in one night and even changed her clothes.

It’s just that Zhang Shun never expected that there are still people in the world who can comment on the texture, taste, cooking methods and symptoms of common roadside plants like countless treasures.

Thousands of years ago, Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs to cure diseases and save people.

But now there are hungry people eating all kinds of grass just to survive for a moment.

He looked at the ferocious, cowardly, alert, or honest faces on the roadside, and then looked at Shi Moxi, whose thin face was sunken, and two words popped out in his mind: "Alive!"

Yes, no matter what their temperament is, what their abilities are, and what their methods are, there is only one simple goal: to live.

Just like when Zhang Shun and more than 2,000 people were trapped in the Han Guangwu Mausoleum by floods, only one person like Zhang Shun could rise up and call Yan'an Prefecture, and the whole country would rebel.

Oh, that’s wrong, there are actually many such characters!

Zhang Shun suddenly understood why Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others had suffered repeated defeats and failed to suppress and kill them all.

"Where is Wang Jinyi?" He frowned and couldn't help but make up his mind, refusing to waste a moment.

"The general is here!"

"Pass me an order to ask Lu Weiqi to separate some of the grains shipped and send them to Yan'an Prefecture for disaster relief. There must be no mistake!"

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