Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1119 Tea-horse trade

"Since ancient times, the earth has been divided into north and south, the air has been divided into yin and yang, and things have been different." Hong Chengchou said impassionedly.

"Therefore, the Han people produced tea, and the local people produced horses, which is also the law of heaven."

"The sage makes a chariot to travel on land and a boat to travel on water, so as to communicate with each other!"

"Since the Tang Dynasty, private tea has been banned, and the tea-horse trade method has been practiced to control the Qiang and Rong. However, it was still secret in the Ming Dynasty."

"The rules are as follows: There is a dedicated department for operation, a source for tea goods, a censor for inspection, a workshop for making tea, a dedicated warehouse for storage, and a dedicated force for transportation."

"The person who specializes is the Tea Horse Company. The Ming Dynasty has four tea horse agencies in Shaanxi: Xining Tea Horse Company, Hezhou Tea Horse Company, Taozhou Tea Horse Company and Zhuanglang Tea Horse Company, each with a Tea Horse Ambassador and a Deputy Make one person specialize in changing horses."

“Tea originates from Ziyang, Hanzhong, various places in Sichuan, Anhua, Huguang and other places.”

"The inspector is the tea horse censor who supervises the Shaanxi, Gansu, Taoxuan and other places, and is referred to as the tea censor."

"The workshops originally included Baocheng Tea Factory and Ziyang Tea Factory. Now Jingyang can also be found there. It is world-famous for the production of Fu Brick Tea!"

"There are warehouses in Chengdu, Chongqing, Baoning and Boju."

"The methods of transportation are nothing more than the official tea movement for the people, the tea merchants, etc."

Hong Chengchou talked eloquently for a long time, giving a rough outline of the tea horse incident.

"Mr. Hong, who thinks the tea horse thing comes first? Is there any rules?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked.

"The Fan people are afraid of power but not moral. I think that military power should be put first, and then gentleness can be achieved!" Hong Chengchou said with a smile.

"In the past, deputy general Deng Yu of the Ming Dynasty led tens of thousands of guardsmen from Renhe, Xiangyang, Lu'an, Mianyang, Gongchang, and Lintao to conquer Heshuo. During the reign of the Tufan Xuanzhengyuan, Suonan then led Taozhou, Minzhou, and Changzhou. The heads of the six marshal's offices of the eighteen tribes including Yang, Tiecheng, Jishi, etc. came to surrender. This was the beginning of the chieftains in Xining in the early Ming Dynasty!"

Well, it goes round and round, but in the end we have to fight!

"Okay, I understand, Gansu must use troops, and then Naian." Zhang Shun nodded.

We must fight, but the key is how to fight and what strategic goals we want to achieve.

"The people were frightened, this is one of them. It's just that there is no source of tea under the rebel rule, so how can we get it?" Zhang Shun asked again.

I want tea but not tea, I want horses but not horses, this sound is hard to make!

"The second one is called: prohibiting private tea and selling tea!" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but responded when he heard the words.

"Forbidden private tea and commercial tea?"

"Yes!" Hong Chengchou nodded and said, "The tea production areas closest to me are Hanzhong and Ankang, followed by Sichuan and Huguang."

"These three places are not under the rule of the rebel army, so the official tea method of the Ming Dynasty cannot be practiced."

"My husband, the Ming Dynasty's official tea method, was taught by officials and taught by officials. Nowadays, it has many disadvantages and is almost bad. It can no longer be used."

"In this case, why not attract merchants, levy heavy taxes, and exchange them at market prices."

"Wouldn't it be nice for the rebels to take their taxes and sell them immediately instead of selling them at the market price?"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment after hearing this, and couldn't help but look at Hong Chengchou in surprise.

What an empty-handed white wolf technique!

In fact, Hong Chengchou's idea is quite similar to the concept of customs in later generations, which is to collect import and export taxes.

