Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1202 Raising troops

The golden river crosses the river, the Tianjin returns to the white horse, and the sliding platform is dangerous to the Central Plains. The willow smoke in Sui Port, the setting sun shining on the bright embankment, the faint sound of the expedition ship.

————Li Baoguo

"Hey yo, hey yo!" Groups of men were shirtless and barefooted, wearing only a pair of calf-nose trousers. They shouted slogans while pulling on the ropes on their shoulders as if they were crawling.

It was early spring in February, and although winter was gone, the weather was still cold.

However, they were already soaked all over, and it was hard to tell whether it was sweat or river water.

"One, two, three, four, work harder!"


"Brothers, let's work together!"


Although there are not many of these women, depending on the size of the boat, there are seven or eight, twelve or three people each.

Each tracker pulling the boat has a bow and uses trumpets to encourage and direct other trackers to work together.

And every five trackers have a head, who is responsible for recruiting these trackers by themselves and receiving labor and food money from the court.

"Okay, we've passed the inner yellow boundary, and we're here!" A lean and smart young man put down the rope in his hand and ran to the steward to report.

"No, no!" The steward shook his head and ordered, "Keep pulling."

"There is no one from Neihuang to take over, let's send them to Daming Mansion!"

"Guanshi Huang, the brothers are no longer in charge of that place!" The young man couldn't help but argue with reason.

"Besides, the current situation is not good and the brothers' families are short of food and clothing. How can we expect to go back with money from work and food to help out!"

"Isn't it just money?" The steward looked at the young man in front of him with contempt and sneered.

"Industrial silver will be increased by two cents per person per day, what else do you have to say!"

Each tracker's daily labor and food silver is three to six cents. If two cents are added, the total is three to eight cents, which is not bad.

The young man hesitated for a moment when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Manager Huang, I wonder when the brothers' salary for work and food will be settled?"

"Why are you so anxious? Could it be that the imperial court still owes you some money for work and food?" "Manager Huang" said arrogantly upon hearing this.

"Wait a little longer. When the imperial court suppresses these thieves, you will be left alone!"

"The imperial court's gold and silver mountains are so lacking in our little silver!" The young man responded quickly when he heard the words, and then hesitated.

"It's's just that the brothers all come from poor families, and the family is still waiting for rice to be cooked."

"How about you be merciful and lend us some money to buy rice first?"

As a result, before the young man finished speaking, the "Manager Huang" couldn't help but became furious: "Yuan Shizhong, you are teaching me how to do things!"

"Don't think I look like a human being, even if I am a human being, don't be shameless!"

"Listen to me, do you want any money? Which one of you dares to leave?"

"If you don't do it, there are people who do it. If you dare to leave this time, don't even think about coming back next time, and don't even think about taking a penny from me!"

"Have you heard everything clearly?"

"Manager Huang, Mr. Huang!" The young man was obviously a little confused after being scolded by "Manager Huang".

He couldn't help pleading: "The emperor is not hungry yet and sends troops. Brothers have been working for more than a month. Even last year's labor and food money is still owed for two months."

"Now is the time when the economy is in recession, and the brothers really can't stand it any longer."

"Haha, you can't stand it? I see, aren't you very energetic when you are stretching? Why can't you stand it!" Manager Huang sneered when he heard this.

"The emperor is not hungry and sends troops? Of course the emperor is not hungry and sends troops."

"Do you dare to send troops to rebel?"

"It doesn't cost you money, it costs your life. If you have the guts, just chop here!"

"Guanshi Huang" relied on seven or eight soldiers standing beside him. He was very courageous and refused to accept hard or soft orders.

No wonder the "Huang Guanshi" is so courageous. The so-called "work and food silver" of these trackers is actually only one or two and eight cents of silver a month.

If we include the daily "commission" and "filial piety" that "Manager Huang" receives, he actually only gets five or six dollars of silver.

However, with only five or six pieces of silver, many people begged their grandfather to sue their grandmother, and they could not get in even if they broke their heads.

And these trackers who squeezed in, all of them old and young, are all good people.

Since they are all good people, bullying is bullying. How can you have the courage to rebel?

Sure enough, when the "Huang Guanshi" looked at them, these trackers lowered their heads in fear. They were actually more obedient than the oxen and horses.

"Let's go, why are you still standing?" "Manager Huang" looked at the silent "Yuan Shizhong" in front of him, stretched out his hand and patted his face.

"If you have the guts, let's go!"

However, "Guanshi Huang" didn't know that just when he said, "If you have the guts, just chop here," Yuan Shizhong had already started to stare at his neck.

"If you have the guts, just chop here!" This sentence was repeated in Yuan Shizhong's mind like a curse.

Although the Ming Dynasty is now short of money and food, "Huang Guanshi" is not like this.

However, he was so ruthless this time, not only to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, but also because Yuan Shizhong did not show his "filial piety" in the past few months.

It turned out that Yuan Shizhong, as the husband's head, not only had a license issued by the court, but also enjoyed five cents, nine cents, nine cents and four cents of labor and food silver per day.

According to common practice, after the tracker's wages were taken by the steward, the husband would have to take a cut again, and then use part of it as "filial piety" to please the steward.

However, due to the bad times in the past two years, the trackers brought by Yuan Shizhong also had a hard time.

Yuan Shizhong was a very particular person. In order to maintain the livelihood of his trackers, he not only did not take a cent, but also put his own money into it. How could there be any spare money for him?

Originally, Yuan Shizhong thought that he would replenish this "yellow manager" after the labor and food bank was distributed in the ninety-two months of last year.

I never thought that not only did I owe those two months, but I also owed more than one month. How could Yuan Shizhong not be furious?

"'Guanshi Huang', is it true that the court doesn't give us any way to survive?" Yuan Shizhong asked again without any emotion.

"If you want to die, who are you threatening?" "Manager Huang" was stunned when he heard this, and then said unhappy.

"Okay!" Yuan Shizhong nodded and retreated honestly.

"Guanshi Huang" couldn't help but smile proudly, who are you trying to scare?

If you like it, do it, if you don’t, get out!

Who would have thought that when Yuan Shizhong walked to the shore, he suddenly grabbed a piece of wormwood and rushed over.

The "Huang Guanshi" was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he was hit on the head with a "bang".

"You dare to hit me?" "Guanshi Huang" couldn't believe it and quickly ordered.

"Quickly, kill them quickly, they are going to rebel!"

The "Huang Guanshi" was used to labeling him, and he originally thought he could deter Yuan Shizhong.

Unexpectedly, when he shouted like this, the seven or eight soldiers behind him jumped in fright. How could they dare to step forward?

Yuan Shizhong was young and energetic, so he was ready to teach this guy a lesson.

Who would have thought that after he shouted like this, there would be no way out.

He couldn't help shouting loudly: "This thief is so vicious. If we don't kill him, how can we and our family be saved?"

The other trackers were stunned when they heard this, and then reacted.

This guy is not a good guy. If Yuan Shizhong had not killed him this time and was falsely accused of "treason" by him, then everyone would not have to live.

Poor "yellow stewards" can't imagine that good people "submit" and tolerate without reason.

But once it harms the family, I'm afraid the two sides will fight to the death.

Yuan Shizhong's deeds are a bit unpredictable, but after he started his army, his military discipline was very strict, which was indeed different from ordinary troops. In ancient times, the only occupations that were very suitable for contact were bandits, miners and trackers. The author checked the local situation and felt that his base when he first launched his army might be related to the trackers near Huaxian County, so he made up a chapter in his head

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