Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1174 Conquering Zhengzhou

Although Zhang Shun ordered not to let Cao Bianjiao and others advance too fast, the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers were really not strong enough.

No matter how well Chen Yongfu defended Zhengzhou, he could not withstand the powerful power of the rebels' "infantry and artillery coordination" tactics.

"Kill! Kill!" Chen Yongfu shouted with a hoarse voice while slashing the last soldier in the rebel army's rear.

"Be careful of cannonballs, be careful of cannonballs!" Chen Yongfu felt his eyes were empty, but at the same time he heard his son Chen De's panicked warning.

Chen Yongfu didn't care to breathe, and rolled to the side like a lazy donkey.

And the moment he just landed, the sound of the cannonball hitting the city wall and the splashing soil were transmitted to his body.

"Hoo ho!" Chen Yongfu ignored his hips and rolled several times until there was no sound of shells, then he got up and looked up.

I saw that the place where I originally stood had left several bullet marks and two broken bodies.

"Chen De, Chen De!" Chen Yongfu couldn't help but shouted in a hurry.

"Father, I'm here!" As soon as Chen Yongfu finished speaking, he heard a familiar voice.

Chen Yongfu turned around and saw his son slumped behind a parapet, smiling weakly.

"Good boy, it's okay!" Chen Yongfu nodded approvingly.

"Have the thieves retreated?" Chen De smiled bitterly and shook his head, concerned about the most important issue.

"Retreat! We have repelled the thieves again!" Chen Yongfu lay beside the broken parapet. He glanced over and saw the rebels retreating into the camp in an orderly manner against the setting sun.

He couldn't help sighing, and was about to stand up, but his knees weakened, and then he staggered, and a feeling of weakness instantly spread throughout his body.

"Father!" His son Chen De was startled and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" Chen Yongfu endured his fatigue, looked at the connected rebel camps outside the city, and shook his head helplessly.

This time the officers and soldiers repelled the thieves, but what about next time? What about next time?

The "thief" has a new trick that makes him famous all over the world. He relies on his "infantry and artillery coordination" to defeat the officer and he has no temper at all.

As soon as a round of bullets passed, the thieves risked their lives and rushed forward to fight hand to hand.

Melee combat, really melee combat!

Chen Yongfu has never encountered an enemy who likes physical combat so much in his life.

If hand-to-hand combat does not prevail, the thief will strike back suddenly and then retreat without looking back.

At first, based on past experience, the officers and soldiers thought this was an opportunity to make some money.

As a result, the thieves fired another burst of artillery shells, and more than a dozen officers and soldiers lost their lives immediately.

How can we fight this battle?

You can't stop it if you rush forward, and you can't stop it if you retreat.

Thieves come when they want and leave when they want.

Chen Yongfu really couldn't bear it any longer. He couldn't help but sternly ordered: "Chen De, send another envoy to Kaifeng for help."

"Tell him to tell Fujun that someone else sent three or two people to send a letter to fool me."

"If the imperial court has no reinforcements this time, Zhengzhou will no longer belong to the country!"

"Father, it's not necessary," Chen De couldn't help but said.

"The last time!" Before Chen De could say anything, Chen Yongfu cut him off.

Knowing a son better than a father, Chen Yongfu certainly knew what Chen De wanted to say as "unnecessary".

However, he has been loyal for more than ten years, and he really doesn't want to be a "second minister" unless he has to.

"Okay!" Chen De took a serious look at his father, and finally nodded helplessly, preparing to wait until dark before sending the messenger out of the city.

Just as the father and son had decided on their plan, they did not expect that the sound of artillery suddenly rang out outside the city.

"Straight bitch, these lunatics still want to fight at night!" Chen De cursed loudly, but he didn't take it seriously.

Soldiers will come to block them, water will come to cover them, and the thieves will rush up. At worst, they will have to drive them down. Can they still destroy the city wall?

The Chinese-style city walls of this era were all made of thick three-piece rammed earth walls, which had a very good energy-absorbing effect. It was difficult for ordinary artillery to destroy the city walls.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Just when Chen De finished speaking, he felt the city wall shake under his feet, and then a crack appeared not far away.

Chen De was stunned and couldn't help shouting: "No, hurry up, get out of the way, the city wall is going to collapse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the crack that had just appeared began to spread and expand in the distance.

Then with a huge vibration and roar, the upper end of a section of the city wall on the west side of Zhengzhou slid down from the waist.

"Quick, Youying, where is Youying? Get ready to fight!" Chen Yongfu reacted faster than others. He was stunned for a moment and then responded immediately.

The city wall actually collapsed, and the "thieves" will definitely take the opportunity to attack the city!

"It's collapsed, it's really collapsed!" Just when the officers and soldiers on the city were bursting with liver and gallbladder, the rebels below the city were already overjoyed.

It turned out that it was getting late, so Cao Bianjiao planned to withdraw his troops and fight again tomorrow.

Who would have thought that another gunner came to persuade and said: "There is a section of the southern section of the city wall that is seriously damaged and may collapse. Please ask the general to order two more rounds of bombardment. Maybe this section will collapse. Come down."

"Changes will occur if it is delayed. If the enemy repairs it at night, all previous efforts may be wasted!"

Cao Bianjiao was hesitant after hearing this, so he went to Zhao Lizi for discussion.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Lizi said: "These gunners have been carefully trained by King Shun, so they should be safe."

"It's just...but didn't General Hong tell us to take it easy?"

"If we capture Zhengzhou in one fell swoop, I'm afraid it will ruin King Shun's plan."

"Big plan? What big plan!" Cao Bianjiao, as the right general of the South Route Army, knew more than Zhao Lizi.

He couldn't help but sneered: "The better we fight, the better King Shun's plan will be!"

"The artilleryman listens to the order and concentrates firepower on me to attack that section of the city wall!"

"Zhao Lizi listens to the order and selects dead soldiers for me. Once the city wall collapses, I will storm in. I want to take Zhengzhou City tonight!"

When everything was ready, General Cao Bianjiao, the right general, wanted to give it a try and ordered his soldiers to bombard the walls of Zhengzhou City.

Na Zengxiang only fired a few cannons, and the walls of Zhengzhou City collapsed, forming a gentle slope that could be used to climb the city.

It turns out that Zhang Shun was a member of the construction industry in his previous life and was quite sensitive to structural issues in civil engineering.

Although the Chinese-style rammed earth city walls are thick and difficult to damage by artillery, they are not without flaws.

If you take a section of the rammed earth city wall and look at it, it is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. It is certainly similar to a gravity dam structure.

However, in order to prevent enemies from climbing, the entire city wall, especially the outer wall, is still quite steep, about between 85 degrees and 90 degrees.

Therefore, if you want to deal with this kind of city wall, although you cannot directly destroy it, you can choose to bombard specific points to destroy the wall structure and cause the upper wall to collapse.

This time the rebel gunners used this principle and achieved unexpected results.

"Kill!" Seeing that the city wall had collapsed, how could Zhao Lizi hold back?

He had already put on double armor, led five hundred men who dared to die, and rushed forward.

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