Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1217 The Creation of King Shun

On March 15th, green willows were weeping outside Jiangzhou City, and blue waves were rippling.

It was a bright spring day, and the banks of the Fen River were crowded with tourists, men and women in costumes, in groups, and for a time the entire river bank was filled with laughter and laughter.

Zhang Shun smiled and looked at the scenery in front of him, feeling a little pleased and a little nostalgic.

March 3rd is the Shangsi Festival, which is a festival for spring outings in the countryside, bathing in the countryside, offering sacrifices to Gaozi, and praying for fertility.

Of course, it doesn’t sound very high-end.

In fact, in ancient times, young men and women would come out to take a bath, then seek mates and have intercourse, as a sacrifice to the god of fertility.

However, with the development of the times and the change of social atmosphere, Shangsi Festival has also become the traditional Women's Festival.

On this day, unmarried women often dress up and go out to meet unmarried men during outings.

The women who have already left the court go sightseeing with their husbands and children, enjoying the spring breeze.

If it hadn't been for this war, I'm afraid Zhang Shun would have led his group of women on a lively outing to the banks of the Wei River.

"King Shun, it's windy outside, hurry up and get into the boat!" At this moment, Wang Jinyi called softly, interrupting Zhang Shun's thoughts and calling him back.

"Okay, don't let others get close!" Zhang Shun nodded, then bent down and got into the boat.

In this painting boat, Sun Chuanting, Song Xiance and Han Lin were already sitting on the ground and waiting for a long time.

This was the second day that Zhang Shun arrived in Jiangzhou. As a result, these three people were called out by Zhang Shun mysteriously and secretly.

The three of them looked puzzled, not knowing what medicine Zhang Shun was selling in his gourd.

"You are all my loyal ministers. I think we need to reach a consensus on some things in advance!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

When everyone saw that Zhang Shun was now raising troops and mobilizing a large number of people, they couldn't help but feel nervous and asked quickly: "I don't know what it is, but it's okay for King Shun to say it."

"When things change, things change. From the time Confucius founded Confucianism to the present, there have been men such as Mencius, Xunzi, Er Cheng, and Mr. Yangming." Zhang Shun said with a shocking start.

"Each school has its own school, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years. But now the glory of the past is no longer there, and the scholars are no longer as ambitious as they used to be. It would be quite inappropriate to continue to cling to the weak!"

"Therefore, I am interested in reforming Confucianism, don't you know?"

"This... this may cause chaos in the world!" Except for Sun Chuanting, there were no other Confucian scholars here. He couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

Change in thinking is not that simple, anymore. When a new idea or theory appears, it must be accepted by the majority of people and must withstand the questioning and criticism of other schools of thought before it has the opportunity to establish a sect.

Otherwise, it is just to entertain oneself behind closed doors and be laughed at by the world.

In Sun Chuanting's view, for King Shun Zhang Shun, reversing the world and replacing destiny was already the most difficult thing in the world.

Now I want to clean up the old customs and sweep away the staleness, but I am really greedy!

As for Song Xiance and Han Lin, one is a Taoist priest and the other is a priest.

The two of them had nothing to do with each other, so they naturally kept their eyes and noses in mind without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun said: "What I call 'innovation' is actually going back to the roots."

"Tracing back to the origin?" Sun Chuanting, Song Xiance, and Han Lin were stunned when they heard this.

"During the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, everyone regarded Haotian God as the supreme and holy god, and only emperors could sacrifice him."

"As the virtues of Zhou Dynasty declined, rituals and music collapsed, and people forgot about them. I want to revive the virtues of God Haotian, is that okay?"

When Sun Chuanting, Song Xiance and Han Lin heard Zhang Shun's words, their expressions suddenly changed.

What does it mean to revive the "virtue of Haotian God"? This is to restore the authority of the "Emperor"!

In particular, Han Lin heard the debate between Zhang Shun and the Catholics twice, and had a vague idea in his mind.

Sure enough, Zhang Shun continued to say: "Haotian God, the supreme being, follows the way of heaven, has no desires and no knowledge, and just lets nature take its course."

"Humanity is not like that. Human beings are the spiritual leaders of all things. They have many thoughts and thoughts, ranging from Qin to Mu Chu. They are different from the way of heaven. Therefore, God entrusted the emperor to follow the way of humanity."

Sun Chuanting, Song Xiance and Han Lin couldn't help but look at each other and thought to themselves: King Shun is preparing to dominate me!

Does what Zhang Shun said make sense?

It makes sense, but it makes so much sense that no one can refute it.

In fact, although the status of "Son of Heaven" has gradually faded since the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, the emperor still has the exclusive right to worship Haotian God, the Five Gods, Heaven and Earth and other great sacrifices.

What Zhang Shun did was to "go against the trend of history" and re-strengthen the emperor's identity as "the Son of Heaven".

The purpose of strengthening is also very simple, to rectify the source and completely solve the problem of the emperor's "legal system".

Those three people were not stupid. After hearing the words, they pondered for a moment, and each of them couldn't help but ask one after another: "Who are the ancient sages and sages?" "Who are the three pure, four imperial, five old, six, seven yuan, eight poles, nine, and ten?" "Who are they? But what about God, Jesus, and Mary?”

"The Great Dao gives rise to one, and the one who has no awareness, no good or evil, and whose Tao follows nature is Haotian God. The original people did not argue about its name, either calling it God, calling it heaven, or calling it god. Its original meaning is one. Yeah." Zhang Shun chuckled.

