Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1310 Shield Car and Artillery

"Fire!" Li Shian frowned and ordered in a deep voice.

"Boom!" Following his command, a shell fell into the enemy formation and accurately hit a shield vehicle.

The heavy shells immediately shattered the shield car into pieces, and broken wood pieces flew everywhere.

There were a few unlucky guys, even though they were wearing heavy armor, they were still beaten into two pieces and their bodies were lying on the spot.

"Hey, I hit it!" Everyone was stunned and couldn't help but cheered.

It turned out that since the Jinbing shield vehicle launched its attack, the rebels had fired seven or eight cannons in succession, and only this one hit the opponent's shield vehicle.

A solid iron bullet weighing ten kilograms, no matter how heavy the rear golden shield car was, it would still not be spared after being hit by this shot.

"No, no, we can't go on like this!" Li Shi'an shook his head and finally gave a difficult order.

"Adopt the 'Gong Ling Sun' loading method, two parts of shotgun shells, one part of live ammunition, wait for the enemy to approach thirty paces and fire!"

"General?" Zuo Zuo was shocked when he heard this, "This...if this is the case, it is too dangerous!"

Thirty steps, about forty meters away.

When the enemy approaches this distance, the rebel artillery should withdraw from the battlefield and be supported by spearmen and axemen behind them.

If the rotation is delayed because the artillery is fired at close range, resulting in poor coordination and confusion, that would be a grave sin.

"No problem. As long as there's no problem with General Li, there's no problem with me either!" Li Shi'an was about to answer when he heard this, but someone suddenly answered.

"General Zhang?" Li Shian turned around and saw a young man wearing bright armor approaching, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

It turns out that this young man is none other than Zhang Xianzhong's adopted son Zhang Rujing.

"Are you really sure?" Li Shian looked at his young face and felt dizzy for a moment.

The reason why he was so bold just now was because of his trust in the discipline of the rebel army.

Now that I saw the young Zhang Rujing, the little trust I had had began to shake.

"Absolutely no problem!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Rujing said decisively, "I used King Shun's method to select five hundred 'child soldiers' from the refugees, and trained them all so well that they can go through fire and water without changing their countenance!"

"If something really big happens this time, I won't need you to intervene. I'll go see His Highness myself!"

"Okay, let me believe you for once!" Li Shi'an hesitated for a moment and finally made up his mind.

In this era, the accuracy of artillery is limited. If you want to destroy a large number of the opponent's moving shield vehicles, you can only get close and shoot.

Li Shian naturally knew the qualities of Zhang Shun's soldiers now, so he had to take this strange risk.

And just after Li Shi'an ordered to stop shooting, the rumbling sound of artillery suddenly stopped, and the tense Hou Jinjun opposite him suddenly relaxed.

However, just as they were relaxing, one person's heart was lifted.

This person is none other than Wanyan Yechen, the general of the Five Thousand Golden Shield Chariot Soldiers.

This Wanyan Yechen was born in the Wanyan tribe of the Five Tribes of Jianzhou. He lived in Zhaojia City, which later became Zhaoyuan County, Heilongjiang. It is said that he was a descendant of King Wanyan Yongcheng of Yu, the son of King Shizong of the Jin Dynasty.

Of course, due to its long history, its authenticity needs to be tested, but it is no different that it is a descendant of the Jin Kingdom, so it is highly valued by Lao Nu and Hong Tai.

He successively ranked as one of the sixteen ministers and one of the eight ministers who discussed government affairs. He had a respected position, made great military achievements, and was deeply trusted by Mrs. Hong.

Originally he belonged to the Manchurian Xianghuang Banner, but he was appointed as the commander of the Xianghong Banner, which was used to divide the power of Yue Tuo, the leader of the Xianghong Banner.

The Eight Banners Dutong is the highest official of a banner. He is responsible for the household registration, production, education and training of a banner. His status is second only to the banner leader, which shows his status.

Seeing that the rebels had stopped shelling, Ye Chen felt uneasy, but he had no choice but to push forward as the arrow was on the string.

More than a hundred steps...eighty steps...sixty steps...forty steps...

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and there was a terrible silence and silence on the battlefield.

what to do? Do you want to move on?

Wanyan Ye Chen looked at the elite soldiers of White Baya and Red Baya who were wearing a layer of heavy armor and a layer of cotton armor around him, and couldn't help but smile reassuringly.

We, the elite soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, are here. How can we be afraid of the machinations of the cowardly people?

