Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1190 Internal and external cooperation

"Supervisor, Supervisor, good news, good news!" While Zhao Yutou was shopping at the morning market, the equally energetic Prince Zheng Zhu Zaixi broke into Yang Sichang's tent.

"What's wrong?" Yang Sichang became embarrassed and asked doubtfully while getting dressed.

This guy no longer regards himself as an outsider, and breaks into the Chinese army's tent at will.

"My son sent people out of the city and found him!" King Zheng Zhu Zaixi said excitedly.

"Oh? It's so gratifying that the prince is safe and sound!" Yang Sichang said politely while tightening his belt.

"Not only are you safe and sound, but I also gave the governor a big gift today!" King Zheng Zhu Zaixi was afraid that Yang Sichang wouldn't understand, so he explained again.

"That's really helpful, Prince!" Yang Sichang was not a fool. No matter who Prince Zheng's Crown Prince Zhu Yizhong was, he could at least bring information about the city.

Not long after, the right governor Yang Sichang was dressed neatly, and then accompanied by King Zheng Zhu Zaixi, he met the envoy sent by Zhu Yizhong.

Although the visitor had a fierce look on his face, when he saw the governor Yang Sichang and the King of Zheng Zhu Zaisi, he kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, nodding and bowing, as if he were a slave.

It really looks like a wolf, but it's actually a dog.

"Is the Crown Prince okay?" Seeing that he had finished saluting, Yang Sichang asked.

"Prince Zheng and the Crown Prince are of high status, and every move they make is blessed by the gods!" The messenger couldn't help but smile.

"When the thieves entered the city, the prince happened to be outside the mansion and found a separate courtyard to rest in peace."

"Now the thieves are doing all kinds of evil in the city, and the people are deeply suffering from it, so there are more than a hundred righteous men who have prepared their own swords and guns, and are willing to follow the prince and cooperate with others to help the governor seize the gate of the city!"

"A righteous man?" Yang Sichang was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself: When did the prince of the Ming Dynasty become so famous?

"It's just a few servants at home and some people in Henan who were oppressed by thieves!" King Zheng Zhu Zaixin was startled when he heard this and quickly explained.

It turns out that Prince Zheng's eldest son, Zhu Yizhong, is not a peaceful person. He secretly feeds diners, robs good people and sells them into slavery. Which of these is not a serious crime?

But compared with these two serious crimes, being able to gather more than a hundred dead soldiers by virtue of reputation is even more of a capital crime, so Zheng Wang Zhu Zaihe quickly explained a few sentences.

"How can the inside and the outside be coordinated?" Yang Sichang frowned, knowing that now was not the time to dwell on this matter, so he continued to ask.

"When the thieves first captured Huaiqing Mansion, there were probably more than 10,000 people there!" the envoy couldn't help but explain.

"Then the thieves became arrogant and sent two battalions out of the city. Now they have disappeared, leaving only one battalion to guard the city."

"Therefore, as long as the governor is willing to attack fiercely, we will seize the opportunity to mobilize troops inside and cooperate with each other from the inside and outside, and we will definitely be able to recapture the city of Huaiqing in one fell swoop."

"Only one battalion is left? Are you sure?" Yang Sichang was shocked when he heard this.

Previously, he also learned that the "thieves" had a battalion of men and horses, and they worked together to capture the city of Huaiqing.

But now that a few days have passed, he originally thought that the thieves would have amassed a large number of troops to defend the city. How could he have imagined that the defenders of Huaiqing Mansion still only had 3,000 soldiers and horses?

"Where did those two battalions of men and horses go?" Yang Sichang couldn't help but ask again.

"We are tied up in the city, so we really can't detect the thieves' movements." The messenger couldn't help but explain after hearing this.

What do you mean?

Yang Sichang was a little unhappy when he heard this. Shouldn't the governor be able to find out the thieves' movements when he is leading troops outside?

However, he did not remember the faults of villains, so he was magnanimous and spared him this time.

"Dale, what do you think?" Yang Sichang hesitated and asked the general beside him.

Zu Dalue was the cousin of Zu Dashou, a famous general in Liaodong. The three thousand men under his command were all elites in Liaodong, and he was also a general of Yuan Chonghuan.

On July 25 of the first year of Chongzhen, a mutiny broke out in Ningyuan due to a long-term lack of pay.

The 13th battalion of Ningcheng were all in chaos, but only the 1st battalion of Zu Dale stood firm and motionless, which made him famous.

This time Yang Sichang, the Minister of War, was in charge of the division, so the imperial court tried every means to recruit Zu Dalue to serve as his standard camp.

Now that all the other troops have been taken away by Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport, this battalion is the only one under his command.

"Superintendent!" Zu Dalue hesitated after hearing this, "If the battalion is fighting against the battalion, I, the Liaodong soldiers, have never been afraid of anyone."

"As long as they can capture the city gate of Huaiqing Mansion, I don't think any battalion of thieves can withstand my elite soldiers."

"But the key is whether the prince can cooperate with us to capture the city gate, and whether the thieves in the city only have one battalion as this man said!"

"The prince has a distinguished status. If the thieves hear that he is staying in the city, they will definitely hunt him down!" Yang Sichang said hesitantly.

"Now the thief is in the city but he has not made any move. What does this mean?"

"This shows that the thieves didn't even know that there were our people in the city. They were so careless that we found out the truth."

"Okay, since the superintendent said so, Dalue is willing to lead the troops and give it a try!" Among them, Zu Dalue was also a little eager to try, and he couldn't help but agreed.

Aren't they just rogue bandits? It seems like they haven't been beaten before!

Even though many officers and soldiers were defeated by Zhang Shun, in fact, it was easy for them to bully other rebels and earn a lot of military honors.

While Yang Sichang and Zu Dale were talking about attacking the city, Zhao Yutou in the city also led a limping beggar to find Shi Wenhuan, Wang Ding and others.

Zhao Yutou briefly explained the matter. Xiao Si, Du Hongyu, Zhang Hu and others could not help but be overjoyed. They all took the initiative to ask for help and said: "Please also ask the general to appoint me to lead a group of people. I will definitely capture this guy alive."

In any case, this guy is still a prince, so catching him is a great achievement.

"Idiot!" Unexpectedly, Wang Ding suddenly cursed after hearing this.

"It is of no use to capture a vassal prince alive. The Ming army is watching eagerly outside. If we don't think of strategies to defend the city, once Huaiqing Mansion is lost, we may not be able to save our lives!"

"What should we do?" Xiao Si, Du Hongyu, Zhang Hu and others couldn't help asking.

"Don't you think the general will be able to make plans after hearing this?" Wang Ding said with a smile when he heard this.

"The Ming Dynasty has many troops, but ours is small. As long as we first kill and injure their elite siege troops, and then hold on for a few days until Hong Junmen leads the main force back, it will be a great achievement!"

"But...but how do we know which gate they are planning to attack?" Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

"We don't know, do they know it?" Wang Ding couldn't help but chuckled.

"They 'don't know', let's tell them!"

"What does Mr. Wang mean?" Shi Wenhuan originally heard that Wang Ding was the in-law of "King Shun" and thought he was incompetent. He never thought that this man would be so knowledgeable and courageous.

"Simon, you guys should make a big show of me and send more troops to guard the place!" Wang Ding did not answer the question, but ordered.

"Send me less men and horses to guard the north gate. In fact, Du Wenhuan is leading his armored men to guard it to death for me!"

"Whoever dares to come and die, please help me keep their good head!"

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