Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 137 Chapter 109 The Three Heroes Meeting

At dawn, the night of riots ended. Many residents in the city were shivering and hiding in their homes, afraid to go out. As for those who dared to go out before, many of them were either lying dead on the streets or with their blood spilled in the corners. The remaining people who were lucky enough to escape with their lives were hiding in remote nooks and crannies, like rats in the ditch.

Xing is the leader of the old battalion of "Chuang Jiang" who stayed in Zezhou City. Huang Lai'er's old camp is quite similar to Zhang Shun's supply camp, except that it mainly houses the families of soldiers and soldiers, rather than managing logistics like Zhang Shun's supply camp.

Although the old camp of "Chuangjiang" also has some combat effectiveness, it is obviously not much better. Xing had no choice but to order the camp gates to be closed tightly at night and gather those with fighting ability together to prepare for possible attacks.

After finally waiting until daybreak, Xing breathed a sigh of relief and sent someone out to investigate, only to find out that Zhang Shun's camp had been attacked by a riot. Mr. Xing is very thoughtful and feels that the "Purple Golden Liang" is now powerful and his own power is slightly weaker. If you want to compete with him, you must win over Zhang Shun. Therefore, after she heard about this incident, she made arrangements for the camp guards and then took dozens of guards to visit Zhang Shun camp.

When Xing arrived at Zhang Shun's camp, it had not been cleaned up yet. There were dark red dried blood stains everywhere and hundreds of corpses lying in random directions, as well as some severed limbs, which made passers-by disgusted from time to time.

The fence of the camp was cut to pieces, and in some places there were burnt marks and arrows with arrows nailed to them that were trembling in the wind. It looked miserable, but what was even more miserable was obviously what happened to the attacking side.

After yesterday's attack, Zhang Shun's camp became increasingly vigilant. After seeing armed men approaching, they immediately became alert. The guarding soldiers immediately picked up their swords and took a defensive posture.

Ms. Xi, I came here to visit and express my condolences, and please inform me!"

After a while, the gate of Zhang Shun's camp opened wide, and Li Sanniang came out wearing shining armor, holding the dragon stick on her left shoulder with her left hand, and was escorted by fully armed Wukong and Ji Dan on the left and right.

When Mr. Xing saw it, his eyes lit up. This Li Sanniang is originally tall, has a good figure, and has three-dimensional facial features. However, because she was wearing a pair of old coarse clothes and behaved in a peasant manner, it did not match her style and looked rustic. If she "doesn't like red clothes and loves armed weapons", she will be full of heroic spirit and look amazingly beautiful.

When Mrs.

"What's so funny? I had a great time killing yesterday. I don't know how many people I injured and killed, and I even caught a big thief!" Li Sanniang showed off excitedly, "That guy is still not convinced, so I It fell down with one stick, and the rope of the coiled dragon stick was broken. Look, now I asked the blacksmith in the camp to replace it with an iron chain, and the front is covered with iron, so you don't have to worry anymore."

Mr. Xing was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Really? Are you really going to the battlefield?"

"That's right!" Li Sanniang said triumphantly, "What's this? I led a dozen of them outside to kill several times. Later, I happened to meet the general of our camp, Er Guan Gong, who came back and stabbed a child. Kill the bandits and disperse them."

It turned out that after Li Sanniang reunited with Wukong and Zhang Shenyan, she groped her way to the camp. As a result, they unexpectedly encountered Chen Changzhen's cavalry on the road. The two sides did not know each other and almost started fighting. Fortunately, Wukong's tall stature impressed Chen Changzhen so much that "the flood flooded the Dragon King Temple" did not happen.

As a result, after a conversation between the two parties, Li Sanniang discovered that her husband had an elite soldier, while Chen Changzhen discovered that his husband had actually gotten married and had not invited him to the wedding banquet. However, they were all our own people anyway, and the two armies merged into one and rushed towards the camp.

Just when Han Tingxian had just ordered a retreat and the rebels were in chaos, Chen Changzhen saw the opportunity and rushed forward with his cavalry. But Li Sanniang was sharp-eyed and stared at the crowd in front of someone, probably a high-ranking official, so she rushed forward with Wukong, Jicheng, Ji Dan and a dozen others.

Poor Han Tingxian had just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den. He was knocked down by Li Sanniang with two moves and knocked to the ground. And because her body was too strong, she broke Li Sanniang's "coiling dragon stick" due to fatigue. The angry Li Sanniang picked up the handle of the Panlong stick and beat it wildly, causing a bruise on her nose and face before being tied up.

After listening to Li Sanniang's story, Mrs. Xing couldn't help but admire her and felt dumbfounded. Although the Xing family was born in Mizhi, a border area, there were also incidents of women dancing swords and riding horses to participate in killing enemies. But it was rare for someone like Li Sanniang to charge around with a group of men. What's more, as Zhang Shun's woman, this woman didn't even use her status, but she actually worked for him like this. I don't know if it's because this guy has different tastes than ordinary people, or because he's too lively at night.

Not to mention what Mr. Xing was thinking, he was led by Li Sanniang into Zhang Shun's camp and into the living room. In the living room were standing Chen Jindou, who looked like a fisherman, Chen Jindou, who looked like a fisherman, Xu Ziyuan, who was elegant and easy-going, and Ma Yingniang, who was unhappy. When they saw her coming, they all bowed and said nothing.

Seeing Ma Yingniang's childish expression, Mrs. "

When Ma Yingniang heard this, she rolled her eyes and said: "Where is the need to be competitive? You and I can tell you the truth. Last night I charged into the battle alone and killed dozens of people. I also deployed an empty city strategy to scare away the enemy. How could it not be the first success? ? On the contrary, some related households did not bother to pick up a corpse and took the credit. If this happened to you, would you still be angry? "

"Making strategic plans and winning decisive battles thousands of miles away is the right strategy for military affairs. It's not like some reckless men who lead men everywhere to kill like madmen. How is that appropriate?" Ma Yingniang said while squinting at some people. .

Li Sanniang was not angry at all when she heard this. Instead, she said to Ms.

Ms. Xing was angry and funny when she heard this. The dispute between the two people actually gave her a sense of déjà vu as she returned to the "General" camp and watched "A Tiger", "Mountain Harrier" and others earn credit. But now in Zhang Shun's camp, there are not two big, muscular men, but two delicate and beautiful ladies. The contrast is so great that I don’t know what to say.

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