Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1199 Great Victory at Huaiqing Mansion

"Good news, good news, the rebel army defeated Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, in Huaiqing Mansion, and captured three thousand soldiers, beheading and drowning countless others!"

On this day, Zhang Shunzheng was helping Li Sanniang mow the ground in the yard when he received the news.

"Finally here!" Zhang Shun put down the three-tooth nail rake in his hand, rubbed his sore palms, and couldn't help but smile.

"I said I wouldn't let you do it, but you insist on doing it. Are your hands blistered?" Li Sanniang couldn't help but ridiculed when she saw this, and took out a needle and asked.

"No, no, what are you doing? Ah~ah~" Zhang Shun was stunned, and saw Li Sanniang reaching out to pull his hand over, and skillfully opened the blisters on his palm, which made Zhang Shun gasp in pain. Call.

Wang Jinyi, who came to announce the good news, looked at his nose and heart, as if he saw nothing.

Zhu'er and Shishu, on the other hand, held a child in their arms and just stood beside them, giggling.

It turns out that the preparations for the expedition have been almost completed these days, but when the time comes, the rebels will prepare for a large-scale attack.

Zhang Shun, who was temporarily free, no longer made any big moves, but instead took some time to spend time with the girls.

In recent days, Zhang Shun has gained a lot. In addition to the three pregnancies of Lady Hong, Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying, the doctor recently found out that the former Tang Princess Zeng is also pregnant.

The four of them were forced to raise their children, and Zhang Shun's harem became much quieter for a while, allowing him to enjoy an ordinary married life.

Li Sanniang can be said to be his childhood sweetheart, and she knows him best.

Therefore, although Zhang Shun could not enjoy the happiness of living and flying together because the three women were very busy taking care of the two children, he still came to take a nap from time to time.

Not long after, Li Sanniang opened the blisters and gave him medicine. Only then did Zhang Shun take a look at the victory report and found that the battle situation was just as he expected.

Although there are some discrepancies in the details, the general result is within the original plan.

It turned out that when the rebels were planning the battle of Huaiqing Mansion, Zhang Shanshan proposed the "two points and one line" strategy to Hong Chengchou.

The so-called "two points and one line", one point refers to Meng County, which controls the ferry, and one point refers to Fucheng, Huaiqing Prefecture. The first line refers to the front line formed by the three fulcrums of Tianjingguan, Fucheng and Wenxian County.

The first step for the rebels to enter Huaiqing Mansion was to seize the ferry and completely occupy Meng County.

The second step is to attack the city of Huaiqing before the enemy can react, seize the city at all costs, and nail the city to Huaiqing like a nail.

In the third step, after capturing the city of Huaiqing, the troops were divided to occupy Tianjingguan and Wenxian respectively, cutting Huaiqing into two sections to reduce the space for the Ming army to move.

In fact, due to the perverse behavior of Zhu Yizhong, the crown prince of Zheng, and Zhang Shun's good reputation here, the first and second steps progressed very smoothly.

However, at the critical moment of the third step of progress, coach Hong Chengchou was confused and had a whim, delusionally planning to command the main force of the rebel army that had just crossed the Yellow River to fight Zhu Dadian.

As a result, the strategically important city of Huaiqing was empty. If Wang Ding and others had not resisted desperately, Yang Sichang would have gained it.

But neither Zhang Shun nor Hong Chengchou knew.

In the historical line of Zhang Shun's previous life, there was also an army with the same intention to invade near Huaiqing Mansion. He was the famous Northern Expeditionary Army of the Taiping Rebellion Lin Fengxiang and Li Kaifang.

At that time, after the Taiping Army crossed the river from Wen County, their first reaction was to attack Wuzhi, and they did not take Huaiqing Mansion seriously at all.

However, when the attack on Wuzhi was frustrated, he began to attack Huaiqing Fucheng.

It's just that the Taiping Army gave Huaiqing Fucheng enough time to react. How could it be so easy to conquer it again?

