Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1233 Shun Dian

Just as people in Pingyang Prefecture were excited, Zhengyi Academy outside Dongcheng City was also full of guests.

This Zhengyi Academy is a school of Pingyang Mansion, and those present here are all students from Pingyang Mansion.

Han Xu, the former chief minister of the Ming Dynasty and the current Taifu of King Shun, sat upright on the high platform and recited in a clear voice: "On the first day of the first month, the emperor Wenzu finally received the blessing."

The Four Books and Five Classics played a decisive role in the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty, among which the "Shangshu" among the Five Classics played a decisive role in the provincial examinations of the Ming Dynasty.

However, things change when things change. Now that King Shun is in power, I am afraid that the status of "Shang Shu" will be improved.

Han Xu, who was well-read in poetry and books, did not need anyone to teach him, and he knew what to say when he was invited to the academy to give a lecture.

Han Xu was talking about the "Yu Shu Shun Dian" in "Shang Shu".

The person who speaks knows what he has to say, and the people listening will naturally know it too.

Sure enough, just after Han Xu had read two sentences, a member of the staff had already asked: "Sir, I wonder what the meaning of the phrase 'the first day of the first month is the sun' is?"

When they arrived, Han Xu secretly said something and couldn't help but laugh: "The great Confucian Ma Rong said: The sun is the first day of the lunar month."

"The great scholar Zheng Kangcheng also said: As emperors change generations, everyone must make corrections."

"Yao Zheng built Chou, and Shun Zheng built Zi. At this time, Yao Zheng was not changed, so it is said that the sun is on the first month."

The so-called "Jian Chou" refers to the Chou month of the twelfth lunar month; "Jianzi" refers to the eleventh lunar calendar month.

When Yao was in power, December was the beginning of the year; when Shun was in power, November was the beginning of the year.

The so-called first month in later generations started in Xuanyuan and was determined in the Han Dynasty.

According to the "Song Book of Rites": Xuanyuan, Gaoxin, Xia Houshi and Han all regard the 13th month as the correct date.

The so-called "Thirteenth Month" refers to the Yin month of the first month of the lunar calendar of "Jian Yin".

"White Tiger Tongyi" says: What are the three things in Zhengshuo? There are three systems in this heaven, which are called the three subtle moons.

Therefore, the three months of November, December and January are called the "Three Micro Months" because they can be chosen as Zhengshuo.

All of you here are people who have read poetry and books, so why don’t you understand the meaning? How can you use Han Xu to talk?

The reason why someone asked like this was actually to test the rebels' ambitions.

What Han Xu said, "Yao Zheng built Chou, Shun Zheng built Zi. Yao Zheng was not changed at this time, so it is said that it is the first day of the first month." In fact, it means implicitly that "King Shun is now king but not emperor, just as Emperor Shun used to be the emperor." Yao's righteousness has not yet arrived."

All the members could not help but be satisfied after hearing this, and praised "Emperor Shun's virtue" one after another.

However, at this moment, someone was more thoughtful and thought more profoundly. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Excuse me, sir, what do you mean by 'Shou Zhi Zong Wenzu'?"

"Tai Shi Gong said: Wenzu was the great ancestor of Yao, and Yao and Shun were the same ancestors, so they were accepted in his temple."

""King System" quotes "Ji Ming Zheng" as saying: Tang and Yu had five temples, four were their relatives' temples, and one was the ancestor's temple."

"Then Huang Di is the fourth ancestor of Yao. I don't know who this Taizu is. Huang Di, the ancestor of Shun, is also the same as Taizu!"

What does that mean?

Han Xu cited the views of Ma Qian of the Taishi Company and believed that the so-called "Wenzu" was the great ancestor of Yao, that is, the great ancestor of Yao.

The Yellow Emperor was the fourth ancestor of Emperor Yao. We don’t know who the Taizu was. Emperor Shun also had the Yellow Emperor as his ancestor, so they were the same Taizu.

Of course, there is no concept of "descendants of Yan and Huang" in this era. When Han Xu said these words, he almost denied the inheritance relationship between Zhang Shun and the Zhu family. What was he doing?

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this, and thought to themselves: Mr. Han Ge is not a fool, how can he say such a thing?

Sure enough, Han Xu said again: "The great Confucian Ma Rong believed that: Wenzu is Heaven. Heaven is Wen, the ancestor of all things, so he is called Wenzu."

"Xunzi's Theory of Rites says: The King of Heaven, Taizu, and the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of Yao, must also match Heaven."

Well, here comes the second explanation again.

The emperor regarded Heaven as his great ancestor, and the so-called "Wenzu" actually refers to "Heaven".

Then, Han Xu continued to narrate: "Zheng Kangcheng said: The great names of the Five Prefectures of Wenzu are like the Mingtang of Zhou Dynasty."

""Historical Records" cites "Shangshu: Emperor's Mingxuan" as saying: Wufu, the temple of the five emperors."

