Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1133 Wang Zhong

"Cross the river!" Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, ordered with high spirits and a wave of his hand.

Three thousand soldiers under his command had already searched for the Yumen ferry boat, and then boarded the boat one by one and sailed to the west bank of the rolling Yellow River.

Yumen, also known as Longmen, is located in the northwest of Hejin County, Shanxi Province. According to legend, it was chiseled by Xia Yu. Later generations remembered his merits, so it was called Yumen.

Just like the dragon gate in Yitian, Luoyang, Henan, that is, the dragon gate in Longmen Grottoes, there is also a legend that Yu carved the dragon gate.

Not to mention the legends of the two places, these two places are also important military places.

Henan Yiqian is one of the eight passes of Luoyang and the southern gate of the land of Heluo.

Yumen of Hejin is an important transportation road connecting Hancheng, Shaanxi and Hejin, Shaanxi on the rolling Yellow River.

Materials such as Hancheng's coal were rafted on the Yellow River from then on, and then went westward up the Weishui River into Xi'an Prefecture.

Food and other supplies also flowed down the Wei River, then up the Yellow River, and were transported to Hancheng.

Therefore, after Sun Chuanting became the governor of Shanxi, he immediately sent people to control the place.

First, to prevent the rebels from taking the opportunity to advance eastward and invade Shanxi;

Second, water transportation between Hancheng and Xi'an was cut off and an "economic blockade" was imposed on the rebels.

"President Wang, do you know what's the secret to this method of crossing the river?" Sun Xiuzhi couldn't help but step forward and asked as he watched Wang Zhong, an old veteran, commanding a large group of people to cross the river easily.

"Nothing but familiar hands and ears!" Wang Zhong said with a grin.

Boy, just because you ask me that, will I tell you my special skills?

It turns out that Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong is not stupid. After Sun Chuanting, the new governor of Shanxi, took office, he made it clear that he wanted to use the army in a big way. How could he teach him his housekeeping skills after being told a few words of fascination by others?

Straight lady, Sun Xiuzhi couldn't help but cursed secretly when he heard this: Hey, you old man, you are actually pretending to be a ghost in front of me!

In any battle across a river, the most fearful thing is to be attacked by the enemy halfway across the river.

Therefore, as soon as the officers and soldiers crossed the river, they dispersed the scouts far away to guard against a surprise attack by the rebels.

Subsequently, after the first wave of elites arrived on the other side, they established defensive positions as soon as possible to block possible enemies.

Then, the remaining officers and soldiers crossed the roaring Yellow River in boats one by one according to their organization.

This time, Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong led a battalion of 3,000 troops, all of whom were hand-picked by Shanxi Governor Sun Chuanting. They were all guaranteed to be free from empty pay and old and weak, so this time Wang Zhong was full of confidence.

"What should we do next?" Although Sun Xiuzhi couldn't stand Wang Zhong's pretentiousness, he also knew Sun Chuanting's difficulties and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Soldiers are valuable and quick. I have already sent scouts to explore the enemy's situation. All we need to do is head south to Hancheng quickly!" Wang Zhong said in high spirits after hearing this.

"Hancheng is fifty miles away, and it was originally a one-day journey for the officers and soldiers. Now we have all elites under our command, and the military situation is like a fire. I have ordered all the soldiers not to rest, I will go straight to Huanglong!"

"Okay!" Sun Xiuzhi couldn't help but feel excited when he heard this.

Facing the situation where the rebels were winning consecutive battles and gaining great momentum, to be honest, even if the officers and soldiers could find a small victory, it would be worth their excitement for the whole night.

"However, the 'Shun Thief' is cunning and elusive, so we'd better be careful!" After thinking about it, Sun Xiuzhi reminded again.

"'Submissive thief'? 'Submissive thief' must also be a human being. He has no vision of before and after. He cannot know five hundred years in advance and five hundred years in hindsight!" Wang Zhong sneered.

