Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1197 Ignorance of geographical advantages

A general who does not understand astronomy, geography, strange gates, yin and yang, does not understand formation diagrams, and does not understand military strength is a mediocre person - Zhuge Liang, Marquis of Wu!

The Right Governor Yang Sichang and the Governor of Water Transport Zhu Dadian were both well-read military experts. When they first read in the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms that Cao Wei's famous general, Jin Camp, was flooded, they couldn't help but laugh at them.

But today it was my turn, and I realized that I might also be classified as a "mediocre person".


It turns out that the northeast of Huaiqing Prefecture is where the Qinshui River flows, and the Dan River that meanders from Zezhou intersects with it in the northeast of Huaiqing Prefecture, making the Qinshui River very rough and difficult to wade lightly.

Previously, the rebels only had one battalion of Wang Ding Yulin camp in Fucheng. Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian did not realize the danger of the terrain, so they crossed Qinshui to besiege Fucheng.

But now the main force of the rebel army suddenly arrived. After Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and others who had originally planned to fight the rebel army surveyed the terrain, they found that more than 10,000 Ming troops were unable to advance or retreat. They were really in a dilemma.

"Now we have two choices: one is to go eastward, and we retreat to Qinghua Town to make plans; the other is to go north, and we rely on the Taihang Mountains to hold on." Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, couldn't help but suggest.

"If you can't go north, it's a dead end!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"Yanzhi doesn't know anything. I've been stationed in Qinghua Town for the past few days, and I have already detected that the thieves sent a battalion to occupy Tianjing Pass."

"It's funny. I used to laugh at thieves who don't know how to fight. Splitting their troops in four directions is a taboo for military strategists. But now it seems that the opponent has a better chess game. I'm laughing now!"

"We are careless!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but shook his head in self-mockery upon hearing this.

"That thief coach is so brave. He first made a fool of himself, and then stopped our thoughts. If it doesn't work, then he can only go to Wuzhi County!"

The Qinshui River runs northwest and southeast. After passing through the northeast corner of Huaiqing Fucheng, it turns east and flows all the way to Wuzhi in the southeast.

If the Ming army is really unable to cross the river under the threat of the rebels, there is still a way to retreat along the river bank to the southeast.

"Like this!" Yang Sichang pondered for a moment, decided not to consider the battle for the time being, and suggested instead.

"You lead the people across the river first, and I will lead some of the soldiers to break up the rear. If nothing can be done, I will lead the defeated troops to flee to Wuzhi, while you will retreat to Qinghua Town."

"If Thanh Hoa Town cannot be defended, you can retreat to Xiu Wu. In this way, you and I, one in the south and one in the north, will be the horns of each other. We will divide the three prefectures in Hanoi into two sections, east and west, and strive to block the enemy in Huaiqing Prefecture, one prefecture and six counties. Inside."

The two counties of Xiuwu and Wuzhi are the two easternmost counties of Huaiqing Prefecture, and can just cut off the rebel army's eastward advance.

"That's fine!" Zhu Dadian nodded after hearing this, but still added a few words.

"You are the Superintendent. How can you ask the Superintendent to cut off my queen for me?"

"If it's not like this, please ask the governor to cross the river and retreat to Qinghua Town. I will cut off my own retreat and then go down the river to Wuzhi."

"When I made a surprise attack on Meng County before, I reserved a group of troops in Nawen County, who should be able to help me."

"That Wuzhi is located on the north bank of the Yellow River, across the river from Heyin County on the south bank of the Yellow River. If the thieves cross the river from Yingze to capture Yuanwu, I will definitely be attacked from both sides."

"Therefore, after I retreat to Wuzhi, I still need to send a team of troops to garrison Yuanwu. If these four places are connected to Zhongmou and other places on the south bank of the Yellow River, the common people can resist the thieves and prevent them from advancing even an inch!"

Zhu Dadian is indeed a man who is experienced in military affairs. He analyzed the situation, pros and cons clearly in an instant.

