Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1345 Battle against Hedong

The red sun rolled down the western mountains, and the setting sun was as cold as a bloody knife.

The rebel army arrayed with their backs to the east facing the river, and then the Jin soldiers came from east to west.

From the perspective of the rebels, the swords of the Houjin cavalry were flashing, which was very frightening.

However, when the officials and the people saw this, they laughed: "Building captives but not knowing how to fight. Is there any reason in the world to go against the light?"

It turns out that in this battle the rebels had their backs to the sun, and then the golden soldiers naturally faced the sun.

Although it is now evening and the sun is not as bright as the midday sun, it is still not visible with the eyes.

After everyone heard the words of the officials appeasing the people, they looked carefully and saw that most of the Hou Jin cavalrymen had their eyes narrowed. It was indeed what they said, and they couldn't help but feel shocked.

In fact, when the rebels saw the other side squinting their eyes, the two sides had already closed to a terrifying distance.

The thumping sound of horse hooves struck the ground on the river bank intensively, making an overwhelming sound. It was so frightening that the rebel soldiers standing in the front row chattered with their upper and lower teeth. Their left and right hands shook like chaff, and they almost lost their weapons. Can't even hold it.

"Let go!" Guan Fumin shouted loudly when he saw Houjin Cavalry entering the shooting range.

"Bang bang bang!" Following his order, a burst of intensive gunfire and cannon fire resounded.

This official was the deputy commander-in-chief of Ningxia, and the troops under his command naturally had strong local characteristics.

The town of Ningxia in the Ming Dynasty was surrounded by enemies on three sides. It was close to barbarians and the people were fierce. Therefore, its soldiers were mostly good at riding and shooting swords and guns, but they had few guns and other weapons.

Nowadays, most of the firearms used by the soldiers under the government and the people are also wind-chasing guns, flannel guns, fast guns, three-eyed blunderbuss, magic blunderbuss, and rockets.

When it comes to long range shooting and armor penetration, this type of firearm is basically better than nothing.

When it comes to close range shooting, the intensity of firepower of this type of firearm is probably not comparable to that of the rebel artillery that shoots shotguns.

The Art of War says: "Don't invite the righteous flag, don't attack the dignified formation."

By the late Ming Dynasty, ancient Chinese tactics had developed, and regular troops were no longer the kind of troops that could be defeated by a wave of cavalry charges.

Of course, General Jin also knew about this in person, and had no intention of rushing into the rebel formation.

Instead, he planned to let the cavalry harass him for a few waves, and then find out the flaws before making further calculations.

But he never expected that the firepower of the rebels would be so intensive. The Houjin cavalry who had been approaching and prepared to "shoot in the face with ten steps" were suddenly blinded by the various firearms under Guan Fumin's command, and were killed and injured countless times.

After the two sides fought for a round, the battlefield that was originally covered by the cavalry was emptied, and only the corpses of the golden horses were seen piled up like a huge field ridge, lying in front of the rebel formation.

It turned out that the Hou Jin soldiers arrived in a hurry and did not put on their vests in time.

Although the firearms under Guan Fumin's hand had intensive firepower, their armor-piercing effect was not very good.

Therefore, most of Hou Jin's horses died, but the armored soldiers suffered little damage.

However, these Houjin soldiers who had lost their horses were still struggling to get up from the ground after being thrown to pieces.

The rebel "killer team" had already rushed out of the military formation, slashing with swords and axes, killing these Houjin elites who had lost their horses one by one on the spot.

"You're a bastard, what a southern barbarian!" When General Hou Jin saw this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Cavalry and archery tactics? It's long out of date!" Guan Fumin saw the angry General Houjin on the opposite side from a distance and couldn't help but sneered.

The Ningxia soldiers under his command were very worried when they saw that the Hou Jin soldiers had suffered such a big loss, and they seemed to be no different from the Mongolian soldiers they had been fighting against all year round.

In fact, the officials and the people did not know that the most powerful thing about the Jin soldiers was not the cavalry and archery, but the powerful combat force composed of heavy cavalry, heavy footwork and footwork and riding.

However, due to Zhang Shun's thorough preparation and detailed planning, he took the lead in seizing the land of Shanxi and taking the strategic initiative. This forced Azig's troops to advance lightly and enter the rebel territory to fight.