"Drench the water and charge into the formation!" Wanyan Ye Chen shouted sternly.

Upon hearing this, all the white Bayala and red Bayala elite soldiers immediately walked to the buckets behind the shield cart, scooped water from ladles and poured it on their armor.

The originally thick cotton armor suddenly became a little heavier after absorbing water, and it was so heavy that it weighed on the shoulders, but it also added a sense of security.

Not only the rebels knew that fabrics wetted with water could enhance their defense against lead bullets, but also the Houjin soldiers who had been fighting all year round.

It's just that Liaodong is cold, where can this method be used?

"Okay, okay, just soak your chest. You don't need to wet it too much!" Zhu Jun poured the water hastily, and his confidence greatly increased, and he said confidently.

While the Hou Jin Army was getting wet, the shield car unconsciously slowed down.

Thirty or forty steps, but only fifty or sixty meters away, so why should we use rebels to aim?

"Fire the guns, fire the guns!" At the moment when the Hou Jin army was preparing to charge, the long-silent sound of the rebel artillery resounded across the battlefield again.

But this time, it’s no longer a one or two out of ten chance, but nine out of ten.

The originally strong shield car was as fragile as a clay pot, and was instantly shattered by solid iron bullets.

The elite soldiers of Houjin who were hiding behind the shield car were almost hit by the shells.

There were as few as three or five, as many as more than ten. They were either beaten into two pieces or missing arms and legs. They were lying on the ground covered in blood, wailing and gasping for breath.

Wanyan Ye Chen was lucky. He had restrained his desire to take the lead in charging into the battle and hid behind "humblely", so he escaped this disaster.

"Charge, charge, abandon the shield chariot and charge!" Under the sudden attack, Wanyan Ye Chen still kept his cool, but found that the shield chariot had become a living target at this time, so he couldn't help but ordered quickly.

However, when the Hou Jin Bai Baya La and the Red Baya La had just left the cover of the shield car, the second round of shooting from the rebels arrived.

This time, the rebels' solid bullets could no longer cause huge damage. However, the light and heavy shotshells attached to them swept through Houjin's charge team again like autumn wind sweeping down fallen leaves.

Those white bagaras and red bagaras were all highly skilled in martial arts, and they fell down in pieces like ten Houjin elites, but they didn't even show half of their bravery.

"Gong Ling Sun? Damn it!" How could Wanyan Ye Chen not know the tactics of the rebels? However, this "Gong Ling Sun" fighting method has always been dangerous. If he is not careful, the cannon will explode, causing confusion among the gunners.

Therefore, with the introduction of "Western artillery", the two countries of Ming and Jin abandoned this dangerous method of warfare. Unexpectedly, it was inherited by the "extremely evil" "shun thieves".

"Blow up, why doesn't it blow up!" Wanyan Yechen stared anxiously at the rebel artillery position, hoping to stage a big reversal.

However, not only did the miracle not happen, but the artillery on the left and right sides of the rebel army also began to attack the Jin army.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Hou Jinjun didn't even understand what crossfire meant, and suddenly many red and white bagaras were shot to the ground.

The thirty or forty steps to the rebel formation seemed like a road to death. In this short distance, I don’t know how many Hou Jin Jingzhuang’s lives were harvested.

However, no matter how far the road is, it will eventually end, no matter how terrifying the artillery is, it will eventually stop. It is unknown how many casualties the Houjin soldiers rushed into this time. The hand-to-hand soldiers of both sides finally collided hard.

The first one to bear the brunt was Zhang Rujing's "child soldiers". As soon as the two sides fought, Zhang Rujing, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly felt struggling.

"Fire, fire, fire!" Zhang Rujing didn't know that this was a soldier that he couldn't fight against, so he couldn't help shouting loudly.

As soon as he shouted, seven or eight soldiers holding copper blunderbuss squeezed out from the gap between the people and sprayed out fire dragons at the back of the Jin army.

However, when these fire dragons ignited the golden elite armor, the armor that should have burst into flames showed no reaction at all.

"Hahaha, little kid, you didn't expect that! Grandpa watered the water, and he wasn't afraid of this evil method at all!" Houjinhongbaibayala elite couldn't help laughing.

Then, they all lined up in a row, held their bamboo shields across the front, and slammed into the dense spear array of the rebels.

"No, this thief is going to break through our army's formation by relying on his thick armor!" Zhang Rujing frowned, suddenly feeling that things were getting tricky.

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