Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 11 Guangwuling rises

Meng Jinguang Wuling, the sun is in the middle of the sky, and it is about three o'clock in the noon.

The smell of rice was coming from the sacrificial hall of the cemetery. The hungry people heard it and started to commotion. Zhang Shun and his subordinates have already made a plan, but they stood on a high place, dragged their hungry body, swallowed the acid water that rose from their mouths, and shouted loudly with all their strength: "Everyone, I, Zhang Shun, have something to say. , please listen to me!"

"Xiaosheng passed through your land, and it happened to be a natural disaster. As the saying goes: water and fire are merciless, and the people cannot live. Fortunately, the three emperors Fuxi in the Longma negative figure temple warned me, and the Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty on the Yanhan Cemetery protected me. I owe it to God. Fate, and lead everyone to survive.”

"I heard that the sky and the earth are big, and the food is the biggest. It has been four days since we took refuge here. There is no grain of rice in your belly, and there is no salty taste in your mouth. You are so hungry that you don't know whether to die or die. Some fell to the wall, or Some fainted on the ground. In a few days, they would change their sons and eat them, or they might appear."

"Now there is an old thief from the Qian family, who transports food here. You can't get enough food from the escort coachmen, and you can't give food to the old and weak, women and children from the bottom. Only money is there. Taking advantage of the fire to rob and extort gold and silver is inhuman."

"I want to fight crimes on behalf of the sky, do justice for the sky, kill the old thief of the Qian family in the palace, sacrifice to Guangwu on the top, and sacrifice to my people on the bottom, it's okay!"

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Kill him!".

The hungry people who had such a heart, saw that someone was leading, they couldn't help but become more courageous, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"As the saying goes: a snake cannot fly without a head, and a bird cannot fly without a head. Since you all have the heart, I will boldly lead this important task. You must listen to my orders, and those who do not obey will be killed without mercy! Huh!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

"So listen to my orders and kill the money thieves! You should follow my two rules, the first one: regardless of men, women, old or young, follow me. The former is in front, the latter is behind, the left is on the left, and the right is on the back." Right, do not disturb the order and be taken advantage of by others. The second rule: When killing thieves, obey my orders. Those who disobey the order will be executed, and those who do not obey the distribution afterwards, and those who grab food will be executed!"

Everyone responded, and Zhang Shun led Wukong, Ma Daochang, Chen Jindou and Liu Yinggui in front, and the hungry people behind, and went straight to the main hall.

At this time, the palace had already heard the words of all the people, and they formed a formation around chariots and horses, holding knives and guns to reject them.

Zhang Shun ordered Wukong to yell, he knew that this mad monk was a terrifying guard coachman, he was so frightened that both sides fought, and some even dropped their knives and guns on the ground.

Originally, at this time, Wukong led the crowd to charge, and he would surely break through the obstacles and enter the hall. Zhang Shun was afraid that when the time came, so many people would be in a mess and things would be uncontrollable, so he shouted: "Old thief Qian, this is the end of the matter, what can you say?"

"You are really rebellious by nature. You have colluded with bandits and lowly people. Do you want to rebel? Anyone who captures and kills this official will be rewarded with a hundred stones of food!" Master Qian trembled, hid in the hall, and continued to speak forcefully.

"It's a great head, who will take it?" Zhang Shun patted his own head and asked left and right with a smile. When everyone saw him, no one dared to look directly at him.

"Now that you are about to die, how dare you talk back!" Zhang Shun shouted to the guards again, "Along the way, this officer treats you like pigs and dogs, and keeps yelling at you. , he is not willing to give you food, but at this moment he needs you to work hard, so he will give you a meal."

"Even if the emperor does not send hungry soldiers, how cheap is his life? If he wants to live, he will catch that old thief and hand him over to me. Otherwise, there will be a fight soon, and the sword and gun will have no eyes, and he will hurt his own life!"

"Even if life is good, it is lucky to save life. If you are my enemy, will you still make me remember the kindness of the past?" Zhang Shun said sternly.