"Cang means Lingfu, red means Wenzu, yellow means Shendou, white means Xianji, and black means Yuanju."

"Tang Yu called it Tianfu, Xia called it Shishi, Yin called it Chongwu, and Zhou called it Mingtang. They were all places dedicated to the five emperors."

Good guys, three paragraphs and three explanations.

Sima Qian believed that Wenzu was Taizu Yao, Ma Rong believed that Wenzu pointed to the sky, and Zheng Kangcheng believed that Wenzu was the Red Emperor.

"What does Mr. Na think is right and what is wrong?" Everyone hesitated for a moment, then simply stopped pretending and asked directly.

Just tell me directly, where did King Shun's Daotong come from, and how do you plan to rectify his name?

"The king is Taizu Tian, ​​so Taizu Yao is Tian!" Han Xu said with a slight smile, "Heaven is God, and God is the emperor of the five palaces."

"In the Tang Dynasty, it was built with the name Huangdi. Mingtang was not only the general name of the five mansions, but also the honorary name of the Nanxiang Room! Lihuo Civilization, so it was called Wenzu."

"As "White Tiger Tongyi" says: What will a king do when he is ordered to do something? He understands that what he accepts is from heaven, and what he does not accept is from man."

"Therefore, although Yao and Shun were said to have yielded, it was actually the mandate of heaven. Zheng Shuo has the same meaning as Tai Shigong and Ma Shi."

Han Xu’s words are so high-end. What do they mean?

That is to say, the ancestor of the emperor is Heaven, and Heaven is the so-called God in ancient times.

What does God mean? It refers to the Five Emperors of Cang, Red, Yellow, White and Black who are worshiped in the Five Houses.

During the reign of Emperor Yao of the Tang Dynasty, the Yellow Emperor matched the sky, so Mingtang became the general name of the five mansions and the honorary name of the Nanxiang Room.

At that time, the person worshiping in the Nanxiang Room was the Red Emperor Wenzu, so he was also called Wenzu.

To put it bluntly, the so-called "Emperor Shun" and "receiving orders from Emperor Wen" actually meant receiving orders from heaven.

As the ancestor of Tang Yao, the Yellow Emperor was actually entitled to enjoy the five palaces for sacrifices.

Therefore, no matter what Sima Qian thinks of Yao Taizu, Ma Rong thinks of Tian, ​​or Zheng Kangcheng thinks of Red Emperor, they actually mean the same thing.

Han Xu seems to be narrating "Shang Shu Shun Dian", but in fact he is using the past to satirize the present and convey the truth in the text.

It seems to be an allusion of "Tang Yao surrendered to Yu Shun", but it is actually talking about "replacing Ming with Qin".

The Ming Dynasty may have many loyal ministers and righteous people, but naturally there are also many people who "see gain and forget justice."

Now that the rebel army has conquered Pingyang with overwhelming momentum, many people have naturally thought of changing their families, seeing the general trend.

It's just that the so-called "celestial phenomena" and "mandate of destiny" of the rebels are not accepted by orthodox Confucianism. Therefore, while these people are trying to obtain an official position, they do not want to bear the name of "second minister".

Therefore, they hope to understand the construction of the rebel orthodoxy and become "heroes of the new dynasty" instead of "second ministers of the previous dynasty".

It just so happened that Han Xu, the former chief minister of the Ming Dynasty, was now appointed as the Taifu of the Rebel Army. He was a learned Confucian scholar and had to defend his "subjugation to Shun". That's why he gave a lecture today.

As everyone asked and answered, several things became clear in an instant.

First, Zhang Shun will continue to "serve Yao Zheng" for the time being and act as an emperor.

Second, "Shun replaced Yao" was determined by the fate of heaven. King Shun naturally wanted to "correct Shuo" and establish a new dynasty.

Third, the new dynasty will not vigorously promote "Yao, Zen, and Shun", but will clearly understand that "replacing the Ming Dynasty with Qin" is an act of heaven and destiny.

Fourth, King Shun was more virtuous than Emperor Shun, so he would definitely "implement benevolent government and recruit talented people."

It seems that these points are not very important, but in fact they are related to the reputation of everyone a hundred years later.

Especially if the rebel army identifies "Yao, Zen, and Shun", then the legal system of the new dynasty comes from the previous dynasty.

So once the rebels recognize the legal authority of the previous dynasty, they will not criticize the previous dynasty.

If the previous dynasty was not criticized and criticized, then what do they think of those who changed their families?

Now that they had received the guarantee from Han Xu, the former chief minister of the Ming Dynasty, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help asking: "What you said is true. I wonder if there will be any lectures and readings tomorrow?"

Han Xu was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He quickly smiled and said: "If you are interested, from today on, I will give lectures at Zhengyi Academy for five consecutive days. Those who are interested can come and listen."

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