Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1254 Bashan Tiger

"I'm Ren Liang, who's the hero?" Song Xiance didn't expect that after a few threats, the "Gourd King" Ren Liang actually rushed over from the village overnight.

"I am Song Xiance, the great national advisor under King Shun, the leader of the thirty-sixth battalion of the Yi Army. This is the Monkey King Sun Wukong, the general under King Shun. This time, I was entrusted by King Shun to come to see the Gourd King." Song Xiance couldn't help but wince. Gongshou Road.

"Bold!" As soon as Song Xiance finished speaking, a sturdy man jumped out and shouted.

"What about the Monkey King and the Ugly Monkey King? Are you telling me that you haven't read "Journey to the West"?"

I don't know whether Song Xiance intentionally or unintentionally, while giving himself the title of a great master, he also gave Wukong the nickname "Monkey King".

This kind of behavior of treating others like fools really angered them.

"Bashanhu, don't be rude!" Ren Liang shouted quickly, but then he remained motionless.

Song Xiance saw clearly and naturally knew that this must be the instruction of "Gourd King" Ren Liang.

As the saying goes: I would rather be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox.

Ren Liang is so good at being the "Calabash King", how can he listen to a few empty words and become a dog with others?

This group of people are short-sighted and may not realize the power of King Shun. Let's give them some color first and then talk to them.

It turns out that Bashan Tiger's original surname is Gao, a native of Fenxi.

Later, after he raised the army, he offended the powerful Wang Gang, but fortunately Ren Liang knelt down and begged for mercy.

Therefore, this person was quite disgusted with the rebels related to Wang Gang, and was devoted to the Calabash King Renliang.

"Bashan Tiger? What is Bashan Tiger!" Wukong couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this, and said with disdain.

Song Xiance's words "Monkey King Sun Wukong" made him feel very comfortable, and he didn't mind taking the opportunity to stretch his muscles.

"Oh, I remembered, you are the little demon who sat down with the two demons Golden Horn and Silver Horn. Fortunately, your Grandpa Sun has a good memory and still remembers it!"

Nima, Bashanhu couldn't help but jump out when he heard this, and said angrily: "What a thief, how dare you insult me ​​like this."

"He's a hero, come out and help!"

It turns out that in "Journey to the West", there happened to be a little demon named "Bashan Tiger" under the command of King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn.

If it was just a joke in the past, then Bashan Tiger wouldn't be upset at all. But now that Wukong calls himself the Monkey King, when his nickname is mentioned, he is naturally belittled.

"It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk. I wonder if you are competing with weapons or sumo wrestling?" Wukong grinned, not even the slightest bit afraid.

Bashanhu looked at Wukong's terrifying figure and felt that sumo wrestling was not as good as others, so he quickly said: "We are all people who lick blood on the tip of the sword, so naturally we are competing with weapons!"

Good guy, it’s true that there is a road to heaven if you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell if you don’t take it.

Seeing that Ren Liang had no intention of stopping him, Song Xiance couldn't help but tell him lightly: "Don't beat him to death!"

Are you kidding me, let alone you Bashan Tiger and Bashan Chong, even if twenty or thirty of you come together, you may not be able to withstand the iron rod of Wukong!

Nabashanhu became even more angry after hearing this. He only took a gun, about six or seven feet long, and came to invite a fight.

Wukong was even more disdainful when he saw it, and couldn't help but shook his head and jumped out.

It turns out that although the iron rod in Wukong's hand weighs thirty-six kilograms, it is actually only five feet long and one inch five six inches thick. It looks short and slender in the hands of Wukong, who is six feet five inches tall.

Na Bashanhu couldn't help but laugh and said: "My gun is called a quick gun. It is six feet five inches long and can release ammunition. I will spare you this time today and let you see how powerful grandpa is!"

"There's so much nonsense, let's watch!" Wukong was impatient and hit him with a stick.

The Bashan Tiger took a step back, with a sneer on his face, and just grabbed it quickly with his hand.

