Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1247 Hong Tai proclaims himself emperor

"King Li Ju of the Ming Dynasty of Korea has met the Khan of the Jin Dynasty!" King Li Ju of the Joseon State, dressed in blue-dyed clothes, led his crown prince and more than fifty accompanying officials to kneel to Hong Tai.

Previously, in the "Dingmao Rebellion", the Korean state was defeated, and the late Jin Dynasty's general Amin attacked the cities of Yizhou, Dingzhou, Guoshan, Anzhou, Pyongyang, Huangzhou, and Pingshan, and had to sign a city alliance with the later Jin Dynasty. The two sides agreed to be a brotherly country, and North Korea opened its market to Houjin and paid annual coins.

However, in private, North Korea still regarded Hou Jin as "a member of the barbarians", and the attitude between Jin and Ming was often ambiguous.

Subsequently, in terms of the implementation of the covenant signed by the two parties, North Korea not only cut corners on the "year-old coins" to pay the deposit, but also delayed in honoring the agreement to open the market in Huining.

All this made Mrs. Hong, the Khan of the Jin Kingdom, very angry. This time she finally seized the opportunity, so she dealt with North Korea ruthlessly.

How could the leader of North Korea, Li Jie, be convinced?

It's just that the situation is stronger now. Hong Tai, the leader of the Jin Dynasty, led an army of 100,000 people and approached Seoul without any effort, and then besieged the Namhan Mountain City where the Korean King Li Jian lived.

A few days ago, the Jin army conquered Ganghwa Island and captured the crown prince, concubines and many ministers. Seeing that the situation was over, King Li Ju of North Korea had to leave the city and surrender.

"Is there a Ming Dynasty in Korea? Ha!" Hong Tai was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but stare gloomily at the trembling King Li Zhu of Korea below.

The generals Dorgon, Yue Tuo, Azige and the Han officials and Confucian officials around him, such as Bao Chengxian, Ning Wanwo, Fan Wencheng, Luo Xiujin, etc., couldn't help but look even more ugly.

If the name is not correct, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not smooth, the things will not be accomplished.

Although Hong Taibing was victorious, he was only the Khan of the Later Jin Kingdom.

In terms of status, he is at most the same level as the king of Korea. How can he discuss the vassal relationship between Korea and the Ming Dynasty?

Hong Taihe's generals and Confucian officials held a grand surrender ceremony with dark faces outside Nanhan Mountain City.

Khan Hongtai of the Jin Kingdom decided on the spot to keep the eldest son and second son of the Korean King Li Zhu as hostages, forcing North Korea to hand over the three bachelors Hong Yihan, Yin Ji, and Wu Daji, the courtiers who strongly opposed peace, and captured more than 500,000 Korean men and women. , and returned with a great victory.

"King Khan, this servant has something to say!" On the way back to the teacher, Fan Wencheng, a bachelor of the Internal Secretariat, observed his words and couldn't help but stepped forward and spoke.

"Say!" Although this time the campaign to conquer Korea was successful and many prisoners were captured, Mrs. Hong was not in a good mood.

"I respectfully ask King Khan to change his title as soon as possible so that his name can be justified and he can order the countries of Manchuria, Mongolia and Korea to compete with the Ming Dynasty for one day!" Fan Wencheng secretly glanced at Hong Tai and hurriedly admonished.

"Those who are competing with me for the world now are not Ming, but thieves. This matter will be discussed later!" Hong Tai shook his head when he heard this and refused.

Don’t you think Mrs. Hong doesn’t want to be emperor?

In fact, since he defeated the "Hu Dun Tu Han", surrendered the Tumut, Chahar and other Mongolian tribes, and now surrendered the Korean state, he was actually just one step away from becoming emperor.

However, this "kick" was stopped by the "Shun Thief" who had the power to sweep the world.

The situations faced by the Later Jin Kingdom and the Rebel Army were completely different.

Under the rule of the rebel army, many people had the same culture and race, and the idea of ​​great unification was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Therefore, Zhang Shun was able to "upgrade" from calling himself "Optimus Prime", "King Shun", "President Fengtian Changyi" to "King Qin".

