Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1367 Seizing the City

"Report, the Siege of Marienburg has been launched, capture its garrison!"

"Report, Xinhekou Fort has been sent down, kill its defense!"

"Report, Xinkai Fort has been laid down, and its defenders committed suicide!"

That night, the voices of the rebels reporting on the battle situation could be heard from time to time outside Wanquan Youwei City.

Since it was still late at night, the people on Youwei City had already heard it clearly.

"Straight bitch, what should I do?" Commander Wei couldn't hold back after hearing this, and quickly asked the right guard commander.

"What should I do? Salad!" The ginseng general had a dark face and was helpless for a moment.

Someone originally suggested taking the initiative to attack, but after everyone carefully compared the strength of the enemy and ourselves, they finally gave up the idea.

"Now I only have three thousand soldiers in the city, and there are also three thousand 'submissive thieves' outside the city. If I go out of the city, I will leave soldiers to guard the city. In this way, if I attack more with less, it will be difficult to succeed."

"Even if I succeed, the 'successful thief' will just beat the horse. Come back tomorrow morning; if I lose, my legs will be no match for my four legs, and I will die without a burial place!"

Such was the situation, General Wanquan Youwei was helpless and had no choice but to huddle in the city, waiting for something to change.

However, changes soon emerged.

Early the next morning, the Ming army, which had not heard any more news about the "Shun thieves" attacking the city, suddenly saw a horse coming from the north.

The cavalryman was galloping and shouting loudly.

At the beginning, the distance was far away, and everyone could not hear clearly. But as the cavalryman approached, everyone finally heard clearly what the soldier was shouting.

"The Shanfang Fort has changed its flag and has been transferred to the name of King Shun!"

"The straight bitch, that traitorous traitor Zhang Fuguo!" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but cursed.


Among the five castles under the control of Shangxi Road with Wanquan Youwei as the core, Ximalin was the farthest, seventy miles away from Wanquan.

Shanfang Fort is the closest, twenty miles north of Wanquan.

According to the order of the rebels from far to near, from west to east, the next one is Zhangjiakou Fort, where their core interests are.

"No, we can't go on like this!" Sure enough, one of the bosses couldn't hold himself back and said, "If Zhangjiakou is taken over by 'shun thieves', it will be a big deal!"

Compared with other fortresses, Zhangjiakou Fort is not only a fortress but also a place for trade between the Ming Dynasty and the Tartars.

Since Tumote's tribute was paid, the two sides agreed to trade with each other, and Zhangjiakou Fort became an important place for the two sides to trade with each other.

Most of the businesses traveling to Mongolia like "Fan's" were located in Zhangjiakou so that they could trade with Mongolia and Jin at any time.

Therefore, after the Jiexiu Fan family's hometown was "destroyed" after the defeat of Azige, they still had the idea of ​​making a comeback with the help of "Zhangjiakou Industry".

If the rebels captured Ximalin, Xinkaikai, Xinhekou, and even Shanfang Fort, Wanquan Youwei and the others would have been able to endure it.

If they are allowed to sit back and watch the fall of Zhangjiakou Fort, that is absolutely impossible.

This Jiakou Fort looks like a fortress, but it is actually an important channel for trade with Mongolia and Houjin. It is also the outlet for the Ji family to develop the "Ten Thousand Miles of Tea Road".

If this place is occupied by the rebels, not only will the industry be taken away, but also the right to trade with Mongolia and women will be lost. This is something that Wanquan Youwei and the gentlemen behind him will never accept.

"We can't wait any longer, go out of the city and fight!" The right guard general pondered for a moment, and finally found that he could not bear the responsibility of losing Zhangjiakou Fort, so he had to give the order.

Following the order from General Wanquan Youwei, more than 2,000 of his men immediately filed out and lined up behind the city.

Li Zicheng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly ordered his soldiers to mount their horses.

If we talk about building a stronghold and fighting stupid battles, attacking cities and plundering territory, then Li Zicheng is not as good as Zhang Shun.

If it's a quick gallop, Li Zicheng is not inferior to Zhang Shun.

"There are cannons on the city, lure them out!" Li Zicheng observed briefly and then immediately ordered.

Wan Quan, the right-back general, put up a decent back-to-the-city formation, but this formation was not easy to use for Li Zicheng.

