Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1140 Injustice

It is said that after the Shanxi garrison eunuch submitted a letter, the slips of impeachment against Shanxi Governor Sun Chuanting flew like snowflakes to the Qianqing Palace in the Forbidden City.

"What should we do about this?" Chongzhen couldn't hold it any longer.

Although Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian seemed to have great power, in fact he had many things he could not control himself.

To give the simplest example, as early as the spring of the second year of Chongzhen, Chongzhen appointed Li Banghua to rectify the capital camp. However, it was soon abandoned due to the Jisi Incident and the entry of the Later Jin Dynasty.

This may not sound like much at first, but if you think about it carefully, you will find it is very strange.

It stands to reason that when encountering a military threat, the court should reorganize the military directly under the central government. How could the result be the opposite?

The same is true for the case of "Sun Chuanting was a thief". Although Chongzhen and Yang Sichang knew that he was unjustly accused, those who impeached him may not not know that he was unjustly accused.

But we are ready to "unjustly accuse" you, what are you going to do?

"Your Majesty, Huguang Inspector Yang Wenyue is a loyal man and knows a lot about military affairs." Yang Sichang did not answer Chongzhen directly, but seemed to talk about an unrelated matter.

"Xiong Wencan, the former governor of Huguang, was defeated in the battle. Fortunately, this man stayed in Xiangyang and was not taken advantage of by thieves. According to the regulations, he can be promoted to the post of governor!"

"In that case, let's hand this matter over to the cabinet ministers for discussion and come up with a charter!" Chongzhen thought about it and finally sighed.

He also knew that Sun Chuanting was wronged, but so what?

Sun Chuanting was not his biological father, so there was no need for him to offend the world's gentry for this person.

It just so happens that there is an uproar between the government and the public right now, and if we don't kill this person, it won't be enough for the people to get angry.

In this case, I had no choice but to ask him to be a loyal minister.

It is said that after Sun Chuanting wrote to the court, things did not calm down as quickly as he imagined.

On the contrary, more and more people began to criticize him, and his self-defense became increasingly weak.

"Xunzhi, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this disaster!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but said dejectedly.

"Fujun!" Xunzhi was the name of Chen Jitai. Hearing this, he couldn't help but bow deeply to Sun Chuanting and blamed himself.

"This matter was caused by Jitai harming Fujun, which led to what happened today."

"It's none of your business!" Sun Chuanting shook his head and said, "I was careless this time!"

"I didn't expect that they would seize this opportunity and vow to kill me!"

"Then... what are Fujun going to do?" Chen Jitai asked after hesitation.

"Nothing but death!" Sun Chuanting said with his eyes closed.

"Fujun!" Chen Jitai couldn't help shouting again and reminded, "Actually, the world is not a world for one person, the world is a world for the world!"

"If you are really forced to do so, why don't Fujun go to the west..."

"Stop talking, I have made up my mind!" Sun Chuanting opened his eyes in confusion, interrupting Chen Jitai's words.

"As an official of the imperial court, I can't suppress bandits and govern a country outside, and I can't fulfill my filial piety to my family at home. How can I be a thief again? Don't make me unfaithful and unfilial!"

"Okay, then take care of yourself, Fujun!" Chen Jitai was silent for a long while and then retreated angrily.

After three or five days of this, one night dozens of people suddenly came to the door, blocked Sun Chuanting in the room and said: "Sun Chuanting, do you know this person? If you know this person, surrender quickly!"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he looked up and saw a few big men in red, escorting a child, standing outside the door.

"Shi Rui?" Sun Chuanting was shocked and couldn't help but jump out and said, "What do you mean by this?"

"Even if Sun is guilty, it will not bring harm to his family!"

"Colluding with thieves, saying that it is not appropriate to kill the nine tribes, how can you say that you are innocent?" The visitor couldn't help but sneered when he saw Sun Chuanting leading troops to resist.

"Are you going to kill the nine tribes?" Sun Chuanting suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, "Are you trying to kill them all?"

"Isn't this nonsense? When you were cleaning up the farmland, you didn't say you would let others go!" the visitor sneered.

"Under such a bright world, is there no king's law that can't be achieved?" Sun Chuanting said in disbelief.

"Fu Jun is so stupid. King's Law? What is King's Law? We are King's Law, don't you understand?" The visitor couldn't help laughing.

Why didn't Sun Chuanting understand what this man meant?

Their identity is "Tiqi", also known as the famous Jin Yiwei.

To be more precise, it is the Jinyiwei of Fusi in Beizhen, who specializes in prison edicts!

The so-called "Specialized Prison" refers to a place where Fusi Jinyiwei in Beizhen has the power of arrest, investigation, execution and execution without going through judicial procedures.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was a saying that "a Tiqi will immediately go down to suppress the emperor, and his soul will fly into the water, and the cruelty is unspeakable. If he can be sent to the judicial department, it will be nothing less than the joy of heaven."

It looked like they were preparing to torture themselves to death!

"How could this happen? How could this happen? I want to see Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty!" Sun Chuanting suddenly felt hope in his heart.

By the way, as long as I express my grievances to the current saint, this will definitely not be the case.

"Meet the Holy One?" The visitor laughed, "I'm afraid the Holy One doesn't want to see you!"

"Don't even think about it. Without the Holy Spirit's will, who would dare to call us?"

Yes, without His Majesty’s approval, how could the Jin Yiwei be here!

"If you had known better and confessed earlier, you would have suffered less when the time came. It would be fun for the whole family to go on the road together!" Someone had already prepared shackles, and while "kindly reminding" him, they put cold shackles on him. .

"If you don't know what's going on, I'm afraid you, the whole family, will die!"

what to do?

No matter how powerful Sun Chuanting was, there was nothing he could do this time.

He couldn't help but feel endless annoyance in his heart: If he had known this, why would he have caused a whole family to suffer along with him?

They did a great job!

Walk! Seeing that they had captured Sun Chuanting alive, they felt relieved, scolded him arrogantly, and headed back to the capital to deliver the mission.

It turns out that the reason why Chongzhen sent Jin Yiwei to arrest Sun Chuanting, and Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng learned from their mistakes, was because they were afraid that he would surrender to the thieves in anger.

Therefore, he did nothing but control his entire family, so that he could not resist at all.

In this way, dozens of people loaded Sun Chuanting and his son Sun Shirui into prison cars and left Taiyuan City.

As a result, not long after leaving the city, a group of strong men suddenly came out. They were all in armor and armed with swords, and they killed everyone on sight.

"No, Sun Chuanting is really going to rebel, kill him!" When the leader saw that the situation was not good, his first reaction was to kill and silence him.

"How dare you, thief!" I heard a person shouting, and he shot an arrow and hit the leading Jin Yiwei, and then he came over with all his strength to kill him.

"Xunzhi, why are you here!" Sun Chuanting raised his head with difficulty in the prison car. When he saw the person, he couldn't help but say in disbelief.

"Fu Jun is loyal to the country, working hard and sleeping day and night. Jitai sees it in his eyes, how can he not be deeply moved?" Chen Jitai couldn't help shouting.

"How could such a loyal minister die in vain at the hands of a villain, causing everyone in the world to grieve?"

"Today Chen Jitai is risking his life and fortune to save Fu Jun's life!"

Thank you to the fan "Zheng Jinshan" for the reward, and thank you for supporting the author! But, there’s no need to waste money like this. Even though the author’s performance on this book is not good, he will finish it slowly and it will definitely not be unfinished casually.

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