Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1400 Battle of Miyun

"The third general and one sentry retreated to rest, the fourth general and five sentries arrived, and the artillery will not be fired until the Tatars approach!" Jin Guofeng, the deputy general guarding Ji Zhen West Road, looked at the densely packed Houjin soldiers outside the city without frowning. He ordered at once.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid. Tatars are also human beings. They will die if they are hit by a cannon, and they will be injured if they are hit by a knife!"

The reinforcements outside the city had been defeated by Hou Jin, and he tried several times to break through but failed.

Originally, both in the Ming Dynasty and in the eyes of the princes of the Hou Jin Dynasty, Miyun City was already in the possession of the Hou Jin Dynasty.

However, no one expected that something that was supposed to be a sure thing would have one person disagreeing.

He was none other than Jin Guofeng, the deputy commander in charge of Ji Zhen West Road.

Miyun originally belonged to Changping, but due to its extremely important strategic location, it was included in Jizhen West Road.

This Miyun City was originally the residence of Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao. However, because he accepted the edict of Zhu Youjian and led his subordinate Biao battalion to King Qin of Beijing, only Liu Hao, the military commander of Changping Department, and the inspector Liu Hao who guarded the west of Jizhen were left. Jin Guofeng, deputy commander of the road.

No matter in Zhang Shun's previous life or Zhang Shun's current life, Jin Guofeng was an unknown person at the beginning.

However, this unknown person stood up at the critical moment and said: "This is the day when the country is raising the people, how can we die if we don't do it!"

Liu Hao, the deputy envoy of Changping, heard the words and responded: "If I die in battle on the same day as General Jin, I will be smiling all the time!"

The two of them had decided on a plan, so they used Jin Guofeng's three thousand elites as the main force, with Miyun garrison and Zhengfa city men as backup.

Mobilize all the men, women and children in the city, the men fight and the women exercise, while the old cook food and water, and hold on with all their strength.

At that time, Miyun City was a twin city, one was the old city, with a circumference of nine miles and thirteen steps; the other was the new city, with a circumference of one hundred and ninety-eight steps.

The old and new cities are only fifty steps apart and connected by a road in the middle, forming a relatively rare connected city.

Outside Miyun City, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on two sides.

There is Yeshan Mountain to the north, Shougu Mountain to the south, and Yunmeng Mountain to the northwest. It is surrounded by the Great Wall on its east, north, and west sides. It is also surrounded by the Baihe River and Chaohe River on its east, south, and west sides. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and is as solid as gold.

Jin Guofeng then garrisoned the old city, which was more difficult to defend, while Liu Hao, deputy military envoy, garrisoned the new city, which was easier to defend.

The two have decided on a plan, but wait for Hou Jin to attack.

After that, the financial sponsor will be none other than Prince Cheng Aisin Gioro Yue Tuo, the son of Prince Li Daishan, the head of the four Baylors.

Yue Tuo led more than 10,000 troops to the foot of Miyun City. When he looked up, his scalp suddenly went numb.

However, fortunately, Yue Tuo also knew the virtues of the Ming army very well, so he couldn't help but quickly sent an envoy to deliver a letter of persuasion to surrender to the city.

When the deputy commander-in-chief Jin Guofeng saw it, he ordered the envoy to be hung up in a hanging basket on the tower, then burned the letters in front of Prince Cheng Yue Tuo, and then beheaded the envoy of Houjin under his banner.

"You thief, how dare you do this!" Although Yue Tuan was over thirty years old, he was still young and energetic, and he couldn't help but become furious when he saw this.

"Jin has been clean for generations, has no experience of being a slave, and has no reason to be a slave with a slave!" Unexpectedly, Jin Guofeng sneered.

"You treat the officials as domestic slaves and the common people as pigs and dogs. Who in the world doesn't know this? Please forgive me for not listening to you!"

"Shuzi, you are so brave!" Yue Tuo couldn't help but laugh angrily after hearing this, "When I attack the city, I will kill you to death, and then dig out your kneecaps. I want to see if you can bend the knee." !”

