Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 112 Obedience and Obedience

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this. This moat is connected to the fast-flowing Qin River. How many lives need to be filled to achieve the effect? He quickly expressed his objection, but was laughed at by the other three as "cowardly and weak".

Zhang Shun had no choice but to take care of himself since he couldn't stop them. Then Chen Jindou advised: "Since ancient times, the emperor's career has only been to obey and obey. If a woman is benevolent and does not kill, how can she conquer the world? A few days ago, my lord taught the art of war: There will be five dangers: you must die, and you can kill. "If you are bound to live, you can be captured; if you are angry, you can be insulted; if you are honest, you can be humiliated; if you love the people, you can be annoying. Now my lord loves the people like his son, and it can be said that he is too annoying."

"I heard that men love and protect their children and cannot dote on them like women. They should plan far-reaching plans. Now that the lord himself cannot be protected, how can he protect the people of the world? If the big thing is lost due to small things, the lord will not be able to deal with the world's major events. If you cannot respond to the destiny and protect your subjects, then your life and death will be controlled by others. If this is the case, neither you nor the people of the world can be protected? How can you achieve a great cause? "

Zhang Shun was greatly surprised when he heard this. He couldn't help laughing and said: "I have been treating each other with admiration for three days. I never thought that Old Chen would have such insight! What do you think?"

Zhao Yutou, Chen Jingzhi and the newcomer Xu Ziyuan could not help but nod in agreement and looked at Chen Jindou with admiration. When Chen Jindou heard this, he couldn't help but feel proud, and thought to himself: "That little girl is really powerful. Zhang Sanbai dictated the art of war explained by the lord to her before, and she actually came up with these remarks in a moment, which was aimed at the lord. taste."

Zhang Shun didn't know that Chen Jindou didn't mean what he said. He just said that "Sun Tzu's Art of War" he taught to his subordinates and generals had an effect. He couldn't help but be extremely happy and said with a smile: "Since everyone thinks that I am ungrateful, then I will get one for myself." Please give your comments. Although my name has a sequence, our behavior cannot be called 'smooth'. How about I take the character reverse?"

"Good!" After hearing this, everyone praised one after another, "Since ancient times, those who have conquered the world have always 'taken against the enemy and defended it with obedience.' This word is just about complementing softness with hardness, and complementing benevolence and righteousness with killing."

Zhang Shun was very happy to see that everyone was flattering him. He laughed and ordered an attack on the west gate of Huaiqing Mansion. This time, Zhang Shun also summed up some experience after going through the siege of Douzhuang. This method of siege is really a "last resort". Except for sneak attacks and deceptions when the opponent is not prepared, if you want to conquer a tightly defended city, you can only work step by step.

The first step is to clear out the enemies on the outside and besiege the city; the second step is to suppress the enemy's long-range power and clear the facilities outside the city; the third step is to try to break through a point, attack the wall or enter the city, and only then can the city be broken. Chance.

Because the city had a moat, Zhang Shun had no choice but to find some wooden planks to make a cart and use it as an siege tool. Since most of Huaiqing Mansion is a plain terrain, unlike Shanxi, which has undulating mountains and numerous trees, Zhang Shun had to ask his soldiers to borrow some door panels, tables, chairs and other supplies from the surrounding "common people".

Fortunately, the people of Huaiqing Mansion were so "enthusiastic" that they not only lent themselves to "Lao Hui Hui" and "Chuang Jiang" to fill trenches, moats and other cannon fodder matters, but also left door panels, tables and chairs at home, waiting for Zhang Shun's soldiers to arrive. Pick.

Although Zhang Shun felt that this was quite immoral, compared with "Lao Huihui" and "Chuang Jiang" and others, he actually became a "sage". This is really not Zhang Shuntai's benevolence and righteousness, and it all relies on the support of his peers. To be honest, Zhang Shun himself didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had to sigh with emotion: This is really a blue society!

Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers to make the wood into a simple cart, nail a wooden board in front, cover it with yellow mud, load the cart with loess, and push it forward to attack the city. When they arrived at the city, there was a hail of arrows and guns.

However, bullets and arrows could not penetrate the covering and baffle of Zhang Shun's cart. Only the artillery was a bit of a threat. As a result, the "random bullets" of smoothbore cannons in this era basically failed to hit anyone. Occasionally, some unlucky people died. It doesn't matter if you get one and a half. Anyway, in this era, human life is not valuable, and even they themselves often do not take their own lives seriously.

As a result, Zhang Shun started the filling project leisurely here, while the "Lao Hui Hui" and "Chang Jiang" over there were crying for their fathers and mothers. As a result, the defensive officers and soldiers of Huaiqing Mansion were also in disgrace. They did not dare to kill the bandits. Instead, they killed the civilians and killed them happily. For a while, I didn't know how many innocent people had died. As a result, "Lao Huihui" and "Chuang Jiang" couldn't make much progress. On the contrary, the biggest progress was that some corpses fell into the moat, and there were more bodies than could be filled with earth and rocks.

The two of them had received such notoriety and had to bear so many karmic consequences, but they did not achieve the desired results, and they couldn't help but feel a little downcast. As a result, when the four of them met, they discovered that Zhang Shun had made the most progress. After the three people inquired, they learned a lesson and quickly sent soldiers around to search for door panels, tables and beds. Only then did they find out that Zhang Shun had taken them all under his wing, and they were so angry that they all cursed Zhang Shenyan's "wife"!

Zhang Shenyan was innocent and did not mention it. The three men had no choice but to search for wood in the distance and fill the moat again. The four men surrounded the city for three or four days before they managed to fill in a passage in the moat.

At this time, Zhang Shun ignored the others and pushed the cannon up, aiming at the city gate of Huaiqing Mansion and blasting it to pieces. However, this time Zhang Shun learned a lesson and did not send a large number of troops to attack the city. He just photographed two or three warriors wearing heavy armor and sneaked closer to observe. As expected, the Huaiqing Mansion also set up an urn at the city gate. .

The "Purple Golden Liang", "Lao Hui Hui" and "Chuang Jiang" are all cities that are accustomed to being destroyed at a moment's notice. They thought that the same would happen to the Huaiqing Mansion once the city gates were opened. For a moment, he was careless and was shot by arrows and guns from the city, killing and wounding many thieves who deserved to die.

Just as these three people were cursing each other, an old man hurried back to Zhang Shun's camp. Although this old man is nearly sixty years old, he is as powerful as a tiger and has an extraordinary bearing. He galloped for dozens of miles and was not out of breath. He just jumped off the horse and reported: "Lord, I returned to my hometown last time. I happened to meet the folks from Meng County. They asked me to tell you: Fan Shangxuan, the governor of Henan Province, has ordered We have gathered men and horses and are crossing the river at Mengjin, preparing to attack us."

It turned out that Huaiqing Mansion was an important vassal land. After the peasant army entered Huaiqing Mansion, Emperor Chongzhen was furious when he found out and ordered Fan Shangxuan, the governor of Henan, to kill the thieves and redeem himself. Fan Shangxuan, the governor of Henan, didn't dare to delay. He quickly ordered his troops and horses to kill the general.

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