Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1079 Extremely ill

When Zhang Shun mentioned "reclaiming farmland and restoring production," Yan'an prefect Ding Qirui frowned.

"What's the current population of Yan'an Prefecture and what's the food shortage?" Although Zhang Shun could determine it, he couldn't quantify it, so he had to ask Ding Qirui, the prefect of Yan'an.

Ding Qirui has just been here for a month and is so busy that he doesn't know the specific situation.

He had no choice but to estimate: "Yan'an Prefecture and its affiliated counties, including Yulin and Yijun counties, have a total of 45,850 households, with a population of 591,720."

"Yan'an Guard, Suide Guard and the three hundred-household stations of Baoan, Saimen and Anding have a total of more than 6,000 military households, with a population of about 100,000."

"Excluding the military town of Yulin, there are 700,000 Ding population. However, due to years of famine, those who died of hunger, fled to other places, became thieves, or died in the sword, three or four out of ten, I fear there are only 400,000 Ding population left. !”

"Three out of ten losses!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but repeat it again.

A very simple number, but it was made of blood and oil.

It means that in the past ten years, the three prefectures and 16 counties under the jurisdiction of Yan'an Prefecture have repeatedly suffered from unparalleled disasters.

"For 400,000 people, one kilogram of food per day is equivalent to one hundred thousand dan per month." Zhang Shun calculated in his mind.

"Ten thousand dan per month is enough!" Ding Qirui, the prefect of Yan'an, quickly explained after hearing this, "Although Yan'an Prefecture claims not to harvest grains, in fact there is a harvest every year."

"Now that we have lost so many people, we actually don't need to spend so much food!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this. If he really spent 100,000 dan every month, he would be really helpless.

He couldn't help but nodded and said: "That's good. Under the relief, if we can survive this season, the autumn harvest will be much better."

"Yan'an's autumn grains are mostly millet, millet, bean sprouts, and buckwheat. They are quite drought-resistant, so they must be worry-free!" Ding Qirui couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"I am very worried about the resumption of farming, and I would like to ask King Shun to help me solve it!"

Millet and millet are millet crops that are relatively cold-resistant and have been the traditional staple food in northern Shaanxi since ancient times.

Beans are legume crops. Soybeans and black beans are relatively drought-tolerant, while broad beans are relatively cold-resistant.

As for buckwheat, it is mainly used as feed for war horses. Whether it has a high yield or not has little impact.

In terms of planting technology and planting varieties, Zhang Shun, as a person who is not diligent in his limbs and cannot distinguish between grains, has nothing to say.

As long as the old farmers from Heluo bring sweet potatoes back and plant them in nooks and crannies, fields and other unimportant places, a lot of lives can be saved.

"What difficulties are there in resuming farming?" Zhang Shunxin said: I have helped you with the personnel and relief materials, so what other difficulties are there?

"The main reason is that large families took advantage of the famine years to hoard and annex land to seize the fields of people fleeing the famine." Ding Qirui couldn't help but said quickly.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was stunned and couldn't help laughing, "Hoarding is nothing to be afraid of."

"This time we import hundreds of thousands of grains from Yulin Town and 100,000 shi from Yan'an. This will definitely make local grains cheaper than in Shanxi across the Yellow River. So why should we be afraid?"

As for economic warfare, can they outsmart me?

But thinking about this, he became more and more vigilant.

If this group of people loses the economic war and the food in their hands is worthless, they will inevitably be in danger of jumping over the wall.

At this time, you have to take one step at a time and make preparations in advance.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but said: "This matter is not urgent for now. I will call Li Zicheng over later and we will make further arrangements."

"The top priority is to organize people first and distribute relief grain and rice in a timely manner."

"When we have more people, we can ask about plowing the fields."

"This... if this is the case, what if they have already occupied the idle land and planted crops?" Ding Qirui was stunned when he heard this and asked subconsciously.

"Why are you worried about them?" Zhang Shun sneered when he heard this, "They said it was theirs, so they levied taxes on them according to their words."

"It won't be too late to clear the farmland after the autumn grain harvest!"

When Ding Qirui heard this, he didn't know that Zhang Shun was planning to use Xi'an Mansion's trick here again.

He couldn't help but quickly reminded: "The Yan'an Guard and the Suide Guard here are both under the jurisdiction of Yulin Town, and they are also inextricably linked. Please be careful with King Shun."

It’s Yulin again! Zhang Shun frowned and said, "I already know this, sir, don't worry about it."

"If I am not sure, I will definitely not act rashly!"

One move can affect the whole body. This is the disgusting part of Zhu Yuanzhang's design system.

Don't look at the fact that the system of this guard has been ruined long ago, and the majority of the people in it are still military meritorious landowners.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the land was vast and sparsely populated, and the land was basically divided according to the standard of one hundred acres per household. It was not an asset that ordinary people could reach.

Later, when the farming system was destroyed, a large number of guard farms were also in the hands of grassroots sergeants such as hundreds of households, thousands of households, and even commanders. Where could outsiders get their hands on it?

This determines that people like Zhang Shun, who are starting from scratch, can relatively easily clear out the army in inland health stations like Xi'an.

But if the land ownership system is to be changed in a border area like Yan'an Prefecture, I am afraid that the first people to oppose it will be these guards officers and soldiers who have mastered military skills.

These people were originally one of the pillars of the Ming Dynasty. They finally surrendered to the rebels due to the coercion and inducement of the rebels. If Zhang Shun dares to abandon their roots again, they will definitely tell you on the spot.

One or two rebellions are not terrible. What is terrible is that they are rooted here. They already have me among you and you among me.

There are 5,000 households in one Wei, and there are more than 10,000 households in Yan'an, Suide, Yulin and other 1,000-household and 100-household districts.

Coupled with the population growth over the years, it is estimated that there will be more than ten or two hundred thousand people. Is it possible that I can capture them all?

It seems that this question alone is worth a trip to Yulin.

We must find out the bottom line of Yulin Jiangmen and how much involvement Yulin Town has with them.

"'s hard for the other gentry to form strongholds and forts!" Ding Qirui couldn't help but said with shame.

"What's so difficult about this? Come with troops and hit them with one cannon, and everything will be destroyed!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but wonder.

You don’t even know how to do this, right?

"King Shun doesn't know something!" Ding Qirui looked at Zhang Shun's expression and knew that he didn't understand what was going on.

"Although these northern captives are said to be our enemies, they are actually coexisting with each other. I am among you, and you are among me!"

"There are many people outside the Great Wall who surrender as powerful and fierce as tigers, but how do you know that there are no prisoners in Yan'an?"

"In the ninth month of Chongzhen, the Mongolian Pahan tribe invaded Yan'an and Yanzhou. Hetao Guru Buluo was forced by Pahan and came to join the rebel army "Buzhenni" and other troops. When he arrived at Sancha, he encountered the resistance of Wang Cheng'en, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army, that is, Turn east to Jiazhou."

"King Shun, does he know that these people have strongholds in their strongholds, and thieves come to resist thieves, and captives come to resist captives? If they are easily destroyed, what will happen if the captives come?"

This damn thing is all intricate and hopeless, right? Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a headache after hearing this.

No wonder everything in the Ming Dynasty has gone wrong in both east and west, and the relationship has long been terminally ill!

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