Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1256 It’s worth it

It is said that Li Shukong proposed to compete with fire guns, and Song Xiance was at a loss what to do for a while.

At this moment, Wukong unexpectedly took a step forward and said with a smile: "If you talk about firing your bow and firing your blunderbuss, I, the old grandson, can't do it."

"But if Chief Li is interested, the Sa family might as well play with you."

Wukong smiled as he walked to the bonfire, reached out and pulled out a piece of firewood, then baked it on the ground to extinguish the flames, leaving only some red coals on it.

"You..." Li Shukong couldn't help but be confused when he saw Wukong exposing his shortcomings. He didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

"But I can't fire a gun, and you can't hold a target!" Wukong laughed.

"It's dark now, and I can't see my fingers. I can hold this firewood. Can I ask Master Li to shoot the red charcoal?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and were immediately impressed by Wukong's courage.

Holding charcoal late at night, Sagittarius sees only sparks and no one. If there was even the slightest mistake, he might be killed on the spot.

This kind of behavior is generally called "tiger", or "silly" or "desperate" in later generations. However, in the eyes of thieves and bandits of this era, it is the behavior of a first-rate hero.

"Good!" Some people couldn't help but cheer and praised, "What a good man, you are so courageous!"

Seeing that this guy's momentum overwhelmed him, Li Shukong couldn't help but feel embarrassed for a moment.

Although he believed that his blunderbuss was always on target, people would miss, and horses would stumble. If he missed, he would be beaten to death.

When the time comes, it will be a small matter to apologize to King Shun, but it will be a big deal if I ruin my reputation and be ridiculed by others in the future.

Seeing Li Shukong hesitate, a person stood up quickly, shook his head and said: "It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate, this method is inappropriate."

"If the leader of my village hits the target, there will be nothing to be happy about. If the shot misses, he will bear a huge responsibility."

"Your Excellency is sitting back and enjoying the success, but my village master cannot decide the winner. How about you suffer losses on both sides and work in vain?"

"Who are you?" Wukong glanced sideways and said with disdain.

My old grandson is the Monkey King, how dare cats and dogs come forward and grin?

"I, Liu Rang, am the second leader of Zhou Hong Village!" The man was quite angry in his heart, but he said proudly on his face.

It turned out that this man was Li Shukong's good friend Liu Rang. He went to Guihua City on a starry night and recruited 500 elite cavalry to break through Jingle County and rescue Li Shukong's people.

Song Xiance was afraid that Wukong would make rude remarks again, so he quickly stepped forward and said a few polite words.

But Wukong thought to himself: "Although I am not good with firearms, I cannot lose my reputation as a master. Let me try to flatter him."

Thinking of this, Wukong couldn't help but smile and said: "Although you are neither old nor young, there is some truth in what you said."

"It's not like this: First, Old Sun will hold the firewood, and Li Zhai will test the shooting; then Li Zhai will hold the firewood, and I, Old Sun, will test the shooting."

"The one who hits the target wins, the one who misses loses. If it's a tie, keep shooting until one side misses or the other side doesn't dare to hold firewood. What do you think?"

Nima, Liu Rang and Li Shukong couldn't help but secretly curse Wukong for being despicable and shameless.

It turns out that Li Shukong was an expert at shooting at charcoal at night, and he was 90% sure that he would be able to hit the charcoal without hurting anyone.

However, Wukong didn't know anything about bird guns. If he was allowed to hold a gun and shoot, and Li Shukong was allowed to hold firewood and set a target, then life and death would really depend on fate and wealth!

From this point on, if the risk of Wukong holding firewood is only 10%, then when it is Li Shukong's turn to hold firewood, the risk suddenly increases to 50%. How can there be any fairness in this?

Liu Rang couldn't help being furious when he heard this, and was about to step forward to ridicule him.

Unexpectedly, Li Shukong raised his palm to stop Liu Rang, and instead agreed: "Okay, let's just follow what this strong man said."

"Please let the strong men step back fifty steps, and let the leader of this village fire the gun first."

It turned out that Li Shukong, as the leader of a village, didn't actually care about winning or losing, but had other concerns.

Since ancient times, there have been many bandits in Jiaocheng. Since he raised his army, countless people have been destroyed in a swirl.

Not to mention the distant ones, but the nearby ones include Kelan Gaojiaji, Jiaocheng Wang Gang, He Caochao, Liu Haoran, Bao Wuyi, etc.