All of Hong Tai's legal principles were inherited from Lao Nu's title of "Khan of the Kingdom of Jin". However, due to the killing policy pursued by the old slaves, everyone complained and conflicts became acute, and the "Khan of the Jin Kingdom" evolved into the Jurchen Khan.

Therefore, after Hongtai conquered Mongolia and Korea, he urgently needed a title of Khan above the Khan to rule Mongolia, Korea and other countries under unified legal jurisdiction.

So the title of "Emperor", the most expensive title in East Asia, naturally became Hong Tai's first choice.

However, there are no two days in the sky and no two masters in the people.

Once Hong Tai rashly proclaims himself emperor, it will definitely trigger a massive conquest by the Ming army.

Two dogs fight, play off!

But now when the three forces of Jin, Ming and thieves stand in a tripartite position, if Jin fights with Ming, the thieves will gain the upper hand; if thieves fight with the Ming, then gold will gain the upper hand. Therefore, Mrs. Hong does not want to create extraneous problems, lest she become like the snipe and the clam.

What is strategic concentration? This is called strategic concentration.

Even if the right time and place are in place, and there is only one final step left, the Khan Hong of the Jin Dynasty can suppress the desire and huge temptation in his heart and wait for the opportunity.

"Eight hundred miles urgent, eight hundred miles urgent, urgent report from Shanxi!" Just when Hong Tai was proud of his strategic determination, he suddenly heard noise outside.

"Xian Dou, what's going on outside?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but squinted her eyes and asked.

"King Khan, please wait a moment. I'll be back as soon as I go!" Fan Wencheng responded quickly when he heard this, and hurriedly clapped his horse and went to check the situation.

Not long after, I saw Fan Wencheng running back with a letter in his hand and a spring breeze on his face.

"Why are you so panicked?" Seeing his behavior, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but have some guesses in her mind.

"I'm so happy, I'm so happy, my destiny lies in gold, my destiny lies in sweat!" Fan Wencheng could no longer suppress the joy in his heart, and couldn't help but said ecstatically.

"Shanxi merchants have been rewarded. As expected, the 'shun thief' couldn't keep calm. He led an army of 100,000 to conquer the Ming Dynasty. Now he is fighting fiercely with the Ming Dynasty in Shanxi!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Mrs. Hong, who originally looked gloomy, couldn't help but smile and said three times in a row.

"Send the order and the whole army speeds up and rushes back to Shengjing."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Hong hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "Then. Then, we can speed up on that matter!"

Fan Wencheng was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood.

He hesitated for a moment, originally wanting to ask Mrs. Hong whether she planned to do it before "Zheng Ming" or after "Zheng Ming", but then he realized it.

If it were after the "Zheng Ming", why would King Khan need to give such instructions?

"Slave, go now!" Fan Wencheng quickly bowed deeply and responded in a low voice.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty and the tenth year of Jin Tiancong, on March 15th, Hong Tai unified the clan name "Manzhou". The ministers asked Hong Tai to "reign the throne as soon as possible" on the grounds that Chahar surrendered and obtained the "Jade Seal of the Nation". , Hong Tai declined.

Later, Han officials and Confucian officials Bao Chengxian, Ning Wanwo, Fan Wencheng, Luo Xiujin and others came to the table and asked Mrs. Hong to "change her title as soon as possible", but Mrs. Hong refused again.

Daishan's third son, Zhenghongqi Beile Saharian, summoned all Beile to write an oath to be loyal to Huang Taiji. After hearing the news, the Mongolian Zhubeile of the outer vassal also requested to be given the honorary title, but Mrs. Hong reluctantly agreed.

The matter of the ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty "taking the honorary title" lasted until the end of March before it came to an end, and everything was ready.

On April 11, Mrs. Hong offered sacrifices to heaven at the Temple of Heaven in Shengjing, and then "lived up to the position of emperor" and accepted congratulations from courtiers.

He was honored as the "Kuanwenrenrensheng Emperor" and the country was named "Qing", which was changed to Chongde in the Yuan Dynasty.

The clan name Jurchen was changed to "Manzhou" and its name was changed to Huang Taiji.

Then all the Manchu, Han and Mongolian troops in the country were mobilized, preparing to enter the pass to fight for the world.

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