Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1194 Two-purpose

"Fire the gun!" Following the order from Wang Ding, the commander-in-chief of the Yulin Battalion, a burst of gunfire sounded again.

Dozens of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who swarmed up from the city fell down in response. However, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were not hit still gathered around the ladder truck and Lu Gong's car unconsciously and climbed up desperately.

This is not the usual serious siege method, but a simple "ant possession".

The so-called: ant attachment refers to the method of climbing the city like ants and relying on heaping lives to attack the city.

Compared with "it takes three months to repair the oars and the equipment, and it takes another three months to get rid of the stone", the ant attack method is a very inefficient method of siege.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: If a general is overwhelmed by its anger and ants attack it, killing one-third of the soldiers but not taking out the city, this attack will cause disaster.

Then the right governor Yang Sichang, the governor of water transport Zhu Dadian, Yang Yupan, Li Chongzhen, Mou Wenshou, Zu Dalue and others are all either well-read in poetry or battlefield generals. Don't they even understand this truth?

I know, of course they know, but they are forced by the situation and have no choice but to do it!

It turned out that after Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, and Yang Sichang, the right governor, joined forces, they had already guessed that the rebel army would definitely gather in Meng County.

The reason why there is no large-scale attack now is that crossing the river is slow and they cannot gather together for a while.

Although the two of them didn't know how many soldiers and horses the rebel army had this time, they might not be able to get an advantage if they even opened up their posture and beat the drums in front of them.

Therefore, after everyone discussed it, they decided to capture the city of Huaiqing at all costs, which was the right thing to do.

This is not only mixed with the personal opinions of Yang Sichang and Zu Dalue, but also related to the success or failure of the two parties in the competition for the three houses in Hanoi.

Now that the rebel army has occupied Huaiqing Mansion, once the army completely crosses the Yellow River, it can use this as a basis to occupy Huaiqing, Zhangde and Weihui Mansion.

Then, they might go north to Zelu to take a look at the land of Shangdang; they might go out to the east to threaten the Shuntian Prefecture of the capital; or they might go west to Yuanqu and Xia County to threaten the land east of the river.

This was completely unacceptable to the Ming court, and it was something that Yang Sichang, the right governor, and Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, tried their best to avoid.

Therefore, what Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian tried their best to do was to seize Huaiqing Mansion with all their strength before the rebel army gathered and squeeze the space for the rebel army to expand.

If the Ming army really recaptures Huaiqing Mansion, not only will King Shun's plan to seize the world be severely frustrated, but Hong Chengchou's 20,000 troops may also be squeezed into the narrow Mengxian and Wenxian counties, and the entire army may be annihilated. The danger.

Therefore, no one could give up Huaiqing Fucheng, and it suddenly became a "must battleground" for both sides.

If you get it, you will live, if you avoid it, you will die. Therefore, it is a place of life and death, and there is no way for them to make any mistakes.

"Artillery, artillery, push up the Hongyi cannon for me!" Yang Sichang, who was originally elegant and honest, was now like crazy, shouting loudly with his hoarse voice.

"Okay, you'll be fine soon!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but comforted when he saw this.

"This time we attack from all four sides, but there is only one battalion in the city. What can we do if we let her have three heads and six arms?"

Yes, this time, after the Governor of Water Transport Zhu Dadian arrived with Fengsi Commander-in-Chief Yang Yupan, Relief and Suppression Commander-in-Chief Li Chongzhen, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mou Wenshou, and Staff General Zhang Shiyi, etc., they arrived with abundant troops.

They had already surrounded the city of Huaiqing Prefecture and attacked them with all their strength. They had the method of "beating the old master to death with random punches".

Sure enough, their attack didn't matter. Wang Ding and others were immediately overwhelmed and almost lost the city wall in the first wave.

Fortunately, Shi Wenhuan's eldest son Shi Yingpin was patrolling the city wall at that time. Upon seeing this, he immediately ordered his subordinate Ding Zhuang to use rolling logs and rocks to smash down the wall, and also used wooden forks, hoes, and shovels to resist.

For this reason, Shi Yingping was hit by two arrows and a knife, and almost died on the spot. Only then did Wang Ding and his personal guards come to rescue him.

After finally repelling the Ming army's attack, Wang Ding couldn't help crying.

It turns out that he only has three thousand soldiers under his command. How can he defend this strange city wall?

He had no choice but to send a division of 500 men and horses to each gate and front to guard, and then use the 500 men and horses recruited to do some simple auxiliary work.

For example, throwing rocks and rolling logs; such as releasing three-eyed blunderbuss and quick guns plundered from the city's arsenal; and cooking some "golden soup" to "eat to the fullest" of the Ming troops under the city...

Wang Ding himself and the injured Du Hongyu acted as surprise troops, ready to support the areas that could not be supported at any time.

"Is this Yang Sichang crazy? Besieging the city from all sides and attacking the city with ants is a taboo for military strategists!" Du Hongyu, who had a dull pain in his chest wound, ran back and forth several times and couldn't help complaining.

"Hey, what's a big taboo among military strategists!" Wang Ding couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "It's just a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry!"

"Don't worry about how evil they are now. We only need to wait for three or two days to keep them safe so that the sky will not respond and the earth will not work. There will be no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

"Ha, it's true!" Du Hongyu was also a general, and his knowledge was naturally extraordinary. After thinking about it carefully, he understood the reason.

Although he understands it, Du Hongyu can't help but have some doubts in his heart: "They have so many people and strength, what if they can't defend it?"

"What should I do? Cold salad!" Wang Ding spread his hands, helpless.

"Actually...actually, I have a conspiracy...ah, bah, I have a clever plan!" Du Hongyu hesitated and said.

"Say!" Wang Ding was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"We can threaten them with Prince Zheng. If they don't retreat, we will chop him down and sacrifice him to heaven!" Du Hongyu sneered.

"It's too late, this guy has been shot into a hornet's nest by Jiang Yaozu!" Wang Ding smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Hey, no, who said that if you shoot a hornet's nest, you can't chop it down to sacrifice to heaven!"

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Wang Ding suddenly had an idea and came up with an idea.

It was said that the Ming army had been fighting hard for half a day. Although the rebel army was in danger, the Ming army itself also suffered heavy casualties.

Since the cost is not considered, the cost will obviously be quite high.

The two sides fought until noon. Not only were the soldiers complaining, but King Zheng Zhu Zaixi actually sent someone to inquire about the whereabouts of King Zheng's eldest son Zhu Yizhong.

The right governor Yang Sichang was speechless. When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard a noise in the city and saw a few big and thick soldiers on the city escorting a man.

Someone shouted loudly: "Listen, Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian below the city, I order you to retreat quickly, why don't you let the blood of this dragon son and grandson be spilled here today!"

Zhu Yizhong!

Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian couldn't help but look at each other, with wry smiles in their eyes.

This thing has more success than failure!

Not only did he deceive one or two hundred of Zu Dalue's elite men last night, but they were actually captured and used to threaten him and others at the critical moment. What should he do?

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