"Although the 'Shun Thief' is full of tricks, he is still in Xi'an. The rest, like Fatty Zhang, are nothing more than withered bones in the grave!"

"That's right!" Sun Xiuzhi thought about it carefully and couldn't help but nodded, "What Mr. Wang Zhen said is true, but I was overly worried!"

Not long after, all the officers and soldiers of the first battalion crossed the Yellow River, and Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong took Sun Xiuzhi all the way south along the Yellow River.

"The art of using war is to make the enemy invincible first, and then wait for the enemy to be victorious!" Wang Zhong also knew that if he didn't teach Sun Xiuzhi some real things, it would be unjustifiable. After Sun Xiuzhi repeatedly requested, he shook his head and said .

"What does it mean to be 'unwinnable if you attack first'? It's all about temple planning, armament, baggage and marching!"

"Temple fortune teller, the affairs of the imperial court are beyond our reach."

"The armament and baggage are normal things. The amount of food and weapons are all there. The food, salary, reward and silver are distributed according to the regulations."

"Only the method of marching is very important. It must not be too dense, otherwise it will not be able to move; it must not be too loose, because if it is too loose, the team will be too long and unable to cope with the enemy's surprise attack."

"Therefore, we use the sentry as a unit and move forward in columns in sections. We can form defensive formations at any time, and there will be no chaos that affects the entire army..."

One of them was talking, the other was listening, and before they knew it, the red sun was crumbling over the west mountain.

"General, the soldiers have been marching for a day and are hungry and tired. Please set up camp and rest!" A soldier had already come forward to ask for instructions.

"Didn't I say that I must rush to Hancheng City tonight without any mistakes? Why bother to invite again?" Wang Zhongzheng put aside his enthusiasm and felt a little worried about his face, so he couldn't help scolding him with a cold face.

"But...but the officers and soldiers have been walking up and down for a day, and now even if they arrive at Hancheng, they are unable to fight the thieves..." The soldier hesitated for a moment.

"You still dare to quibble!" Wang Zhong yelled loudly, "Leading the army in battle and the general's affairs are matters of my own. How can you, a nobody like you, speak nonsense?"

"Come here, drag me aside and give me twenty..."

"General, calm down, he is just..." Sun Xiuzhi looked at him and couldn't help but consoled him for fear that he would miss his trip.

"Forty heavy responsibilities, no mistakes!" When Wang Zhong heard Sun Xiuzhi's words, he immediately changed his words.

Damn it, how could Sun Xiuzhi not know that this guy was protesting against him?

It was fine if he didn't say a word, but instead he gave me a few words of comfort and was punished twice with a cane. It's really unreasonable!

Some soldiers had already stepped forward and dragged the man down, and then used their sticks to punish him.

Wang Zhong then said hypocritically: "General Sun Shen, don't be merciful and soft-hearted, and don't be merciful in commanding troops!"

"Don't you hear that in ancient times, those who were good at using soldiers could kill half of the soldiers, followed by thirteen, and then eleven."

"Although today's loyalty is not as good as the famous generals of ancient times, it is natural to kill one or two soldiers who do not obey orders!"

Sun Xiuzhi was so robbed that his face turned white and turned red, and he was speechless for a while.

"Report~General, there is a large army in front of us, please make a decision as soon as possible!" Wang Zhong had just finished speaking, but unexpectedly, a soldier shouted from a distance.

"The army is defeated? Quickly set up a defensive formation for me!" Wang Zhong was confused when he heard this.

"What...what's wrong, Mr. Wang?" Sun Xiuzhi asked quickly, regardless of the personal grudges between the two.

"This... this is wrong! If the bandits were defeated, they should have gone to Tongzhou, but why did they come to the north?" Wang Zhong couldn't help but explain after hearing this.

"Mo... Could it be that the rebels were defeated by the thieves?" Sun Xiuzhi couldn't help but guess.

"How is this possible? Fatty Zhang only has one battalion, how can he be so capable?" Wang Zhong said in disbelief.

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