Zhang Shun is a kind man. This is not only Zhang Shun's own opinion, but also the opinion of Zhang Shun's soldiers. It is also the opinion of Zhang Shun's enemies. Sometimes he is even jokingly called "a woman's benevolence".

In fact, this is also true. Even though the riot in Zezhou City almost caused such great harm to Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun did not order the massacre of the city in anger. On the contrary, he did not even punish the chief culprit Han Tingxian. After sending the Xing family away, he took Zhang Shenyan out and interrogated the captured "rebellious party".

The number of captured "rebels" was not very large, only more than twenty. The interrogation of the "father and son" was over in a short while.

Zhang Shenyan frowned and looked at his cheap "son" Zhang Shun, not knowing how to persuade him. Based on the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of the jujube, Zhang Shenyan advised: "These big households are mostly instigated by the second master's subordinates, and it is unknown whether they may be involved with the second master's Zijin Liang. If you think about it further, it is a snipe and a clam in a stalemate. If you get a profit, Huang Lai'er, the 'general', may not be without suspicion. You should be careful and don't miss important events in a fit of anger!"

Zhang Shun burst out laughing when he heard this, which made Zhang Shenyan puzzled. Even when he felt a little guilty, Zhang Shuncai said: "What the old man said is true. It is indeed what the old man said to seek the country! The sage Confucius said: If people from afar are dissatisfied, then they will cultivate their virtues. Yes. Now that my virtue is not enough, I should turn to myself if I don’t do what I should do, and I should do my best and blame others less."

Zhang Shun's comprehensive quotation from the classics quoted the classic sentences of Confucius and Mencius as the basis for his decision. Let me first point out that this riot was caused by people not being convinced by themselves, and that I should practice virtue to convince everyone. He further pointed out that if you are unsuccessful in doing something, you should reflect on yourself, have strict requirements on your own behavior, and be tolerant to others.

Zhang Shenyan couldn't believe his ears after hearing Zhang Shun's words. This guy is insidious and cunning. What is he trying to accomplish? If he was said to have lost his mind and admired the teachings of saints, Zhang Shenyan would not believe it at all.

Zhang Shun looked at Zhang Shenyan's suspicious eyes and thought to himself: There is no such trust between "father and son". This is really a "family" tragedy.

So, he specifically explained: "Don't worry, sir, our old Zhang family has been a scholar for generations and has followed the words of the saints. How could we do the killings that those thieves did?"

These words made Zhang Shenyan blow his beard and glare in anger, "You are just like a bandit, or even worse. How come you have a relationship with the Zhang family from Tuncheng, who is from my scholarly family?" But Zhang Shenyan couldn't do anything to Zhang Shun for a while, so he had to walk away, leaving behind words: "Knowing words and benevolence are so benevolent! If you thrive with this, you will surely perish with it!"

These two sentences are quoted from "The Analects of Confucius" and "Zuo Zhuan" respectively. Zhang Shenyan advised Zhang Shun not to deceive others with sweet words and pretending to be kind. Such people are rarely truly kind. And warn him that if you can prosper by such means, you will surely perish for such reasons in the future.

Zhang Shun was speechless when he heard the words, and looked lonely. He took a long breath and said, "You know that I have sinned against you, but only in the Spring and Autumn Period!"

Zhang Shenyan stumbled and almost had a heart attack. He was so angry that he died on the spot. This is really not afraid of anything. I am afraid that the gangsters are educated. Zhang Shenyan was already very knowledgeable, so how could he not know what Zhang Shun said?

It comes from "Mencius", the original sentence is: "Spring and Autumn", the affairs of the emperor. That’s why Confucius said: “Those who know me are from the Spring and Autumn Annals! Those who sin against me are from the Spring and Autumn Annals!”

It means that the book "Spring and Autumn" is about the emperor's governance, so Confucius said that some people regard me as their confidant, and some people blame me, probably because of the book "Spring and Autumn"! It expresses his noble sentiment of persisting in his career to the end and not being afraid of praise or slander.

As a result, Zhang Shun used it on him, as if he was like the sage Kong. How could Zhang Shenyan endure it? However, Zhang Shenyan couldn't beat him or talk about it, so Zhang Shenyan had no choice but to hold back his anger and leave without saying goodbye.

Not long after Zhang Shenyan said goodbye, Chen Changzhen heard that Zhang Shun was back and came to see him.

At that time, Zhang Shun was sitting in the room thinking about the next plan. Chen Changzhen's old face turned red and he stretched his head to explore inside. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun caught a glimpse of him from the corner of his eye and shouted: "Brother Chen, we haven't seen you for a long time, why are we getting separated?"

Hearing this, Chen Changzhen walked in with a smile and said: "Master, I don't dare to take the responsibility. I don't dare to take the responsibility. You should kill me, Chen Changzhen. I didn't accidentally get separated from everyone. Not only did I not help, but I almost missed the master." It’s a big deal! Now that I finally met my lord, I wanted to ask you for forgiveness.”

"What did Brother say? You're out of sight, aren't you!" Zhang Shun enthusiastically helped Chen Changzhen to his seat and said, "I already know about Brother Chen. It was my order to make Brother Chen act on his own, so how can I blame him? Big brother?"

"What's more, my eldest brother is not living happily these days. Instead, he has recruited relatives and friends. He is a famous warrior in Huaiqing. This is a first-rate achievement. How can he be called a 'please'? Now that we are free, you and I, three brothers, have a good time. One cup is the right thing to do.”

Chen Changzhen felt relieved when he saw that Zhang Shun did not blame him. He happened to report to Zhang Shun on his patrols and inspections in the city. He reported that he had discovered several hiding places of slave farmers and mountaineer hunters who launched "riots".

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly called over his second brother Xiao Qinhu. Together, the three brothers led a team to capture the "rebellious gang" in the city.

These people are just a mob, and because of last night's failure, they are panicked and their morale is low. Zhang Shun, with his soldiers wearing chain armor and the martial arts masters brought by Chen Changzhen, just surrounded them and captured them easily.

At this time, Zhang Shun's generals became more energetic and asked Zhang Shun to kill all of them, killing chickens to scare monkeys, as a warning to others.

After Zhang Shun listened to everyone's opinions, he said helplessly: "What you all said is true. I should have acted this way. However, I promised you before that I would do more benevolent things and less murderous power. Now I have to refute you. Please bear with me for my sake.”

This card has a high prestige. When everyone sees that he has made a decision, they no longer stick to it. But I secretly complained in my heart: Our lord is probably going to cause trouble again. If not, never heard of him obeying the words of "the boss".

Sure enough, Zhang Shun returned to the camp and ordered the prisoners in the camp to be released and temporarily incorporated into the team. In particular, the Mountain Man Orion is the long-range shooting unit that Zhang Shun lacks, which just makes up for the team's lack of long-range attacks.

To this end, Zhang Shun also deliberately beat gongs and drums in the city, and took the newly recruited soldiers wearing red ribbons and riding horses to parade through the streets to show off and inform the elders in the city.

The author went home too late today, and even the first update was very reluctant. I'm really sorry. The second update will be made up tomorrow. By the way, I would like to thank the fans "Afternoon Time" for the large reward. The author will definitely write a book well to repay everyone's love!

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