As a result, they were killed by officers and soldiers long ago for military merit.

The bandits in Jiaoshan were killed one after another, and now only he and Ren Liang, as well as Wang Jinying, Guo Yan, Wang Quan, and Bashan Hu were left.

However, these few groups of people are still not good at "rolling".

In Jiaoshan, the land is poor and the people are scarce, and it is impossible to feed many people, let alone these "thieves and bandits" who are out of work.

He can raise two thousand horses, which is already the limit of local support.

People like Ren Liang, Wang Jinying, Guo Yan, Wang Quan and Bashan Hu were half civilians and half bandits.

Ren Liang was called the "Gourd King" because he occupied the "East and West Gourds".

Among them, the terrain of East Huluchuan was dangerous, so Ren Liang set up camps on three cliffs in the middle of the Sichuan.

The Zucchini River, which has better conditions, is where one of Ren Liang's minions works.

They work for the people when they are busy, and they are thieves when they are free. They have a foothold here and are the most difficult to destroy.

Therefore, in the end, Zhou Hongshan and Sanzuoya formed two forces that neither could defeat the other.

However, compared to Ren Liang, who "is content with being a little rich" and is willing to be a thief all his life, Li Shukong, who has read several books, always wants to make a difference.

Previously, the Shaanxi rebels crossed the Yellow River from the east, which once gave him some hope. However, this hope was quickly dashed.

Although King Shun now gave him hope again.

However, he never wanted to let himself down again, so he deliberately made things difficult.

It doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, as long as he can prove that this guy is a good man, then he will lose his fortune and his life, and his life will be worth it.

Thinking of this, Li Shukong picked a long bird gun and skillfully poured gunpowder into the barrel.

Then, he tore off a piece of cloth from his body, wrapped the lead bullet, and sent it down with a rod.

Then slowly pour in some primer, take the lit match in Liu Rang's hand, and carefully clamp it on the faucet.

By the time Li Shukong slowly completed these actions, it seemed like a century had passed.

Li Shukong then took up the musket, closed one eye, and aimed at the sparks in the darkness.

"Master monk, I'm about to fire the gun. Are you ready?" Li Shukong suddenly asked.

"You can only fire guns, no farts!" Wukong's impatient voice came from afar.

"Bang!" As soon as Wukong finished speaking, Li Shukong fired the gun decisively.

"Oh, you don't have martial ethics!" Song Xiance couldn't help but feel nervous when he heard the sound of the gun, but before he could say hello, he heard Wukong shouting.

Not long after, I saw this guy running over, handed the firewood in his hand to Li Shukong, and said with a smile: "You were right this time, but now it's my turn!"

Song Xiance stepped forward and took a closer look, only to see that a piece of firewood was missing where it was red. He thought it must be Li Shukong's handiwork.

He couldn't help but admire: "Zhai Leader Li is good at gunfire!"

"But he is not as courageous and far-sighted as the Monkey King!" Unexpectedly, Li Shukong shook his head and said with a smile.

"Now I am convinced and willing to follow..."

"Master of the Village!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Shukong spoke, Liu Rang couldn't help but become anxious.

"Listen to me!" Li Shukong stopped Liu Rang's questioning and continued to turn to Song Xiance.

"It's easy for me, Li Shukong, to be convinced, but it's difficult for my two thousand brothers to be convinced."

"Although Li has a small number of men and horses, if King Shun cannot win the hearts of his soldiers, I am afraid that no one will fight to the death for him. I ask the Imperial Master to tell His Highness!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" "Great Imperial Master" Song Xiance laughed after hearing this, then took out two documents from his pocket, took out one of them and handed it to Li Shukongdao.

"Before coming to Jiaoshan, the old Taoist priest asked King Shun for two blank confessions."

"One is for the position of Commander-in-Chief, and the other is for the position of Deputy Commander-in-Chief."

"Now that Chief Li is the leader of the village, he naturally deserves to be the chief soldier."

"As for King Shun, Commander Li... no, he should be called Commander Li now. You'll know it as soon as you see him."

"There are so many heroes in the world, but King Shun is the only one who died willingly to serve them."

"There are rewards for merit and punishment for mistakes. If you are allowed to do so, you will not be partial to others. This is the ear of a born emperor!"

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