Don't underestimate this knock, it is his "stunt".

It turns out that the wooden handle of this fast gun is five feet long, and the gun body is two feet long. There is a gun head inserted into the chamber, so it is top-heavy and is the most difficult to use except for shooting.

However, the martial arts inherited from the Bashan Tiger family is the long-handled mace, which has long been eliminated due to the rise of firearms.

After Nabashan Hu started his army, he accidentally discovered that the Ming army's quick-shooting skills were quite similar to maces, so he replaced the sticks with guns and developed a strange martial arts.

The gun body was made of fine iron and was quite heavy. Basically no weapon could withstand his blow.

As long as the opponent's weapon is knocked away by him, he can stab forward and kill a hero.

I don’t know how many heroes with great abilities and proficient martial arts died because they misjudged the weight of the weapons in his hands.

Seeing Wukong's blow, Bashanhu's mouth almost opened.

Na Zeng thought about the intersection of the two weapons, only to hear a "clang" sound, Bashan Tiger's mouth was about to burst, and the gun in his hand almost flew out.

He was about to leave, but where was it too late?

I saw an iron rod knocking down the pocket, and I saw that my head was about to explode and I died at this moment.

Only one person was heard shouting urgently: "Heroes, show mercy!"

With a "hoo" sound, the iron rod stopped steadily in front of Bashan Tiger's head.

Suddenly, a drop of cold sweat rolled down Bashanhu's forehead, rolled over the corners of his eyes, rolled over his cheeks, rolled over his chin, and finally fell to the ground, breaking into eight pieces.

"What a...good man, what a...good kung fu, what an iron rod!" Bashan Hu couldn't help but stammered.

Experts will know if there is any as soon as they make a move, but Bashan Hu still doesn't understand, this guy suddenly used a muddy iron rod.

What he has trained himself is the ability on the battlefield, and he has followed the vigorous route of opening and closing.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be stronger and more powerful than me, so if I competed a hundred times, I would end up with the same outcome.

"Ha, boring!" Wukong raised the corner of his mouth, took back the iron rod in his hand, and held a stick as lightly as nothing.

"How's it going?" At some point, Ren Liang had already walked up to Bashan Hu and asked in a low voice.

"After Gao Jiaji's death, it is estimated that only Li Shukong will be able to practice with him!" Bashanhu responded with shame.

Ren Liang patted him on the shoulder and said nothing. He just smiled at Song Xiance and said, "What a strong man, what a martial artist, but now I'm convinced!"

"If King Shun's subordinates are all such fierce generals, what will happen to the world?"

When Song Xiance saw that he still kept silent about the "joint operation", he couldn't help but take the initiative and said: "This is the courage of one person, fighting with all his strength, but he is only twenty or thirty, so he can't take it seriously."

"Now King Shun is out on the Northern Expedition, aiming directly at the capital of the Ming Dynasty. I wonder if King Gourd wants to be a friend or an enemy?"

"Haha, Confucius once said that we are all brothers in the world!" Ren Liang couldn't help but laugh.

"Now King Shun is the most prestigious and the leader of the thirty-sixth battalion of the rebel army. How can I dare to be an enemy?"

"But then again, no matter who has great ability or great reputation, there is absolutely no reason to make brothers sacrifice their lives with just one word!"

"I don't know what King Gourd has in mind. You might as well mark the path and let the old Taoist priest follow it!" Song Xiance said with half-squinted eyes.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. How dare I draw any line against King Shun's advisors and generals?" Ren Liang said calmly.

"It's just that there are many people in this mountain and it's not up to me to decide."

"Fifty or sixty miles to the northwest from here, there is Zhouhong Mountain in Jingle. There is Zhouhong Village in the mountain. There is a hero in the village called Li Shukong."

"This person's reputation is only inferior to mine, but he is young, energetic, and somewhat capable. He never listens to my orders."

"If the Imperial Master can persuade this man to surrender to King Shun, how dare everyone in Huluzhai disobey the order?"

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