Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1108 It’s time to go back

The Guyuan blacksmith did not have Wang Zheng's ability to "make a master" and could not make a hydraulic milling machine for drilling and milling the gun tube, so he had to drill it manually.

It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, so Zhang Shun had to stay in Guyuan for a few more days to wait for two samples of the fire gun to be released.

In the meantime, Zhang Shun was not idle either. He personally led Chen Changzhen, Wei Congyi and others to check Ma Yuan.

Originally, he planned to keep the remaining 4,000 war horses in Heishui Garden, but Chen Changzhen told him that there were five horse gardens between Guyuan and Pingliang that could be used, so he led everyone to check them out.

The Ming Dynasty originally had two prisons and seven gardens in Shaanxi. Except for Heishui Garden in the north of Guyuan and Wu'an Garden in Lingwu, the remaining gardens in Guangning, Kaicheng, Anding, Qingping and Wan'an were all in Guyuan and Pingliang. between.

Compared with Heishui Garden, which is close to the border, and Wu'an Garden, which is located in the remote west, the remaining five gardens are not only centrally located and easy to manage, but also have a wide area and safe location.

Guyuan refuses to go forward, and Pingliang stays behind. Even if something unexpected happens, he can still rely on the city to protect his horses.

Moreover, these five gardens have a total of 160,000 hectares of pasture, which is enough to raise 100,000 horses to support the rebel army.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel very good, and he galloped his horse across the vast grassland, quite like a rich man inspecting his manor.

"Hey, there is a deer in front of me. Whoever has a bow and arrow can lend me a bow and arrow, and shoot it for extra food!" Zhang Shun suddenly saw something coming not far away and couldn't help but said with great joy.

As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, he saw an arrow flying towards the deer, hitting the deer's throat.

He turned around and saw that it was "Xiliang Grand Master Dong", the red lady!

"It's better not to show off King Shun's archery skills!" The red lady smiled and drove her horse to overtake Zhang Shun.

"Besides, this beast is not a deer, but a yellow sheep!"

As soon as she finished speaking, I saw the red lady galloping up to the deer. She dwarfed, reached out and grabbed the unlucky yellow sheep, and held it on her horse triumphantly.

Although Zhang Shun lost his prey, he was not angry at all.

Instead, he looked at the red lady up and down like he was looking at prey, and thought to himself: I will make sure you look good tonight!

Seeing the red lady like this, other people immediately imitated her and "robbed" Zhang Shun's "prey" one after another.

Some hunted birds for him, some shot rabbits for him, and so on. In a short time, many prey were killed.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "Since it's still early, why not have a picnic here and then return to Guyuan?"

The girls couldn't help but cheered when they heard the words. They immediately skinned and plucked the hair. They processed a lot of prey in a short time and found some firewood to barbecue.

Zhang Shun belongs to the uncle. Damajindao sat there and just watched them busy.

Chen Changzhen, Wei Congyi, Wang Ding and others all went to command the soldiers and did not go up to "disturb" their enjoyment.

After working for a long time, Ma Yingniang, Hong Niangzi and Wang Qiying each roasted the game and took a piece for Zhang Shun to taste.

Although the three of them were good at cooking, except for the yellow sheep, the taste of the game was really unpalatable.

Zhang Shun twisted two pieces, barely took two bites, and then said, "Eat, you all can eat too!"

"I'm not hungry yet, please eat more to replenish your body!"

"With your body, you still want us to replenish your body?" Wang Qiying couldn't help shaking her head and smiling after hearing this. She reached out and twisted a piece of roasted yellow lamb and put it in her mouth.

"Ugh..." For some reason, as soon as the delicious yellow mutton entered her mouth, Wang Qiying felt itchy in her throat and vomited.

"Sister, the bones in her body really need to be repaired!" Seeing this, Ma Yingniang couldn't help but add insult to injury, "I can't even eat a piece of meat... vomit!"

Before she finished speaking, Ma Yingniang, who had just eaten the yellow mutton, couldn't help but vomit it out.

"What's wrong with you two?" The red lady frowned and couldn't help but said unhappy, "Just because I roasted this yellow mutton, you dislike it, don't you?"

"No, no, I just don't know what's going on. I feel very uncomfortable in my stomach!" Along the way, Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying also saw how powerful this woman was. They didn't want to offend her, so they had to explain quickly.

"Besides, if you don't eat me, I will eat it!" Of course the red lady knew what they were doing, but in her heart, she was just deliberately looking for trouble to beat them in order to establish her authority as the eldest lady.

"Ugh..." Unexpectedly, the red lady just took the mutton into her mouth and spit it out.

The three women suddenly looked at each other, and a guess suddenly came to their minds.

"What's wrong, you three are addicted to vomiting?" Zhang Shun looked at them, you vomit, I vomit, and said they were playing around, and couldn't help but look at the food on the ground and said with pity.

"If you don't want to eat, leave two pieces for me. It would be better to give the rest to the soldiers as a waste..."

"We're pregnant!" Before Zhang Shun finished speaking, he heard the red lady suddenly say.


"We are pregnant!" the three women couldn't help but said in unison.

Zhang Shun subconsciously wanted to say "I didn't do it," but fortunately he didn't realize it until he opened his mouth. Not only was he the one who did it, but he also worked hard and hard all the way, and he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to.

"Good thing." Zhang Shun should have been overjoyed and cheered.

However, this scene feels awkward no matter how you look at it. He seemed like a scumbag who always gave up and was suddenly blocked by a few big-bellied women.

The three women were thoughtful, but they were also extremely embarrassed at this time.

The three of them accompanied Zhang Shun out together, and they became pregnant together. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the result of four people sleeping together in bed together, causing chaos and chaos.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" When I go back, I will definitely be tricked to death by the Zeng family, the Huang family, and the big and small Zhu families.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!" The three of them couldn't help but leaned over and twisted one's arm, one's leg, and one's waist.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Don't move around, you may have fetal infection!" Zhang Shun was startled and immediately reminded him.

What does this have to do with me?

Didn’t you all try your best to have a child before? Now that you have children, you feel unhappy?

In fact, it is Zhang Shun's established strategy to "seed seeds" to Wang Qiying.

Although this woman is not as beautiful as the other women, her status is extraordinary. If she could get pregnant with an heir as soon as possible, it would be good for Yulin's general's heart.

As for the Red Lady and Ma Yingniang, it was an unexpected surprise, especially the former, who had just given birth to a child for half a year, and now she is pregnant again. Could it be that she was the heroine of the online novel "Pig Breeding" in her previous life?

Zhang Shun was thinking wildly and quickly comforted the girls.

Originally, he planned to go to Lintao and Xining for a trip, but now the three women are pregnant and cannot bear the bumps.

By chance, I calculated the time and it was almost time for Li Jiyu, Chen Jindou and others to arrive in Xi'an.

It's time to go back!

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