When Zhang Shun was coercing and seducing, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting in the hall. After coming over for a while, I saw the charioteers and soldiers who were resisting him scattered suddenly. It was Zhang Wuhao, a small banner who talked to him in the morning, leading several soldiers and escorting Master Qian and several of his entourages.

Zhang Shun didn't even look at him, he just turned around and said to the hungry people: "At 3:00 p.m., it's time to kill thieves and make sacrifices."

After hearing this, Master Qian knew he was doomed, so he cursed endlessly. Zhang Shun didn't care if he had any backbone, so he just knocked Master Qian to the ground with a stick, and then said to the guards: "You have to kill each person first, and then you will make a fuss after accepting the vote."

The little banner Zhang Wuhao who was supposed to be guarding Mr. Qian was taken aback when he heard this, he didn't expect that this person had such cruel methods. Even though he had all kinds of thoughts in his heart, he was helpless. As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, so he had to pick up a knife and give Master Qian a knife. Master Qian didn't lose his breath for a while, he just screamed and insulted. None of the charioteers and soldiers sympathized with him, they just followed Zhang Wuhao and followed him one by one.

Therefore, Zhang Shunnai ordered some of the charioteers and soldiers to eat the meals they had just prepared, while the rest maintained order and distributed food, and changed shifts after those who had eaten had finished eating. When the grain is released, no matter the old or the young, each is given a bucket of grain. Before receiving the grain, one needs to "accept the vote certificate" before being able to receive the grain.

The people who received the food used the bag if they had pockets, and the ladle if they had anything. Those who had nothing took off their clothes and put the grain in their pockets. Or there are those who are very hungry, and just received the food, no matter whether it is raw or cooked, they will grab a handful and stuff it in their mouths.

I don't know how long after this, the food has been reduced by more than half, and everyone has finished receiving it. That Master Qian and his entourage had already been chopped into meat paste, and they were piled sticky at the entrance of the sacrificial hall.

Not to mention that everyone got the food, and each made a fire to cook. Zhang Shun, who was hungry and dizzy, managed to eat a full meal, his stomach was warm, and he was a little drowsy. At this time, three people came to visit. Zhang Shun saw that it was the talkative old man, his grandson and a strong man with a big bow.

The old man cupped his hands and asked, "Little brother, what are your plans now?"

Of course there was a plan, and there was no turning back when he opened the bow. This time he killed someone, so he could only lead him to flee. A few days ago, Mr. Qian, who was chopped into meat, said that the government army was suppressing bandits in Zelu Erzhou, which should be the Shaanxi peasant army. Zhang Shun remembered that Li Zicheng was from Shaanxi, so he should be among them.

But my agitation didn't bring me any help, and I was always a little lost in my heart. Since the old man asked such a question, he should have pointed it out, so he replied: "Why did the old man teach me?"

"This old man is originally a boatman from Mengjin. He often sees off the guests and fishes when there are few. When he was young, he liked to eat fish heads. His original surname was Zhao, so he was called Zhao Yutou."

"The ancient land of Mengjin also has a lot of anecdotes. At the top are Fuxi, Huangdi, Yao, Shun and Yu, and at the bottom are the Han and Three Kingdoms. The old people in the village often say: five hundred years ago, the emperor came out, and when the emperor came out, there was a vision of heaven and earth. I'm old, and I've never seen it."

"When I saw my little brother today, I knew that the world has its own theorems, and the king has its own destiny. Today the Yellow River broke its embankment, and the river is surging. This water dragon is also. I don't know where it came from or where it went. Only the Zhu family is still red. , is the virtue of fire, and the virtue of fire should decline.”

"Nowadays, the soil where the king stands is protected by water dragons and protected by earth dragons. This is not the merit of Guangwu, but the fate of the emperor. The Han of Guangwu is the virtue of fire. Water can extinguish fire, but it cannot be extinguished by fire. Gaiyin Jun is only Tude, and the ashes of the fire are just as good as the Jun's response."

"Old man Zhao, you are a feudal superstition, you can't believe it!" Zhang Shun didn't know what the old man said, but it turned out to be the same, but this time Zhang Shun was a little uncertain in his heart. This Manqing is exactly the virtue of water, and replacing fire with water, is it God's will?

