Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 127 Loyal Ministers and Righteous Soldiers

Zhang Shun was so happy that he defeated Dayang City, so he entered the city with his soldiers. As a result, as soon as he reached the city gate, he suddenly heard someone calling him. Zhang Shun turned his head and looked to the lower left, and saw a ragged civilian, half-kneeling on the ground holding a rusty spear in one hand.

When he saw Zhang Shun looking at him, he forced out an ugly smile and asked, "Can you take me in? I want to be a thief too!"

"What the hell are you talking about!" When Li Ji met the new member of the gang, he was more willing to show his loyalty than others. Hearing this, he couldn't help but rushed over angrily, wanting to kill this government lackey with an axe.

It turned out that Li Jiyu was good at martial arts, but his best skill was long-handled axes. Because he was framed by Shaolin monks, he didn't have time to take away his weapons, so he just took away the newly made long bow. After joining Zhang Shun this time, he took some time in Zezhou City to let the blacksmith in the transport camp build one for him again.

This Li Jiyu was already tall and muscular, and with the huge long-handled ax in his hand, he looked fierce and made the gunman tremble with fear. Seeing this, Zhang Shun quickly shouted: "Brother Li, stop! There is only one wounded soldier on the left and right, why do you need to scare him!"

After Li Jiyu stopped drinking, Zhang Shun asked in a pleasant manner: "Who are you? Why do you want to join our rebel army?"

"My name is Lin Qiang, and I am a spearman brought here by Zhang Jiaqiang. I used to be a helper, but now I can hardly find a job. Now my knee is injured again, and I can't even work. I can't live anymore. There is nowhere to go. Can you save me?" the honest man asked crying.

"Is the knee broken? It's hopeless!" Zhang Sanbai looked at the man's trouser legs starting from the knee and were half soaked in blood, and couldn't help but shook his head and said. The main character is okay in everything, except that he always makes his sister angry and acts like a mother-in-law. These two points are not very satisfactory.

Zhang Shun looked at it and said: "It's a human life after all. Let's find a doctor for him in the town later! If he thinks it's good, we can follow if he's good; if he's not good, give him some money and let him fend for himself." Let's go! If those who are hiding with us fall behind, they will lose their lives."

Zhang Sanbai shook his head when he heard this, thinking: How could such a person have such a good life? If I, Zhang Sanbai, were the right one, I would definitely do better than him! When the time comes, I will marry my sister to him and make him his consort, which will save my sister from sighing all day long.

But he knew that his family had no destiny, so he had no choice but to have someone hold Na Lin Qiang up and go to the town to find the doctor. Lin Qiang was naturally very grateful. He didn't expect that the bandit in front of him was so easy to talk to.

Zhang Sanbai laughed when he heard this and said: "My lord is the well-known 'Thief Qingtian', he is the most righteous, do you know?"

When Lin Qiang heard this, he immediately pushed away the soldiers holding him, kowtowed to Zhang Shun with his long spear, and cried: "It turns out that the 'thief Qingtian' is in front of you. This villain has eyesight but cannot recognize Mount Tai! What's wrong with you?" We just came, how much more suffering we have suffered!"

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this and couldn't help but ask: "How did you know my nickname?"

In the end, Lin Qiang didn't answer. He just sang a few lines with his broken voice: "Thinking of the blue sky, hoping for the blue sky, but here comes the thief Qingtian! The thief Qingtian has great abilities and specializes in killing dog officials and bullies!" He sang as he went on. He sobbed: "You have killed the bully of Zhang family!" Then he cried and told about the suffering that his family suffered in Zhang family. When Zhang Shun heard this, he felt excited and happy. It was his duty to eliminate harm for the people. He looked back and needed to hold a public trial to put this bully to trial. After Zhang Shun finished arranging things and was about to continue entering the city, he saw Jiang He running back in person.

Zhang Shun asked strangely: "Didn't you go to arrest the senior official guarding the city? Why did you run back and catch him?"

"What did you catch!" Jiang He said in annoyance, "It's all Zhang Sanbai's fault, everything was in chaos with one shot. I just surrounded the Zhang family's mansion, and only then did I know that the man who was guarding the city was a high-ranking official. Shandong He joined politics on the right and was a third-grade official! But he was shot to death by Zhang Sanbai."

Zhang Shun heard his intention to complain, and he was a bully anyway, so he smiled and said: "Just die, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield. However, this time it is Zhang Sanbai who took the credit from you, and will take credit later." Sometimes, I let him share half of it with you, do you think this is okay?"

"No, no, no, no!" Jiang He firmly refused after hearing this, "I don't dare to ask for this credit! I heard from the people in the town that this man is a very loyal and capable minister. This is a star of literary music in the world. If I, old Jiang, kill him , isn’t it going to be retribution? Let’s leave it to the three hundred brothers!”

When Zhang Shun heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry: There is a long way to go to get rid of feudal superstition. But now that the city guard is dead, things are a bit difficult to handle. He was originally a bully, but he was easy to deal with. After a public trial, he was given the right punishment.

However, in this era, among the three cardinal principles and the five constant principles, the first cardinal principle is the king, the king, and the ministers, which talks about loyalty and righteousness. As the boss, who doesn’t want his subjects to be loyal? Therefore, regardless of whether you are friend or foe, as long as you are a loyal person, you will definitely brag!

However, the key point is that he killed the opponent's loyal person, so wouldn't he become the villain in the play? The other party combines a loyal minister and a bully, which is really not easy to handle.

In later generations, although it was already a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the new relations of production had already occupied the top structure. The landlords no longer have the ability to control the wind and rain in the past. If they offend the scholars all over the world at this moment, it is simply not feasible.

Zhang Shun thought about it all the way and came up with a compromise. He asked someone to find a piece of white cloth and tie it on his head. He also found some garlic, squeezed out some juice and put it on his eyelids, and tears suddenly flowed down his face.

Then, Zhang Shun asked his generals and guards to tie white cloth strips and knocked on the door of Zhang's house. The eldest, second master and two sons of the Zhang family were all killed in the battle. Suddenly, the Zhang family lost its male son. How could they dare to resist?

Seeing all the orphans and widows across the street, Zhang Shun quickly cried and bowed to the leader, saying: "You are all loyal ministers, please accept my bow. I did not kill Boren, but Boren died because of me." , I can’t even see your family members!”

How dare that orphan and widowed mother say no? Zhang Shun rolled his eyes and saw that there was no woman of suitable age in the family opposite him to marry, so he regretfully gave up the idea and continued: "Fortunately, before joining politics, you entrusted me with the affairs of your family. I will not hurt you. "

After hearing this, the Zhang family members breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard the thief in front of them say again: "It's just that before his death, he was very upright and upright, and strongly asked me to help him donate all the family property to the common people. Although I tried to dissuade him many times, he But you are unparalleled in loyalty, and you still insist on doing this, and I hope you will forgive me!"

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