Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1106 Group Animal Husbandry

"As for the problem..." Wei Congyi pondered for a moment, pointed at the butt of the gun and said, "This is still a bit uncomfortable on the shoulder. It needs to be slightly modified to make it fit better on the shoulder."

"This riding gun weighs five pounds and is still a bit heavy. It would be better if it could be lighter. If not, it will not affect its use."

"Also, it will be bumpy and windy right now. If the gunpowder can be loaded quantitatively, it will be much more convenient and help increase the rate of fire!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun quickly wrote down Wei Congyi's suggestion, then found a straw rope and threw it over.

"You can make do with it first, tie it up and try it on your back, and then go back and compile a set of rules."

"Find out a series of issues such as how to carry the cavalry gun, how to equip the cupping pot, gunpowder, match ropes, and sticks, etc., and then recruit soldiers and train them according to the law."

"Thank you, King Shun, for disregarding past grievances and retaining the humble minister!" Wei Congyi couldn't help but jump off his horse after hearing this, and quickly thanked him.

"King Shun repaid me with his country's soldiers, and I will repay him with his country's soldiers!"

This was the first time Zhang Shun had seen Wei Congyi for so long, and heard him call himself a "wei minister" for the first time. He knew that at least the grudge between the two of them was over.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, I always keep a bowl of water even. If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you make mistakes, you will be punished."

"Not to mention that you are an old man under my command, and I can't defeat you no matter what!"

Zhang Shun's words may seem inconsistent, but they are actually telling the truth.

The subtext is:

If it is a matter of business, no matter what the private relationship between the two is, Zhang Shun will reward and punish according to the rules.

If we talk about personal matters, Wei Congyi can be regarded as the old man who "followed the dragon" at the beginning.

Although he had made some mistakes before, compared with others, he still had some old feelings.

Wei Congyi knew this very well and couldn't help but express his gratitude.

After the two exchanged some polite words, Zhang Shun asked: "Now I only bring 3,000 war horses. How to deal with the other thousands of horses? Do you two have any ideas?"

According to Wei Congyi, one man and two horses were required, and some mules and horses were needed to carry baggage, gunpowder, artillery, and armor. I am afraid he would need at least 7,000 horses.

Zhang Shun managed to collect 3,000 horses with great difficulty. How could he find enough?

"I'm about to report to His Highness King Shun!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but interject after hearing this, "Actually, there is a horse in this solid, but I need to ask King Shun for instructions before I dare to take it myself!"

"Oh? Where are the horses?" Zhang Shun's eyes couldn't help but light up, as if stars were popping out.

"Guyuan Town has three to four thousand horses, more than two thousand mules, and three thousand cattle. However, these are customized and should not be transferred!" Chen Changzhen quickly showed off his family wealth to prevent Zhang Shun from messing around, and then said.

"However, the local pastoral offices of the princes of the Ming Dynasty are here. Compared with the horse garden where horse theft is serious, the situation is much better!"

"Not far to the east from Guyuan, there is the Sufan Ganzhou herd house with thousands of households. There are more than 900 horse infantry officers and soldiers there, who are responsible for guarding and raising horses. There are almost more than 2,000 horses."

"In the southeast of Pingliang City, there is the Andong Group Herding House for Thousand Households, which is the pastoral land of Han Fan. It also has more than a thousand horse infantry officers and soldiers and two to three thousand horses."

"In addition, there is also the Haici capital camp in the northwest of Guyuan, which is the pastureland of the Chu vassal. It has more than a thousand horse infantry officers and soldiers and two to three thousand horses."

"Directly north of Guyuan, in Ningxia, there is also a place for thousands of Weizhou herdsmen. It is the pasture land of Qingfan. There are more than a thousand horse infantry officers and soldiers, and two to three thousand horses."

"A few thousand horses like this are enough for the rebel army to use for a while."

"So many?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this.

In fact, it is quite similar to Guyuan Town. Yulin Town, Ningxia Town, and even Gansu and Lintao Town each have a number of mules and horses.

