Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1163 Expanding Arms

"Greetings to His Highness the King of Qin!" Zhu Yiwei, the magistrate of Lantian County, stepped forward to pay homage.

"Okay, okay, you're welcome!" Zhang Shun didn't like these complicated etiquette, so he waved his hand and asked.

"You have been working as a county magistrate for a few months now. Do you have any experience?"

The two of them were polite, and then Zhu Yiyi sat down cautiously and said with emotion: "People often say: It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. I believe it!"

"It turns out that I acted impassionedly and praised the world's heroes."

"Now that I am a Bailihou, everything is not easy. I get scolded from the left and from the right. If I am neither left nor right, I still get scolded!"

"Haha!" Zhang Shun was so happy that he couldn't help but continue to ask, "Then what should you do?"

"Don't worry about him, but act with your heart. If you look up, you will be worthy of the sky, if you lie down, you will be worthy of the earth, and in the middle, you will be worthy of the people!" Zhu Yiwei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Okay, okay, well said!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but praise after hearing this, "This is how you can become the pillar of the country!"

He never expected that Zhu Yiyi, as a member of the Ming Dynasty clan, could actually say these words.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask again: "I don't know what you have done since you took office?"

"Nothing much, but to appease the people who fled because of the Wang family's rebellion, collect taxes, etc.!" After all, Zhu Yiyi took office in Lantian for only half a year, during which time the Wang family colluded with Wang Pu and others to rebel, which delayed some time. Such a result is not bad.

"Well, not bad!" Zhang Shun nodded and said, "This time I came here. In addition to visiting you, I mainly want to see the ordnance manufacturing situation."

"Oh, this matter is currently in charge of Sigong Zhang!" Zhu Yiyi quickly responded after hearing this, "He is currently casting artillery five miles outside the city and is not in the city."

"If King Qin agrees, I am willing to accompany you to see the situation!"

"Okay, then it's settled!" Zhang Shun smiled, shaking his head secretly and saying: You are really a solid person!

If there is something fishy about Governor Zhang, please lead me on a surprise inspection to avoid offending him to death.

After the two agreed, Zhang incidentally took Zhu Yiwei and rushed to the foundry camp outside the city under the protection of Wang Jinyi and Wukong.

Five miles is not far away, and everyone arrived in a short time on horseback.

Li Youxin's men and horses were stationed outside the foundry camp, guarding against anyone who might disturb the rebels' artillery casting.

"Left!" Hearing Li You's order, the Tang soldiers under his command quickly waved their flags, and the three to five hundred soldiers in front of him turned to the left in accordance with the order.

"Not bad, how's the training going?" At this moment, a voice came over.

Li You turned his head and looked, he couldn't help being shocked, and quickly bowed: "His Royal Highness King Shun, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see how the artillery equipment manufacturing is going." Zhang Shunxu raised his hand and said.

"That's right, because Governor Zhang is worried that someone will cause trouble, and he hopes that I can send troops to protect him." Li You quickly explained.

"I thought that we don't need too many manpower for the garrison, so I divided a group of people to rotate, and the others trained normally."

"Now I have become proficient in practicing swords, guns, arrows and blunderbuss, I also know the flags clearly, and I have practiced three or four kinds of formations. If the military situation is urgent, I can already go into battle to kill the enemy!"

"Not bad!" Zhang Shun nodded after hearing this.

The source of soldiers in Shaanxi is quite good, and almost most of them have martial arts skills.

After Li You came to Lantian, it only took three or four months from recruitment to completion of training.

From this perspective, it is not too outrageous to expand the army by another 60,000 and complete it before the expedition next year.

"King Shun!" While several people were talking, Governor Zhang had already rushed over.

After the two exchanged polite greetings, Zhang entered the camp under the guidance of Governor Zhang.

The campground was bustling with activity.

Some people were tinkering and forging weapons there; others were pulling the bellows desperately to blow up the fire; and some were shouting chants and pouring molten iron into the molds.

"How is it? How many artillery pieces have been produced now?" Zhang Shun asked.

"Thirty-four of the 'Qingtian General Cannon' has been completed, and twenty-seven of the 'Flying Biaogun' have been completed, of which fifty can be delivered to the Northern Route Army for training and use!" Governor Zhang responded quickly.

"But each time it is fired, the amount of gunpowder consumed is staggering. I have suggested using cannon simulations and small cannon test firings to reduce consumption."