"Those who are aware and knowledgeable are called 'gods' and 'immortals'; those who educate all people and lead people to do good are called 'sages'."

“The gods, immortals, saints, etc. are respected and worshiped by thousands of people, so they are called ‘Shinto’.”

"The Dao of Heaven is the greatest, and the Dao of humanity is within it; the Dao of humanity is second, and the Dao of God is within it."

"With such an order of hierarchy and distinction between superior and inferior, the world will be at peace!"

Good guy, Zhang Shun directly set the standards, you can figure it out yourself!

Sure enough, it was "I alone am the only one". The three of them looked at each other and immediately began to ponder.

If you want to elevate your religion to the "Way of Heaven", you can only accept King Shun's setting of "unconsciousness and ignorance", accept the rule of "the emperor worships alone", and become a memorial arch for the "emperor".

If you think that the people worshiped by this religion are "emotional and have desires", then you have to wait and choose between the "gods", "immortals" and "holy" in Shinto.

"Since God Haotian is unconscious and unconscious, why offer sacrifices to him?" Han Lin was a bit unwilling to give up and couldn't help but ask after thinking about it.

"The great road is simple, the great road is invisible, the great road is selfless!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing, "Because it is selfless, it is impartial. This is the virtue of God!"

"Therefore, we were born between heaven and earth, and for a long time we did not realize the benefits, and when we were defeated, we did not realize the disasters. This is just the way it is!"

"King Shun's intention is quite consistent with the ancient system. I have no objection!" After hearing Zhang Shun's words, Sun Chuanting pondered for a moment and took the lead in responding.

The system of "Emperor" has existed since ancient times, and Confucians do not find it strange.

Many Confucian sages have discussed the theory of Haotian God, so Sun Chuanting felt that the world's scholars would not have much reaction to it.

"Song has no objections. I guess most Taoist priests are busy cultivating immortals and have no time to care about King Shun!" Song Xiance was always chattering, and he was not a serious Taoist priest, so he didn't care.

Well, now the ball is in Catholic's court.

"I..." Han Lin felt his throat was a little dry and couldn't help but stammered, "I can't decide this matter alone..."

Zhang Shun's remarks were certainly in line with Han Lin's wishes, but Catholic priests had always emphasized that Catholic doctrine was "the rule of the world for all eternity" and could not be changed, which made Han Lin quite embarrassed.

Zhang Shun had already had a rough understanding of Catholicism through Gao Yizhi and Duan Gun, and also knew this doctrine.

Seeing Han Lin's hesitant expression, he couldn't help but smile confidently: "Do you know how these people come all the way to preach in our land of China?"

"Oh, I don't know why?" Han Lin was stunned and couldn't help but ask.

"Because this Catholic religion is like a rat crossing the street in the Far West, everyone shouts to beat it!" Zhang Shun laughed.

It turned out that Zhang Shun had been thinking a lot these days, and finally picked up some scattered contents from the history textbook of his previous life from the corners of his memory.

"It is said that the priests 'use their own hearts to imitate the heaven's hearts in vain'. While selling atonement scrolls at high prices and squeezing out money, they also established religious inquisitions to try and persecute sages and heretics." Zhang Shun actually couldn't remember the time and specific events. Anyway, a pot of The sewage was poured on.

"Inquisition?" Han Lin was stunned when he heard this. This was an unfamiliar new word.

"Yes, it's almost similar to our East Factory and West Factory, but even more vicious!" Zhang Shun nodded.

"They caught the so-called heretics and usually burned them at the stake. It is said that a man named Bruno was burned alive because he insisted on the 'heliocentrism'."

"There was also a wise man named Galileo who was not only proficient in astronomy, arithmetic, mechanics and other knowledge, but also invented the telescope. As a result, he was sentenced to life imprisonment!"

"Under such perverse behavior, everyone in the Far West was in danger, so they launched religious reform movements one after another to resist the possible rule of the Catholic Church."

"In such a situation where everyone was shouting for beatings, these people had no choice but to travel across the oceans under the orders of the Pope to preach in unknown places."

"How is this possible?" After hearing Zhang Shun's call, Han Lin's world was shattered and he looked like the world had collapsed.

In fact, Zhang Shun's words may be true or false. Most of them are based on fragments of memories from his past life and are just a random slur.

But he didn't want to hit the mark accidentally, which just revealed the purpose of the monks' missionary work in the late Ming Dynasty.

It turned out that due to the raging religious reform movement in Europe, the Catholic Church had to organize a well-organized Jesuit order to save itself.

In addition to fighting against the religious reform, the Society of Jesus also has missionary obligations. Matteo Ricci, Tang Ruowang, Gao Yizhi and others who have come to China to preach today are all members of the Society of Jesus.

In addition to translating some Western works to facilitate missionary work, these people also secretly collected local books and technology and secretly transmitted them back to Europe.

"There is a saying that 'If the invaders can go, I can go too'." Seeing Han Lin wavering, Zhang Shun couldn't help but increase his intensity.

"Since Mr. Han is so determined, why not, after helping me conquer the world, follow the example of Master Xuanzang and go to the Far West to obtain the 'True Sutra'?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Han Lin, who was still struggling at first, couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard Zhang Shun's words.

That’s right, seeing what the Far West is like is better than hearing it a hundred times.

Since these missionaries can come from afar, then they can also go from afar, so why not!

This chapter was written and rewritten, and finally it was finished. It not only involves theory, but also has to grasp the relationship with the "Western French Party" and missionaries, which is really confusing.

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