Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1252 Gourd King

"Boom!" The rumbling sound of artillery resounded, intercepting the counterattack of the officers and soldiers of Taiyuan County.

The rebel soldiers who were frustrated in their attack again receded like the tide.

Zhang Shun frowned and found that the generals who came from the Ming army's frontier army were really good at using artillery in the city and holding on to the city.

If the Ming army in Guannei fought against the rebels, they could not defeat them and could not defend them.

As for the Ming army in the four towns of Jiliao in Xuanda, although they couldn't defeat them, they could hold on.

Although Jiang Xiang's previous attack on Sun Chuanting had been frustrated, but now he was determined to defend it, and the rebels seemed to have no good solution for a while other than to bite him hard.

"No wonder Houjin, despite winning consecutive battles, was still unable to conquer the four towns of Xuanda, Jiliao. It turns out that they are indeed somewhat capable in defense." Zhang Shun stood under the city and watched for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh.

It turned out that when Wu Gang, the governor of Henan, met with Zhou Wang Zhu Gongzhen, the rebel army was trying to attack Taiyuan County.

It's just that this time the Ming army came well prepared, and Zhu Xieyuan deliberately strengthened the defense facilities in Taiyuan County, so the rebel attack did not go smoothly.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, this Ming general Jiang Xiang is very well-organized. It seems that he will not be able to defeat him for a while." Zhang Damou also saw this and couldn't help but make suggestions.

"If you want to break this city, I'm afraid the 'Qingtian General Cannon' will have to take action!"

Zhang Shun was also on his way this time, and the 10,000-jin Hongyi cannon was not brought with the army. Therefore, the siege firepower was somewhat insufficient and could not effectively destroy the city wall.

"Don't worry!" Zhang Shun shook his head when he heard this and smiled confidently.

"The rebels were advancing too fast in the early days. It would be better if we slow down in the past few days and let everyone take a breather."

In fact, since the rebel army launched a large-scale attack on March 2, it only took twenty days to reach the vicinity of Taiyuan, which is extremely fast.

Now that the main force has not been gathered and the heavy firepower has not arrived, Zhang Shun also wants to be stable.

"His Royal Highness King Shun Shun, actually." Sun Chuanting hesitated for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward and said, "Actually, there is a rebel army in this land of Shanxi, but I don't know if it can be used by me."

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and then reacted.

The so-called rebels by Sun Chuanting should be the remnants of the original Shaanxi uprising army or local heroes who took advantage of the chaos.

He couldn't help but ask: "I wonder who leads this kind of rebel army, where is it located, and how many troops are under its command?"

"Going west from here, in the mountains, there are four or five groups of rebels, each occupying the top of the mountain, with thousands of troops, threatening Taiyuan." Sun Chuanting heard this and said that he had many family treasures.

"The Ming Dynasty was deeply worried and sent people to suppress it many times, but all returned without success."

"His tribe successively included Renliang, King of Calabash, Zonghan of Huodicaohe, Minister of the Five Leopard Kings, Gao Jiaji, the God of Dangerous Roads, Liu Haoran from Xiangxiang, and others. Wang Gang, Tongtianzhu, Wang Jinying, Guo Yan, Wang Quan, and Bashan Hu were also famous. For a while.”

"When Dai Jun'en, the governor of Shanxi Province, came to care for him, Wang Gang, Wang Zhichen, He Zonghan, Gao Jiajie, and Liu Haoran came to care for him one after another. They were later beheaded for taking rewards. Now only Ren Liang, Wang Jinying, Guo Yan, Wang Quan, Bashan Hu and others are entrenched in the east. Huluchuan Generation.”

"If King Shun can recruit his troops, not only will the west wing be free of worries, but it will also have a new force."

It turns out that although Zhang Shun and Sun Chuanting successively led their armies to the vicinity of Taiyuan, the Luliang Mountains in the west, Shangdang in the south, Datong in Xuanfu in the north and the Taihang Mountains in the east were still under the control of the Ming army.