"Well, are there any difficulties?" Zhang Shun had previously ordered Governor Zhang to build a hundred general Qingtian cannons and sixty flying guns for use in this expedition.

At first glance, these artillery pieces may not sound many, but in fact, the "Qingtian General Cannon" weighs about 10,000 jins, and the "Flying Biao Gun" also weighs 2,000 jins. These two parts alone consume more than 10,000,000 jins of pig iron.

"This" Governor Zhang pondered for a moment and said, "Fei Biaoqiang is okay. We have a water-powered forging hammer and just need more manpower."

"It's just that the 10,000 kilograms of Hongyi cannons consume a lot of molten iron. The raw materials are not available these days."

"Can it be finished in mid-March next year?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked.

He came here in person this time to check the situation and urge Governor Zhang to complete the artillery mission as soon as possible.

"Absolutely!" Governor Zhang said reluctantly, "Actually, the 'Qingtian Grand Cannon' is heavy and big, and it is not easy to transport. Why is King Shun so persistent?"

"If King Shun really wanted to deal with the fortified city, he could have taken iron cannons from Shanxi after besieging the city."

"Shanxi blacksmiths and iron mines are a hundred times better than Lantian. If we can get Shanxi people and mines, the great cities in the world will not be afraid."

"At that time, the rebels will not only be able to save a lot of manpower and material resources, but they will also be able to size up the city and there will be no risk of insufficient firepower."

"This is a way, but it can only be used as a backup strategy!" Zhang Shun nodded at first, then shook his head.

"You don't know the preset situation this time. We not only have to deal with the main force of Ming Dynasty, but also the main force of Houjin that may appear."

"Therefore, it is necessary to overcome all obstacles and solve the city checkpoints along the way as soon as possible. We cannot delay for too long, lest things change later!"

"Hou Jin?" Governor Zhang was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but asked, "Why did King Shun take such risks?"

Governor Zhang had previously participated in Yuan Chonghuan's case in the capital and had viewed the original archives of the Ming court, so he had a relatively clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Jin army.

"This time we have prepared a large army. If Hou Jin doesn't come, we will attack the Ming army. If Hou Jin comes, we will fight together!" Zhang Shun said in a slightly lowered voice.

"Two hundred thousand?" Governor Zhang was stunned for a moment, stretched out two fingers and asked tentatively, and then was shocked by his own guess.

"How do you know?" Zhang Shun was also stunned for a moment.

"The first battalion of the rebel army is equipped with ten artillery pieces. Except for some captured from the Ming army, most of the artillery pieces were cast and forged from me."

"In my estimation, there are almost hundreds of thousands of troops. If we add in the surrender of officers and soldiers, I'm afraid there will be more than 200,000 troops." Governor Zhang couldn't help but laugh.

Good guy, he is indeed worthy of being born in Jinyiwei, and he does have two brushes!

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be startled when he heard the words, and then realized that with such a large-scale mobilization of the rebel army, it would be difficult to hide it from the eyes of interested people.

In this case, we should use falsehoods and falsehoods to strategically deceive the enemy, just in case the Ming Dynasty is prepared.

"That...that" Governor Zhang saw that no one was paying attention, so he couldn't help but tugged on Zhang Shun's sleeve and whispered.

"Since King Shun has a plan in his mind, I am worried too much. Just to be safe, I would like to ask King Shun to take my girl with him when he goes on an expedition. At least I can protect her well."

"Okay, I'll add it to Hong Chengchou's plan when I ask him to make it later!" Zhang Shun twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded.

At first glance, Governor Zhang's proposal seemed reasonable, but Zhang Shun actually understood what was going on.

It turns out that since Zhang Shun's last "hunting tour", three girls, Hong Niangzi, Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying, have become pregnant one after another, making others envious to death.

And Zhang Fengyi is not young now, and her figure is not as slender as other women. How can Governor Zhang not be anxious?

It happened that Zhang Shun was about to go on an expedition, and his sister Ruo followed him.

When the time comes, she can fight for King Shun during the day and fight with him at night. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

Thanks to fans "Zheng Jinshan", "huzhiyan" and "book friend 20171114001717698" for their large rewards. Thank you to the fans "Jun Bu Xi Yi Ju", "Book Friends 20190416213522085", "Book Friends 161129192305962", "Mister Bay", "Original" and "Book Friends 20190416213522085" for their rewards. Thank you all for your strong support to the author!

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