Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1092 Driving horses into formation

Facts have proved that the so-called "more than ten thousand cavalry" of Taolu Baisanghurnuoyan is just as Wang Ding said, it is just the number of heads.

Sure enough, after the core two thousand cavalry under his command were defeated, the other armored weapons that came to stop Jiang Yaozu and Zhang Hu's cavalry were quite crude.

After being charged by the rebel cavalry, they immediately fell over and became a mess.

The armor of the well-equipped rebel cavalry cannot be penetrated by shots, penetrated by thorns, or broken by cuts. They are like gods descending from the earth.

On the other hand, those rangers were dressed in cloth, holding hunting bows and wooden guns. They were as fragile as paper and were scattered by the rebel cavalry.

Jiang Yaozu and Zhang Hu were worthy of being sons of aristocratic families. Once they saw something cheap and profitable, armed with a four-foot-long knight's spear, they were like wolves and tigers, killing each other three or five times.

Seeing that Baisanghurnuoyan had reorganized his two thousand armored cavalry, Xiao Si and Zhang Hu retreated angrily, still unfinished.

Seeing how brave Xiao Si, Jiang Yaozu, Zhang Hu and others were, Zhang Shun couldn't help but change his impression of the generals in Yulin.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "If all the generals in Yulin are so outstanding, why worry about the family not being prosperous?"

Wang Qiying listened at the side and couldn't help curling his lips, thinking: "If my uncle Wang Pu were here, I'm afraid your view of his 'Long-Legged General' would also be greatly changed."

It turns out that if this general's disciple is really willing to fight to the death, he can really fight.

The key is that everyone has a good life, but which one is willing to work hard?

If Zhang Shun hadn't happened to be Zhang Shun's bodyguard this time, and his opponent had captured these "weak chickens", I'm afraid these people might not be so brave to fight.

Here Jiang Yaozu and Zhang Hu led their troops and rushed back to the camp in a show of force, but there was also movement among the captives over there.

Under the orders of an unknown leader, many captives dismounted and handed over their mounts to others.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he saw this, "Are they going to fight us on foot?"

"I'm afraid not necessarily!" The red lady frowned and couldn't help but asserted, "I'm afraid she is going to ride the horse into battle!"

"What?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but was stunned and couldn't help but said, "Didn't it mean that the pirates regarded the war horses as their lives, and they were willing to spend such a cost?"

"If you are willing to give up your life on the battlefield, how can you not be willing to part with a few livestock?" The red lady couldn't help but laugh, "Look at the horses that were given up are mostly old and bad horses. I guess the bandits must be determined to win!"

"Aiming to win?" Zhang Shun finally realized what the red lady meant.

The way of survival of these nomadic people is no different from that of predators in the wild. They fight when it suits their interests and leave when it doesn't. There is absolutely no reason to confront the enemy head-on.

Because the nomadic tribes raided Kou Pass to seize living supplies to survive the winter, rather than leaving their lives here.

This is not the case for farming people. In addition to protecting their own property and life, they can also benefit from the merit system established early, and can exchange the heads of these bandits for merit and silver rewards.

Because fighting is profitable, they prefer to fight with each other, and even take the initiative to provoke side provocations.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

This group of captives would rather waste their precious war horses than fight to the death with the rebels.

This shows that their purpose this time is not a simple robbery, but a specific target, such as Zhang Shun, the leader of the rebel army.

In terms of love, I have become Tang Sanzang, and everyone wants to eat my flesh!

Zhang Shun looked at Wukong next to him and thought to himself: "Since you want to eat Tang Monk's meat, aren't you afraid of Sun Wukong's golden cudgel?"

Not long after, a herd of horses gathered on the opposite side, driven by more than ten herdsmen, wandering outside.

"Wang Ding, can you handle it?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked loudly.

"It's a small skill, but my subordinates can still deal with it. Please rest assured, Your Highness King Shun!" Wang Ding couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"If there are no guards on that group of horses, I will capture them for King Shun; if there are guards on that group of horses, I will kill them for King Shun. Let's all have a special meal tonight!"

Baisanghurnuoyan on the opposite side was not a fool. How could he let the herdsmen drive the horses into the formation without sending guards?

He had already sent more than a thousand guards to the left and right to guard against the officers and soldiers taking the opportunity to break out of the formation, disrupt the horse herd, or seize the war horses.

"It looks like there are five or six hundred horses?" Zhang Shun looked away for a moment, then turned around and asked.

"It's almost the same. The number is almost the same as the cavalry guards on both sides!" Wang Qiying nodded.

She originally thought that she knew military affairs and could outdo the Red Lady and Ma Yingniang, but she never thought that the Red Lady was the first to judge that the other party was going to march into battle, which made her feel a little frustrated.

Don't underestimate these five or six hundred war horses. Once they charge, they will be even more terrifying than the five or six hundred cavalry.

No matter how ferocious the cavalry is, someone is still controlling them.

Everyone has thoughts and will have emotions such as fear and fear.

When they have no hope of winning, they tend to sit back and prioritize survival.

War horses are different. No matter how smart a war horse is, it is still a beast. It does not produce special emotions and strong self-selection tendencies like humans.

To stop a galloping war horse with your flesh and blood is simply one of the most terrifying things in the world.

Inexplicably, Zhang Shun thought of the "the theory of the invincibility of the spear array" when he was talking about it on the forum in his previous life.

At that time, when I was young and arrogant, I thought that as long as I trained a team of determined spearmen, I would be able to defeat most armies in the cold weapon era. Now I think about it, how naive and ridiculous it is.

Not to mention the enemy's use of muskets and artillery, this simple horse-driving formation is guaranteed to make any spear formation in the world tremble.

The trampling sound of horses' hooves was as dense as raindrops, and thousands of voices converged into one, turning into the roar of landslides and ground cracking.

Driven by the herdsmen's skilled skills, hundreds of war horses galloped towards the rebel vehicle formation without realizing it.

"Prepare the Franchise and the Three-Eyed Gun!" Wang Ding frowned, stared at the horses not far away, and shouted loudly.

"Can this withstand the impact of a war horse?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but wonder.

"Use the sound of artillery and muskets to frighten the horses so that they cannot use their strength in one place!" Wang Qiying couldn't help but explain.

"Actually, it would be better if we carried flying cannons. It's just that we came out in a hurry this time and didn't prepare them. It's the same with blunderbuss and artillery."

Frighten the war horse?

It turns out that Yulin Jiangmen and Taolu have been fighting for many years, and they have already figured out each other's methods and methods of targeting.

Most of the Taolu cavalry have not received special training and are easily frightened when encountering the sound of artillery and gunfire.

Later, these captives learned the lesson and the elite cavalry tried to select bold and brave horses in order to reduce the frightening effect of firearms on the horses.

However, most of the war horses driven by the Taolu were short and thin, and they were ordinary herding horses. How could they withstand the intimidation of artillery?

When these five or six hundred horses galloped 70 or 80 steps to the rebel army, muskets and artillery were fired, deafening. Suddenly many horses were frightened, and suddenly the horses started running around without hesitation.

It didn't matter that the frightened horses were running around, and the originally neat group of horses suddenly became chaotic.

Either this horse pinned that horse, or that horse blocked this horse, and the horse's speed also slowed down for a while.

However, even if the frightened horses slow down, they are still not easily resisted by flesh and blood.

So when the horses were twenty or thirty steps closer, the rebels' guns and artillery fired loudly again.

The loud sound, which was almost at hand, scared the horses in front of them and even panicked. Some even turned their horses' heads and ran backwards, causing chaos for a while.

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