On the surface, the rebel army is like a sharp knife, rapidly piercing the heart of the Ming army - Taiyuan. It also means that the rebel forward is surrounded by the enemy.

If the Ming army had been prepared in advance and surrounded them before the main force of the rebels arrived, Zhang Shun, Sun Chuanting and others might still be a little hard to resist.

Anyway, it will still take a few days for the rebel army's "Qingtian General Cannon" to arrive. If we can take the opportunity to send someone to persuade the rebel army to surrender, we will still have a "idle" move.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, there are righteous people here, who can tell me?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that these people must be the ones Sun Chuanting planned to "annihilate" when he was the governor of Shanxi, so he knew very little about them. deep.

"Your Highness, the old Taoist can't lift it with his hands or carry it on his shoulders. He can't help King Shun here, but he is willing to go." Song Xiance couldn't help but stepped forward and said with a smile.

"It's just that the thieves are fierce, and I'm afraid they'll bully me because I'm old and frail. I have to ask King Shun for someone else before I can make the trip!"

"Oh? I wonder who Mr. Song is going to ask for?" Zhang Shun was not surprised that Song Xiance could stand up. After all, his previous talk of surrendering to Yulin City had already revealed his great talent as a lobbyist.

It's just that Song Xiance had always been alone before, but he didn't expect that this time he would need someone to accompany him.

"King Shun's Ji Longfeng is very skilled in martial arts and loyal and reliable. I would like to ask him to accompany you, just in case!" Seeing Zhang Shun's question, Song Xiance couldn't help but glance at Wei Zhiyou, Zhang Damou, Sun Chuanting, Wukong, Wang Jinyi and others. , finally focusing on Ji Longfeng.

Ji Longfeng couldn't help but be stunned. She never thought that this matter could involve herself.

"Longfeng, are you willing to go with Mr. Song?" Zhang Shun did not decide, but asked Ji Longfeng.

To be honest, now that the war is imminent, Ji Longfeng is rubbing his fists and palms, preparing for a big fight. He doesn't want to be a guard for a bad old man at all.

Seeing Ji Longfeng's hesitation, Wukong couldn't help but jump out and said: "Master is very biased, but he will leave all the matters of meritorious service to others."

"Now is the time when Lao Sun's hands are itchy, why don't you send me on a trip like this?"

Seeing the hesitation on Ji Longfeng's face, Zhang Shun couldn't help but turned to Song Xiance and asked, "I wonder if it would be feasible for Wukong and sir to go there instead?"

Song Xiance was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "If Wukong follows, the old master will definitely be able to catch this matter."

"Easy to say, easy to say!" When Wukong saw Song Xiance agreeing, he couldn't help but dance with stick flowers excitedly, full of joy.

"In this case, Mr. Lao!" For Zhang Shun, although Wukong was highly skilled in martial arts and loyal, but with Wang Jinyi protecting him, there was no danger for a while, so he agreed.

Not to mention how Zhang Shun told Wukong not to disobey Song Xiance's orders.

Although Ji Longfeng successfully persuaded King Shun, looking at everyone's expressions, it seemed that he had suffered a big loss, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Do you feel that things are different from what you thought?" When Wang Jinyi saw it, he couldn't help but stepped forward and patted Ji Longfeng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Mr. Song previously said in vain that he surrendered Yulin Jiancheng. The generals of the six surnames and seven sects of Yulin surrendered and surrendered without a fight. The 30,000 elite Ming troops surrendered without a fight. This is a first-rate feat."

"So," Ji Longfeng couldn't help but say with an ugly expression.

"So, this is a free achievement. If it weren't for a certain family's important responsibility, I would have to fight for it. I never thought that General Ji would be so upright and upright, and he gave it to Wukong. I admire him very much." Wang Jinyi smiled.

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