Because in this battle, he finally found out the opponent's weakness. He was about to make contributions and add color to his "king". How could he be allowed to stop him?

Sure enough, following Li Zicheng's order, Gu Kecheng led an army of 500 troops forward. He tried several times in succession, but was beaten back by the Ming army's artillery on the city.

Li Zicheng couldn't help but issued a bold order: "Turn the horse's head to the north. If he pursues, he will counterattack; if he does not pursue, he will directly join forces with Fatty Zhang and go to attack Zhangjiakou Fort!"

In fact, Li Zicheng's order was extremely risky. If General Guo Ming's army failed to fulfill his intention and instead led troops to attack Wan Quan's left guard, he would be in a passive position.

Because for Li Zicheng, his main purpose this time was to suppress the rebellion, not to liquidate the forces linked to the Mongolian merchants in Zhangjiakou Fort.

It's a pity that this general is short-sighted, and he doesn't use it when given the opportunity, and he doesn't realize how powerful it is.

As expected, it didn't matter if they left, General Wanquan Youwei couldn't hold himself back, so he led his soldiers to leave the city and chased them all the way north.

When Li Zicheng saw that the right guard had taken the bait, he marched seven or eight miles north and found a flat terrain where he placed his cavalry on high ground.

But when a group of people including General Quanquan and Commander Wanquan arrived, they charged forward.

The right guard general was not in vain, he quickly sent cavalry and some infantry to resist, and quickly formed a formation.

By the time the rebel cavalry killed them, the infantry had already formed up.

Li Zicheng ordered the cavalry to be divided into three columns and charge repeatedly.

The right guard, on the other hand, relied on firecrackers and artillery to attack in sequence to resist the rebel cavalry.

The two sides fought for a long time, and the rebels suffered heavy casualties and fled northward.

The general was overjoyed when he saw it, and quickly led his infantry to pursue him. Unexpectedly, the formation was suddenly disrupted, and Gu Kecheng, who had been ambushing aside for a long time, rushed out, and the right guard was in chaos.

Li Zicheng took the opportunity to turn his horse around and strike back. The general was killed on the spot. Seeing that he could not resist, Li Zicheng had to surrender.

Li Zicheng quickly sent his troops southward and took the opportunity to capture Wanquan Youwei City, and only then did he judge the cause.

Unexpectedly, the commander of the guard confessed: "This matter was the result of a series of conspiracies led by Wu Weihua, the obedient Hou of the Jin Kingdom, led by Zhangjiakou Fan, Jin, Er Wang, Liang, Tian, ​​Zhai and Huang, including Shangxi Road and Xiaxi The generals and guards of each road, East Road, Middle Road, Shangbei Road, and Xiabei Road agreed to attack at once to recapture Xuanfu Town and return it to the Qing Dynasty..."

"What?" Li Zicheng couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. There were seven generals in Xuanfu Town, except for the South Road General who was set up in Yuzhou.

However, he quickly came to his senses. Despite what this guy said, most people were actually just following the crowd, and there was no way they could help them survive.

He couldn't help but sneer and said: "Don't try to fool me. Who is this obedient Marquis Wu Weihua, and why is he so capable?"

Li Zicheng didn't know that in the history of Zhang Shun's previous life, this guy surrendered to Dorgon after Li Zicheng's defeat and helped him recruit Xuanda, Shanxi and other places.

Jiang Xiang, the commander-in-chief of Datong, therefore took the opportunity to kill Zhang Tianlin, the rebel general stationed there, and surrendered to the Qing army, which to a certain extent accelerated the collapse of the peasant army in Shanxi.

How did the commander of the guard know about the grudge between the two?

He had no choice but to respond honestly: "I heard that this Wu Weihua is Ming...after the previous dynasty's respectful uncle Wu Yuncheng."

"It is said that he took refuge in Hou Jin and was promised a respectful title, so he gave up his strength..."

"Oh? That's it!" Li Zicheng thought for a while and couldn't help but said: Listen carefully, this guy is not a good guy.

Now that there are military advisors of the Song Dynasty and Duke Li Guo in Xuanfu City, they should be absolutely safe. Let me trick this man and make him willing to be a traitor!

The author thought about it carefully and decided that it would be better for Li Zicheng to take revenge himself.

You cheated me in the previous life, and I cheated you in this life. This is called reincarnation, and who will be spared by heaven?

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