Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1157 Ping Xining

"In front of the general is Datong City, and to the south of Datong City is Datong River. Datong City is also called West Datong River Fort, and Datong River is also called Haomen River by locals." The guide pointed in the distance.

"Oh?" Wei Congyi looked at it from a distance and then ordered, "Instruct the entire army to be alert and ready to fight at any time."

"If the enemy goes out to fight, follow the order and attack him; if the enemy cannot hold out, then make further calculations!"

It turned out that Chen Changzhen endured the pain that day and used the protection of his helmet and neck protector to frighten the Lu family, thus stabilizing Zhuang Langwei's situation.

Especially for Good Death, the statue of Guan Gong carved by Lu's craftsmen is actually very similar to Chen Changzhen's. If the bonus of the crown, armor and weapons are added, it will really be like the resurrection of Guan Sheng Emperor. Who among the chieftains of Lu would not accept it? ?

Originally, the Lu family was the pillar of the Ming Dynasty in the west. In addition to advocating Confucianism, they also successively established Tibetan Buddhist dojos such as Xianjiao Temple and Haide Temple, as well as typical Taoist dojos such as Lei Tan.

Nowadays, the addition of a Guandi Temple complements each other, fully embodying the Chinese people's pragmatic religious thinking of "worshiping whichever one is efficacious".

Except for his height, Chen Changzhen was almost the same as the legendary Guan Gong.

In addition, he had just completed heroic deeds similar to Guan Gong's "Assassination of Yanliang and Beheading of Hua Xiong", which made it even more popular.

Therefore, this time "Guan Gong" took advantage of him. As soon as he was invited into the temple, there were countless believers and the incense was flourishing.

It's just that although the incense is strong, the reputation is high, and there is a great opportunity, but the wound on his neck has not healed, and Chen Changzhen is still unable to lead the army in battle for the time being.

The military situation was urgent. Chen Changzhen was afraid that Gansu Governor Zhang Yingchen, He Jin, and Ge Lin would be lost, so he had to send Wei Congyi to lead two thousand cavalry to aid Xining.

From Zhuanglangwei to Xining, the normal route is to go down the Lishui River to the intersection of the Lishui River and the Yellow River, then go up against the Yellow River and Huangshui River, and then pass through Nianbo to Xining.

However, going back and forth in this way not only delayed the effort, but was also easily blocked by chieftains such as Dong Qi and Dong Li.

Therefore, Wei Congyi borrowed a guide from the chieftain of the Lu family and prepared to cross the Datong River from Datong City to directly take the lands under the jurisdiction of the two chieftains of Dongqi and Dongli.

"Who is it?" The rebel cavalry had just arrived near Datong City, and the city's defenders had already sent soldiers to ask questions.

"Lu Shen will send us to Nianbo to support the Dongqi and Dongli families!" Wei Congyi had already sent his soldiers to respond.

"What's the proof?" The soldier didn't believe it. He had already "returned" and sided with the chieftain.

"Here are the tokens and customs clearance documents!" Wei Congyi did not think that he could bluff the defenders with just a few words.

So before leaving Liandeng City, he asked Lu An, the agent of the Lu family chieftain, for a token seal as a voucher.

The Anti-Justice Army didn't use too unique attires. Everyone's clothes, armor, and colors were all in Ming Dynasty style, which eliminated a lot of camouflage work.

The other party has checked the token and documents, and they are correct.

The leader then stepped forward and said with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be General Lu. Unexpectedly, I passed by here today. When I meet General Lu in the future, please give me a nice word!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Wei Congyi said politely as he led his soldiers to follow.

After entering Datong City not long after, Wei Congyi saw that the defenders were unprepared, so he smiled and said: "There is just one thing that is quite difficult."

"Why are you so embarrassed?" The leader had noticed that "General Ba" was easy to talk to, so why did he suddenly change his tone?

"I can't see General Lu Shen, so why don't you tell him in person when you see him!" Before Wei Congyi could finish his words, he stabbed him right in the back of the heart.

"Ah, murder!" The soldiers in Datong City were stunned when they saw this and exclaimed.

"Kill, leave no one behind, kill them all!" Wei Congyi said coldly.

"Kill!" Seeing that the soldiers were about to climb up the city wall, they were rushed by the enemy's cavalry and immediately collapsed back.

Thousands of good men were driven around like cattle and sheep and slaughtered arbitrarily.

"Straight bitch!" Li Tianyu, the head of the Dongli family, cursed, wishing he could rush forward and tear He Jin, who was leading the cavalry, to pieces.

It turned out that after the Dongqi and Dongli families raised their troops, they decided to capture Nianbo and then send their troops north to attack Lanzhou City together.

But they didn't expect that a group of chieftains near Nianbo would unite to resist the coalition forces of Dong Qi and Dong Li.

The two coalition forces were not allowed to advance westward. At this time, Gansu Governor Zhang Yingchen sent He Jin to help.

He Jin, who was born in the rebel army, was the most cunning. He refused to lead his army into Nianbo and instead wandered outside the city.

Once the chieftains of Dongqi and Dongli attacked the city, he would take the opportunity to insert into the battlefield and flank the siege soldiers.

Once the chieftain soldiers turned around to attack, he would lead his cavalry to hide far away, keeping the attacking infantry out of reach.

Dong Qi Qi Tingjian and Dong Li Li Tianyu were so angry that they had itchy teeth and had to mobilize their cavalry to encircle and suppress He Jin.

He Jin was also a very thief. When he saw the chieftain's cavalry coming, he beat his horse and walked away, attracting the chieftain's soldiers to chase him.

As a result, once the cavalry left, the chieftains of Dongqi and Dongli were unable to suppress the Nianbo defenders. They were even attacked by the opponent and lost some siege equipment.

The two chieftains had no choice but to recruit all the young native people under their control to participate in the exhibition in order to fight for a chance of survival.

Who would have thought that He Jin's cavalry could be easily driven away this time, and Nianbo's siege battle was also in danger. Nianbo City could be destroyed in one go.

Who would have thought that He Jin would deceive two cavalrymen with a false shot, and then kill the general at the critical moment, so that the siege of the city fell short.

"No, we can't go on like this!" Qi Tingjian had fought against the rebels with Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, and knew how powerful the rebels were, so he couldn't help but suggest.

"If we delay any longer, I will die without a burial place as soon as the army of thieves arrives!"

"Although the He thieves are fierce, they are just running around for days, and many horses have died, so the marching speed will definitely not be as fast as before."

"Why don't we use our infantry to feign an attack and use our cavalry to ambush him? When the thieves come again, we will send two thousand cavalry to catch him off guard!"

"That's very good!" Li Tianyu pondered for a moment after hearing the words and nodded.

The main force of Dongqi and Dongli only had more than 2,000 people. This time they spent a lot of money to capture Nianbo, almost all the native people under their control were mobilized.

If he can't stop the thief, he may have a fire in his backyard.

Just when the two of them thought about this, a shout suddenly rang out for some reason.

The two people pricked up their ears and heard a voice from far away: "Urgent military situation, urgent military situation!"

"What military situation?" The two of them were stunned when they heard this.

Not long after, two messengers came out of breath and said: "Oh no, the thieves suddenly fell from the sky and entered Shangchuankou."

"I don't know how many people in my family, including the young and old, were slaughtered by the thieves. I don't know how many women, cattle and horses were robbed. I don't know how many houses and fields were burned. Now we are homeless!"

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