Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1138: Divorce plan

The river near Yumendu is not very wide, but the current is fast and the sound of the water is very loud. It is no wonder that Zhang Shun cannot hear clearly.

At that time, the meeting between the "Shun thieves" and the "Fu army" was a "wonderful sight" that was rare to see in a thousand years. People from nearby areas had already flocked to the meeting, waiting eagerly and listening attentively along Henan.

They burst into laughter after hearing Zhang Shun's words.

Shanxi Governor Sun Chuanting frowned, suspecting that the "shun thief" deliberately humiliated him, but he had no evidence.

"I wonder why King Shun has made an appointment with me?" Sun Chuanting had no choice but to ask again loudly.

In fact, Sun Chuanting wanted to shout, "The traitors are coming, but now the Governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi, has not arrived. He only has more than a thousand newly recruited bidding battalions under his command, and a thousand people led by General Zheng Jiadong. Other than that, he has almost no other troops."

If he suddenly angered this thief, he might send troops to attack Shanxi. At that time, everything would be over, so he would have to compromise.

"You traitor... I have no intention of attacking Shanxi. What about you, traitor... I wonder if Sun Fujun wants to fight or make peace?"

This time Zhang Shun finally understood what he was asking and scolded him loudly.

It was just that the wind, water, and crowds of onlookers were noisy, so Sun Chuanting couldn't hear clearly.

Fortunately, he could hear some words, and even with a vague guess, Sun Chuanting was able to get a rough idea: This was a "submissive thief" questioning himself!

"This matter is purely a misunderstanding. I heard that there was chaos in Hancheng, so I sent troops to help King Shun!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing.

His words, with a double entendre, even cursed the rebel mine owners, Dang Shousu, Zhang Rukui, Zhang Shun and other rebels.

Zhang Shun did not make a fuss after hearing this, but laughed loudly and said: "Thank you Sun Fujun for sending..., if not..., I will wait..., then everyone..."

Why don't you understand people's words?

Sun Chuanting listened to the intermittent responses coming from the other side of the river, and was confused.

Hearing the meaning of "submissive thief", he probably didn't listen to his own words at all. He couldn't help but clear his throat and asked a few more questions.

In this way, you come and I go, a chicken talks with a duck, and the negotiation between both parties is called an unhappy one.

After a while, Zhang Shun couldn't help it anymore, and shouted with all his strength: "Sun Fujun, there are many people here..., why don't I write a letter with all my words in the letter, please..."

When Sun Chuanting heard Zhang Shun's words, he couldn't help but hold back his almost hoarse voice and responded loudly: "Okay!"

"That's it for us to settle this matter!" Zhang Shun grinned and hurriedly asked the soldiers to get pens, ink, paper and inkstones, sharpen the ink on the spot, write a letter, and the soldiers shot it to the other side.

Sun Chuanting had already ordered his soldiers to search for it. When he opened it, he found that there were just some ordinary words inside.

I briefly greeted his mother, brothers, children and other family members at home.

I saw that the handwriting was crooked. I guess that "Shun Thief" was not very good at reading.

This letter was written on the spot, so there are a lot of alterations in it, which must be reasonable... Bullshit!

Straight bitch, you fell into the trap of this thieves!

Sun Chuanting cursed secretly and was about to tear up the letter on the spot, but was stopped by Zan Hua Chen Jitai.

"Fujun, what are you going to do?" Chen Jitai couldn't help but asked in shock.

"I was careless and fell into the thieves' plan to alienate me!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but said in annoyance.

He has always studied the art of war diligently and is good at side affairs. He has always only thought of playing tricks on others, and he was played by a young boy.

Chen Jitai took the letter from Zhang Shunshe and read it, and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "My Fujun, if this is torn, we will not be able to explain it even more clearly!"

That's right, Zhang Shun's alienation plan was not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy, and he deliberately gave Sun Chuanting eye drops in public.

In fact, this was not because Sun Chuanting was careless, but because he knew that Shanxi was empty now. If the "shun thieves" led their troops to kill the generals, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, everyone was thinking about how to prevent the "shun thieves" from entering the Jin Dynasty, which is why the two met.

But how could he have imagined that Zhang Shun was not planning to join the Jin Dynasty, but instead played this trick on himself?

This is like a beautiful woman being blocked in an alley by a pervert. She tried every means to prevent him from violating her.

Unexpectedly, this guy had no intention of having a relationship with her. Instead, he deliberately took some misleading actions and claimed that they were mistresses. Who would have expected this?

"What should I do about this matter?" Sun Chuanting was in a confused mood and couldn't make up his mind for a moment, so he couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Let's do it this way!" Chen Jitai pondered for a moment, then waved back and said.

"For one thing, as long as Datian doesn't hear about it, it doesn't mean anything."

"I will withdraw five hundred taels of silver later and give it to the guarding eunuch. This matter will be over."

"Why?" Sun Chuanting was unhappy after hearing this.

"I'm not afraid of the shadows slanting when I caress my body. How dare he slander me?"

When Sun Chuanting was cleaning up the farmland and reorganizing the soldiers in Shanxi, the gentry and guards officers in Shanxi often used this guy to give themselves eye drops, so he had a very bad impression of this dead eunuch.

"Oh, my lord, how long has it been since this happened? Can't you compromise once?" Chen Jitai said earnestly.

"If you are defeated by them, wouldn't Shanxi be completely ruined? Can the world be saved?"

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter personally. No matter whether it succeeds or not, Fujun will never be involved!"

"Okay!" Sun Chuanting was silent for a long time, and finally nodded helplessly.

Sun Chuanting is a person who does things, not a pedantic person.

Previously, he refused to bow to the guarding eunuch because he had hard-earned money in his hand and wanted to use it to train troops and suppress bandits.

Now that he has crossed the river, he cannot save himself, and he can no longer be stubborn.

"Secondly, Fu Jun personally reported this matter to the Holy One, and those who are clear will clear themselves up, so as to avoid villains from getting in the way." Chen Jitai remonstrated.

"Will this be self-defeating?" Sun Chuanting asked uncertainly.

"It's better to be self-defeating than to be used by others to impeach Fujun!" Chen Jitai couldn't help but remind him.

"Okay, okay, just do it your way!" Sun Chuanting thought for a while and decided to go one step further and write an apology letter and submit it to him.

In any case, although the governor was the most noble among border towns in the Ming Dynasty, the other two general soldiers and the guarding eunuch among the "Big Three" also had a transcendent status.

Now Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong has led his troops to surrender to the enemy. In such a big matter, he himself cannot be separated from it no matter what.

Subsequently, Sun Chuanting, the governor of Shanxi, dispatched General Zheng Jiadong to garrison Yumendu, and sent his subordinate Biao Battalion to Puban to garrison, to guard against "shun thieves" taking the opportunity to cross eastward.

While leading Chen Jitai back to Taiyuan, he visited the guarding eunuch and the newly arrived Governor of Xuanda, Zhang Fengyi.

After finally blending it together for a long time, the letter was sent to the Forbidden City in Shuntian Prefecture on a three-hundred-mile rush.

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