The two sides fought for more than sixty days at the foot of Huaiqing City. As a result, nothing was found in the mortuary, and they finally had to detour westward through Yuanqu.

However, not only did this result in the loss of troops and generals, but it also delayed time and lost the strategic surprise, leaving enough time for the Qing army's defense, which cast a shadow of yin and yang in advance for the subsequent failure of the Northern Expedition.

Fortunately, Hong Chengchou reacted in time. After Wang Ding and others fought hard for many days, he suddenly led his army to Huaiqing Fucheng, which made it impossible to continue the siege plan of Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian.

At this point, the "one-word long snake formation" composed of three fulcrums of Tianjingguan, Huaiqing Fucheng and Wenxian was completely formed.

Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian were unable to save their lives and had to retreat from Wei Hui, and were taken advantage of by the rebels.

Zhang Shun read the victory report hastily, felt a little relieved, and couldn't help but sigh: "There are three thousand soldiers in charge, it seems that the main force of the Ming army has also suffered heavy losses!"

When marching and fighting, if one side can capture the heads of three thousand soldiers, what does that mean?

Except for a few special circumstances, the side that loses the "three thousand first" basically loses tens of thousands more combat effectiveness.

Unless other Ming troops come to help, Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian have almost lost their effective offensive capabilities.

To be honest, before the news of the victory of the rebel army came, Zhang Shun could not help but feel uneasy and worried sooner or later.

It's just that he is the commander-in-chief of the three armies. Although he has all kinds of abilities, he cannot do everything himself, so many things must be done by others.

After the Southern Route Army's combat plan was formulated, all he could do was trust the commander he appointed.

"Don't trust people when you employ them, don't trust people when you doubt them." These eight words are simple to say, but extremely difficult to implement.

Especially the problem that in my own eyes can be solved in three strokes, five divisions and two divisions, has been frustrated by the client for many days, but no good news has been received yet.

It really makes people anxious, and I wish I could replace it with my own body.

However, Zhang Shun finally held back. He could only wait silently, taking advantage of his anger to wait for the final result of the Southern Route Army.

During this period, he thought a lot. It would be a pity if the Southern Route Army won, but what if they lost?

Fortunately, despite many twists and turns, Hong Chengchou still successfully completed his plan.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun reached into the envelope again, and sure enough he took out a few more pieces of paper.

Zhang Shun opened it and saw that it was indeed a confession written by Hong Chengchou, truthfully admitting the mistakes he had made in the command process and requesting Zhang Shun to be punished.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh, then he asked for paper and pen from the attendant, and wrote with a swipe: "No one is a sage. Who can have no mistakes? If you can correct your mistakes, there is no great virtue!"

"Don't be arrogant when you win, don't be discouraged when you lose, and decide on the three prefectures in Hanoi early to await great achievements!"

"Jinyi, ask the messenger to take it back to him!" Zhang Shun finished writing and dried it, then handed it to Wang Jinyi and said.

"Huh? That's all, no military orders?" Wang Jinyi couldn't help but wonder.

"The combat plan and strategic objectives have been set for a long time, so why do I need to make another speech?" Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this.

"If Hong Chengchou asks what the order is, just ask him to just follow the original plan!"

Wang Jinyi left after hearing this. When Li Sanniang saw this, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked softly: "Victory?"

"Victory!" Zhang Shun nodded, old couple, everything was in silence.

"That's good!" Li Sanniang breathed a sigh of relief, which showed that she was not as relaxed as she usually showed.

"If it's not what I expected, you will have to leave in a few days!" Li Sanniang pondered for a moment and said.

"Don't let the servant follow you, so you can have someone to look after you on the way."

"Uh... That's fine." In fact, Zhang Shun agreed to the Huang family and the Da Zhu family respectively a few days ago, but he never expected that Li Sanniang would make these requests.

However, she was the eldest wife of the family, so Zhang Shun still respected her enough and did not refute her affection.

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