It's just that since the end of the Ming Dynasty, border affairs have been ruined. Not to mention mules and horses, there is even a shortage of troops, which is not enough for his own use. Where is there for Zhang Shun to mobilize?

Now it was suddenly discovered that there were still thousands of good horses available, which solved the urgent need of the rebels.

"Let's do it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said excitedly, "I will give Cao Wenzhao an order from Weizhou Qunmu Qianhu Station in Ningxia, ordering him to take over the place as soon as possible and raise good horses to make up for the shortage in Ningxia and Yulin."

"There are more than 7,000 horses left, and another 3,000 horses will be allocated to Guyuan to serve as a new cavalry camp. For the shortfall, more than 1,000 mules and horses will be purchased to make up for it!"

"In the end, the remaining balance will be left in Heishui Garden for Ji Cheng to shepherd and breed. I wonder what my sworn brother thinks?"

Chen Changzhen and Wei Congyi were overjoyed when they heard this and quickly thanked Zhang Shun.

Now the pure cavalry team in the hands of the rebels only consists of He Jin's 2,000 elites, Lu Xiangsheng's 3,000 "Qibing Camp" and Yang Chengzu's 3,000 cavalry.

Among them, Nalu Xiangsheng's three thousand "Qibing Camp" is more suitable to be called mounted infantry than cavalry.

And He Jin's two thousand elites were actually drawn from the various camps of the rebel army.

After careful calculation, Wei Congyi's new cavalry battalion was actually the first pure cavalry team formed by Zhang Shun's direct lineage. It is no wonder that Chen Changzhen and Wei Congyi were grateful.

"As for the candidates for this cavalry, I happened to have selected some of them." Zhang Shun is not a fool. Although he and Wei Congyi are as close as brothers now, this guy has a criminal record. What if he is unreliable at the critical moment?

"In the past, Queen Mother Nang Nang surrendered to me, and she had 1,500 households under her command. They were all raised in Yulin by me."

"Since one needs to raise horses and the other needs fine cavalry, I want to arrange for these Tatars to live in Guyuan. I will recruit their strong men as cavalry and their old and weak women and children as herders. I wonder what you two think?"

"That's very good!" Chen Changzhen and Wei Congyi knew that this was the proper meaning, regardless of whether it was true or false, so how could they refuse?

"Also, a few days ago, when we captured the enemy, there were many talented people in Lingzhou who were good at riding and shooting. They were called Yi Cong." Zhang Shun couldn't help but continue.

"That generation is not of my race, and now they are in small groups, mixed together. If they stay in Lingzhou, it will not be a long-term solution."

"I just recruited them from the righteous, so I can get the best of them for me and eliminate the old and weak, so as not to turn them into armpits and elbows!"

"Wei ministers have received orders!" Wei Congyi heard the words and responded one by one.

In fact, these people can be regarded as people close to Zhang Shun, not to mention that the queen mother Na Muzhong is not only Zhang Shun's nominal wife, but her son Amunai has been adopted by Zhang Shun, named Zhang Annai and fostered with Li Sanniang.

If this is the case, Zhang Shun is already the new master of these 1,500 Tatar households.

These people, their families, and their families are all in his hands. Who can't be controlled by him? How can there be any reason for betrayal?

Chen Changzhen was loyal to Zhang Shun, but he was still unaware of it.

And because Wei Congyi had ambitions, he once considered similar issues from the perspective of a hero. Hearing this, he couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: Awesome!

It turned out that Zhang Shun not only dared to entrust the cavalry battalion with at least 20,000 to 30,000 taels of silver to him in just a few words, but he also easily held it in his hands.

A real hero in the world!

Wei Congyi sighed secretly, and immediately extinguished his last ambition to compete with Zhang Shun.

There are several vassal kings in Shaanxi who have herds with thousands of households and raise many fine horses. However, there seems to be data indicating that by the late Ming Dynasty, the imperial court also had recruitment records. It is unknown whether the actual control was still in the hands of the vassal king.

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