Away battles are different from home battles. There is neither good logistical support nor heavy equipment such as Hongyi cannons, tanks, and shield vehicles available, so the tactics are quite limited.

Of course, if the Hou Jin soldiers did not "compete for territory" with the rebels, and followed the previous tactics of entering the pass, and just burned, killed and looted all the way, the rebels might not be able to do anything to them for a while.

However, the bad thing is that they have to compete for land.

The pass has a large population and abundant products;

The people outside the customs are few and the land is poor, and the products are scarce.

If the Hou Jin soldiers enter the Pass this time and plunder and leave, once the rebels occupy most of the country and reorganize the mountains and rivers, I am afraid that the next war will not be "the Qing army enters the Pass" but will be the "Rebel Army's Northern Expedition" .

Therefore, at this moment, the Hou Jin soldiers had to fight, they did not dare not to fight, and they had to fight with the rebels at an extreme disadvantage.

How do the officials and the people know the changes in the situation of changing the subject and object?

All he knew was that he had to behave when he got an advantage, and he couldn't help shouting: "Have fun, have fun! Come again, come again!"

When the Ningxia soldiers under his command heard this, their morale was as high as a rainbow, and they all shouted: "Have fun, have fun! Come again, come again!"

Hearing the rebels shouting like this, General Houjin's face suddenly darkened, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

The courage of a husband to fight can only be achieved in one go, then weaken again, and finally exhausted in three attempts!

An opponent with high morale is the most difficult opponent in the world.

Facing such an opponent, how could General Houjin be happy?

"Master, since we can't break through from the front, why don't we attack the 'Shun Thief' from the side?" Just when General Houjin was at his wits' end, the Bao Yi beside him couldn't help but suggest.

"Oh?" General Houjin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but stare at both sides of the official and civilian army formation.

The "moon formation with its back against the water" listed by the officials and the people is actually a half-moon formation with its back against the bank of the Fen River.

Just now, the front of the rebel formation where the Hou Jin Cavalry attacked was the back of the half-moon.

Not only are there firepower from the left and right sides to help each other, but there is also dazzling sunlight, which seriously affects the charge of the rear Golden Cavalry.

The two sides are the two corners of the half-moon. Compared with the back and front of the moon, it not only loses half of the firepower, but also avoids the disadvantages of dazzling sunlight. It is indeed a better choice.

"Okay, be careful to avoid the muddy areas on the river bank!" After hearing this, General Houjin hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Following General Houjin's order, Houjin's cavalry immediately split into two and divided into two sides of the rebel army.

"Okay, here they come!" The official and the people had already seen the movement of the Houjin Cavalry. He couldn't help but secretly secretly said, and quickly ordered: "Let the 'Navy' be ready. This time they can make a move!"

It turned out that there were countless ships hidden behind the rebel army's "Backwater Queyue Formation".

These ships not only carry boatmen and soldiers, but also a large number of small artillery such as blunderbuss, Franchise, Second General, and Tiger Crouching Cannon.

The key to the Queyue Formation inherited from Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty, Liu Jinu, is not only the front half of the formation, but also the ships behind the formation.

Without these ships, the so-called Queyue Formation could only be regarded as Han Xin's "backwater formation."

Once there were these ships, the changes were completely different, and they became the famous "Queyue Formation".

Then General Hou Jin was not Zhu Xieyuan, so how could he know how powerful the rebel army's backwater formation was?

General Houjin gave an order, and Houjin's cavalry suddenly rushed towards the two corners of the rebel half-moon formation like two dragons, one from the left and one from the right.

However, just as these cavalrymen slammed into the two corners of the rebel formation and were unable to separate for a while, they saw rows of boats appearing on the river on one side.

These boats are not big, but they are already full of neat soldiers.

And each of these soldiers was holding either a blunderbuss or a cannon, and they were pointing the black muzzle of the blunderbuss at themselves.

"Damn it, let's go, let's go!" Houjin Cavalry, who had just rushed into the battle and was lucky enough to survive, was so frightened that he couldn't help but hit his horse and run away.

But now the cavalry and infantry on both sides are entangled in a tangle, where can they escape?

"Bang, bang, bang!" Before the golden cavalry could escape, the cannons on the boat rang loudly in time.

Each projectile is like the god of death in hell, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the soldiers in front and behind.

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