The new city of Miyun is smaller than the old city, and the new city is taller than the old city. Therefore, Yue Tuo ordered his men to cross the Baihe River to attack the old city.

The Baihe River is deep and wide, and can be used to carry boats. Therefore, Yue Tuo ordered people to cut down trees and build a bridge, and then cross the river.

Who would have thought that the pontoon bridge had just been built and Hou Jin soldiers had just stepped onto the other side of the river when they heard a cannon and saw the gate of Miyun Old City opened. Jin Guofeng, the deputy commander guarding Ji Town West Road, led three hundred cavalrymen. The killer will come out.

How to resist the soldiers of Hou Jin who had just crossed the river?

Not long after, he killed them and dispersed them. Then he took the oil and dumped it on the bridge, setting it on fire.

"Fire, fire, aim at him and fire!" Yue Tuo couldn't help but become furious when he saw this. He yelled, pointed at Jin Guofeng and threatened, "You thief, I will kill you!"

The Yue Tuo only had some small artillery such as the Second General, the Anti-Japanese Cannon, and the Franchise Machine. How could he hit it?

When Jin Guofeng saw this, he didn't take it seriously, but smiled and said: "If you want to kill me, just take your life to do it!"

When Yue Tuo heard this, he became even more angry, but the White River was wide and difficult to cross.

With no other choice, Yue Tuo had to order everyone to take a detour to the southeast in order to cross the Chaohe River.

The Chaohe River is in the southeast of the county. It flows from Shitanling in the north of the county to the county boundary and joins the Baihe River. Its width is one or two miles, and its narrowness is only two or three feet. The Gubeikou is located above its river valley.

However, the Chaohe River in the southeast of Miyun is already about to merge into the lower reaches of the Baihe River. The river is naturally wide and difficult to cross.

But this time without the pressure from Jin Guofeng, Yue Tuan was finally able to build the bridge with peace of mind again.

As a result, they worked hard for another day and finally built the pontoon bridge again. When the soldiers had just crossed, they heard the sound of a cannon, the gate of Miyun New City opened, and Jin Guofeng once again led three hundred cavalry to kill the general.

Not long after, the screams on the other side of the river stopped, and the raging fire spread to the newly built crossing bridge again, and Yue Tuan almost collapsed on the spot.

"Jin Guofeng, Jin Guofeng, you and I are at odds with each other!"

"Prince Cheng, there is only one person in Jin Guofeng, and he only has hundreds of riders under his command. So what if you just let him kill him?" Seeing this, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but made suggestions.

"In this case, why don't I divide my troops into two places and build the bridge together? When we get to the bridge city, they will be unable to defend it because they have no skills!"

Yue Tuo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly divided his five thousand troops into Gushan'e Zhenye Keshu, and led five thousand troops to camp on the south bank of the Chaohe River.

That night, Jin Guofeng saw Liu Hao, the deputy envoy of military preparations, and said: "The number of Jin captives has been defeated by me, their morale is low, their morale is exhausted, and there is a river blocking the way, so they must be unprepared. If there are dozens of begging boats, we can attack them at night, and we will definitely succeed." .”

When Liu Hao heard this, he thought it was dangerous, but he couldn't resist him, so he had to comply.

Jin Guofeng deliberately avoided the Houjin camp on the other side of the Baihe River and secretly left the city through the east gate of the new city. However, he used a small boat to cross the Chaohe River from the upper reaches and then went downstream along the river.

That Yue Tuan was also a veteran general. Although he did not expect that the Ming army would steal the camp, he had already arranged a warning.

But he had no idea that Jin Guofeng would be so bold.

Not only did he dare to steal the camp, he also dared to take a detour to the upper reaches of the river and kill the general.

It is said that the Yue Tuan was sleeping in the camp, occasionally talking angrily and nonsense in his sleep. Suddenly he heard the sound of fighting and couldn't help but jump up.

"Who, who stole the camp!" Yue Tuo couldn't help but screamed.

"Is it Jin Guofeng? Don't let him escape this time!"

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