According to his arrangement, the Ming army lined up from south to north and deployed defenses at Xiuwu, Wuzhi, Yuanwu and Zhongmou respectively. The four places were horns to each other, forming a long snake formation, which basically stabilized Henan. The situation on both sides of Hebei.

However, Yang Sichang's reputation was not in vain. He pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and soon discovered the problem: he had enough defense but not enough offense.

However, he still said decisively: "Okay, let's do it in order!"

It turned out that after being reminded by Zhu Dadian, Yang Sichang suddenly discovered that if the defenses were deployed according to Zhu Dadian's ideas, Yang Sichang, who was stationed in the northernmost Xiuwu, would actually be far away from the battlefield.

This was an unacceptable thing for Yang Sichang, who had to coordinate and direct the war in the four places.

However, he still agreed. Why?

It turned out that for Yang Sichang, in addition to personally commanding the battle, there was another more important thing that needed to be done.

He faced Zhu Dadian's surprised gaze and explained seriously: "I feel that the strength of the two of us alone cannot wipe out this group of bandits."

"So I decided to take advantage of being close to Xiu Wu and prepare a letter to request Zuo Governor Zhu Xieyuan to send troops to join us in attacking this thief!"

Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, although not as experienced in military matters as Zhu Dadian, but his promotion to the central government has improved his horizons and knowledge, which allowed him to come up with a better countermeasure.

"This" Zhu Dadian was stunned when he heard this, and almost wanted to ask: I heard that you and the left governor Zhu Xieyuan were not on good terms, why did you bow your head and beg him again?

Although Yang Sichang didn't hear Zhu Dadian's question, how could he not know what he was thinking?

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "This is a state matter. If Sichang dares to do it for private reasons, it is not official!"

"Okay, if you are really dedicated to serving the public, Zhu Dadian will die in this battle with no regrets!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and he couldn't help but said impassionedly.

The two of them had discussed and decided that Yang Sichang would first lead his subordinate Biaoyingzu Dalue to cross the river, while Zhu Dadian continued to lead his troops to set up a warning formation on the west bank of Qinshui River.

However, when Yang Sichang and Zu Dalue were more than halfway through the crossing, soldiers suddenly rushed over to report: "Report~ General Li has been defeated. Please make plans in advance!"

"What, so fast!" Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, was shocked when he heard this.

Although Li Zhongzhen suffered heavy losses in the battle with the "thieves", he still hasn't had time to make up for it. After all, he still has Guan Ning's cavalry under his command. How can it not help?

It turned out that when Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian were discussing the withdrawal of troops, Li Chongzhen had already become involved with the "horse kite" Li Fuchen.

Although Li Fuchen is young, he really lives up to the name of "horse kite".

Then Li Chongzhen bullied him when he was young, so he slapped his horse and challenged him. How could Li Fuchen hold back?

He had already held a spear in his hand, got on his horse and came to fight.

The two sides fought three times in succession, and Li Chongzhen was unable to defeat him. He was anxious because Li Fuchen had already exposed a flaw and tricked him into entering.

When his moves were old and he was about to stab Li Fuchen, Li Fuchen unexpectedly shot away Li Zhongzhen's spear and knocked him off his horse.

When the cavalry of the Ming army saw that their general was missing, they rushed to rescue him. Li Fuchen couldn't help but shouted and ordered: "If you don't charge now, wait until later!"

Although the Ming army's cavalry was more numerous than the rebels, they had no one to command them. They were looking at their heads rather than their hips, and had long missed their loopholes. How could they withstand it?

The two sides fought for a long time, and Li Chongzhen, who was lucky enough to be saved, saw that something was not going well. He quickly retreated while fighting, and at the same time sent his soldiers to report the military situation, so that Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian could make plans in advance, and then the soldiers reported the news.

"Trash, trash!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but became furious when he heard this. He cursed several times before giving the order: "The whole army listened to the order and lined up down the river. Fight while retreating. Don't be reluctant to fight when you encounter thieves. Don't make any mistakes. !”

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