Since then, since the tea-horse trade was carried out by merchants themselves, it was difficult to prohibit the sale of tea to Shaanxi, Xining and other places due to the corrupt system of the Ming Dynasty.

For the rebels, they can set up checkpoints at important intersections, collect taxes, and then buy horses from merchants.

If everything is done by the rebels, they must not only prepare the capital, but also find ways to break through the sanctions imposed by Guannan Deputy Envoy Fan Yiheng, and also transport and sell it.

Not only is it extremely cumbersome, it can also easily breed corruption.

So since the rebels can't follow the official tea method of taking over everything, why not sacrifice the important and take the light and practice the commercial tea method?

"Okay, that's great!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile, "Mr. Hong really has a good idea!"

"Inspired by Mr. Hong, I have some ideas and would like to discuss it with you."

"According to my thoughts, it is appropriate to establish customs laws and prohibit all traffic."

"Set up mountain passes on every mountain, set up river passes on every river, and set up customs on every sea!"

"This is the right thing to do!" Zhang Shun's remarks did not deviate from the Ming Dynasty's transit tax rules, and everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

For example, the Ming Dynasty set up checkpoints on traffic arteries and levied industrial taxes on passing bamboo, wooden pestles, and firewood;

Set up checkpoints in Linqing and Beixin to collect money from ships on the Grand Canal;

There are tax collectors at the city gates who collect taxes on passing goods.

Even the rebels, Zhang Sanbai, are now setting up checkpoints in Longju Village to levy lijin on goods coming and going.

"However, our tariffs are different from those elsewhere. It is called over-tax within the country, and it is called tariff outside the country." Zhang Shun continued to explain.

“In addition to taxation, there is also mediation.”

"For example, when supplies such as tea, cotton and linen cloth, medicinal materials, gunpowder, saltpeter, and sulfur that are urgently needed by the rebels enter the customs, they will be exempted from tax; when they leave the customs, they will be doubled."

"I understand!" Lu Weiqi, Hong Chengchou, Qian Shoulian and others couldn't help but their eyes lit up when they heard this, and they immediately reacted.

Zhang Shun followed the system of later generations and played it more beautifully.

If so, but as far as the tea-horse trade is concerned.

It means that there is almost no fee to pay for tea entering the customs, but if you want to cross the border and trade with the Fan people, you need to pay heavy taxes. This will not affect the prices under the rebels, but also raise the prices of goods traded with the Fan people.

But when the merchants exchanged horses, cattle and sheep to enter Shaanxi under the rule of the rebels, the journey was smooth.

But if you want to sell out of the country under the rebel rule, you will also need to pay heavy taxes to pass the customs.

Since then, due to the existence of tariffs, it is most advantageous for merchants to transport tea from Hanzhong to Shaanxi and sell horses from Fandi to Shaanxi.

As soon as they entered and exited, the rebels actually gained substantial benefits.

"It's just that, be sure to investigate closely and don't let Xiaoxiao take advantage of you!" Hong Chengchou frowned and couldn't help but remind him.

Although the theory sounds good, if the operation is not good, everything will be in vain.

"This is easy!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "It's just a matter of paying the tax receipt upon entering the customs."

"All goods entering the customs must be marked with their name, quantity, weight, merchant entering the customs and the official handling them."

"Every time you encounter a customs checkpoint, you can only release the goods after the inspection is correct. If the voucher is wrong or false, it will be submitted to the competent authority for review, and duties and taxes will be recovered and fines will be imposed."

"Secondly, I want to imitate the Salt Law and establish the Outline Law. Anyone who sells tea to the Tea Horse Company in Xining, Hezhou, Zhuanglang, etc. must be registered and registered by a few or a dozen households. Others are not allowed to participate at will. .”

"Anyone who violates the law will be dismissed at any time and another merchant will be recruited to compensate. What do you think?"

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Lu Weiqi couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing after hearing this.

He was convinced. Zhang Shun not only solved the tea and tax issues, but also won over businessmen and activated the economy.

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