Zhang Shun had no choice but to explain: "This person walks to a higher place, and the water flows to a lower place, it's a natural principle."

"Fang's thieves and bandits are raging and chaotic in the land of Shanshan. This master is dead. The king prospered with the virtues of the land, and he has great kindness to everyone. Thousands of victims of disasters have survived. From this point of view, the victims of disasters in Shanxi and mountains are even worse. There are too many to count, and these are all your soldiers. Ming will lose his deer, and the world will chase after him, do you have any intentions?" Zhao Yutou did not answer, and continued.

Nonsense, of course I have intentions, but how does this work? Anyway, he was already preparing for rebellion, the bigger the momentum, the better, Zhang Shun didn't hide it anymore, and asked honestly: "I will stick to what I want, but I dare not invite you."

"My King Wen!" Zhao Yutou happily brought his grandson to kowtow three times to Zhang Shun. Although Zhang Shun was not used to it, he acquiesced.

"I have three strategies for my lord!" Zhao Yutou said excitedly.

"The first strategy is to organize the soldiers. Five people make one team, ten people one tenure, and one hundred people one uncle. This is an ancient method. Fighting is different from fighting. If there is no organization, it will be scattered in an instant, and it is not usable. Rebuild the golden drum and brocade banner, choose Young and strong, eliminate old and weak women, so the army can be successful."

"How about the old and the weak? Who is willing to join me in the army?" Zhang Shun also thought of this, but he didn't know how to keep the old and the weak, how to make everyone willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

"This is the second strategy, the siege strategy. Although there is a lot of food this time, the people who eat it, I am afraid there is not much left, right? In troubled times, food is the heaviest. I have lived here for a long time, and I know that Mengjin County has Meng Jincang. When the flood subsides a little, you can lead an army to attack and take all the food. If anyone is willing to join the army, give a few buckets of food to his family, and the old and weak will survive, and the king will get his army."

"The real Jiang Taigong is also." Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this, because he boasted that he was King Wen of Zhou, and he also reciprocated, boasting that he was Jiang Ziya.

Sure enough, "Zhao Ziya" was overjoyed when he heard that, and said quickly, "Don't dare, you have the sage of Zhou Wenwang, but I don't have the talent of Jiang Taigong. The only thing I can do is follow the example of the sages, and follow the dragon."

"The third strategy is to cross the river. Mengjin is located in an important traffic road, not a land of kings. There are Huaiqing Guards in the north and Luoyang Guards in the south. There is no defense. If you want to achieve great things, you need to cross the river and go north to Shanxi The land of Shanxi, the mountains and rivers inside and outside, the place where Tang Gaozu Li Yuan started his family, is the foundation of the emperor."

"I heard that many thieves and bandits are here now. It's time to fish in troubled waters." Zhao Yutou bowed after finishing his speech. These three strategies have many similarities with Zhang Shun, and it is true that the hero sees and agrees.

Zhang Shunxi said: "I don't like to be a soldier in the army, but I like to have my Jiang Taigong Zhao Yutou."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the monarch and his ministers benefited from each other. Zhao Yutou introduced Zhang Shun again: "There is a strong man here. He heard the name of the lord, and he came to seek refuge."

"This man is nicknamed 'Xiao Yuefei', also known as Zhang Sanbai. He can draw a strong bow of 300 catties, and his reputation shakes the city of Luoyang."

"I have won such a fierce general, as if I have thousands of troops and horses!" This man is twenty-three or four years old, with long sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, ape arms and wolf waist. He looks very good, quite like the ancient Zhao Zilong. Zhang Shun couldn't close his mouth when he saw Le. No matter what happens, put the high hat on him first.

"This man was traveling with the circus, but none of them were there. The little old man told me that, so he came to seek refuge with the lord." Huh? Zhang Shun listened for a long time, feeling is a juggler? Fortunately, I thought that a famous general like Yue Fei really came.

However, a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse bone, not to mention that since this person has a skill, it is time to employ someone. If he trains with his heart, this person may not be unable to achieve a career in the future. By the way, Zhang let go of his contempt and still treated him as a national scholar.

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