Zhang Shun's gratitude activities were in full swing, which made many big families in the city very moved. They all kowtowed and welcomed the rebels.

Some wealthy households offered gifts ranging from two thousand taels to more than ten thousand taels of silver, and were happily beaten. Some wealthy households happily accepted Zhang Shun's gifts, bursting with gratitude and not knowing what to say.

All in all, this was a gratitude event that satisfied both host and guest. Zhang Shun raised tens of thousands of taels of silver and dozens of people of all colors in a few days. Originally, those wealthy families had prepared the girls sent from their homes to serve Zhang Shun, but unexpectedly, Zhang Shun was not that kind of person. He just organized the men into the supply camp and gave the girls to Li Sanniang as servants.

Not to mention what Zhang Shun's generals were thinking, the "Purple Golden Liang" soon returned from plundering Duanshi Town and gained a lot of wealth, and was originally very proud of it. As a result, when he heard about Zhang Shun's gains in Zezhou City, he couldn't help but become red-eyed immediately, and he wished he could immediately send troops to annex Zhang Shun.

But after Qixu Taoist explained two things to him, "Purple Gold Liang" had to calm down. The first was that Han Tingxian was suspected of being a spy and instigated the big households in the city to rebel, but was defeated by Zhang Shun's troops and captured alive on the spot. The second was that Zhang Shun went out to plunder and somehow managed to seize more than a thousand pieces of chain armor. Now there are more than a thousand armored men. We cannot treat things as they were in the past.

"Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this. If he was talking about men wearing armor, he had more than 3,000 men under his command. However, most of them were cotton armor of poor quality. Only a thousand cavalrymen wore bright iron armor and had better defense. It's his own foundation.

Now that Zhang Shun's power has surged, "Purple Golden Liang" can't help but become cautious. But Han Tingxian was in the hands of Zhang Shun, and "Purple Golden Liang" was determined to win, so he was undecided for a while.

At any rate, the Taoist Qi Xu was an intimate person, and he quickly suggested: "That 'Optimus Prime' is originally a subordinate of the second master, and the second master is kind to him. Let me use my sharp tongue to convince him." Optimus Prime's release of Han Tingxian's return."

"Zijinliang" was doubtful after hearing this, and quickly rewarded Taoist Quxu with five taels of silver, entrusting him with this matter. When Taoist Quxu got five taels of silver, he couldn't help but laugh and cry, thinking to himself: He is also unhappy!

The Qixu Taoist got the silver, and came to visit Zhang Shun with great arrogance. When Zhang Shun learned that this person was coming, he quickly dismissed everyone and received the Taoist priest, formerly known as Taoist Ma, now known as Qixu Taoist, alone in a quiet room.

After the two met each other, they talked about what happened after they parted. Taoist priest Ma sighed with emotion: "My lord is indeed the destined emperor. Not long after, he has already made people admire him. I am afraid that he is not too far away from flying into the sky! It's a pity that I, the old Taoist priest, have been working so hard and I haven't finished the task assigned to me by the city master."

Zhang Shun heard the words and said with a smile: "Old Taoist Priest is joking. It was you who brought me out of the muddy pond. Not to mention that you are now taking risks for me to gain wealth. I will never forget your kindness in helping me in the first place!"

"Where, where! It's just a little effort, and it almost cost the Lord's life." Taoist Master Ma said politely.

The two of them had a laugh, each being polite and not mentioning it. But Zhang Shun suddenly remembered something and quickly called Li Sanniang to come out and give Taoist Master Ma some money. When Taoist Ma saw it, he felt puzzled and asked, "My lord, what does this mean?"

"When Shun was short of money, he borrowed a few taels of silver from Taoist merchants. Now he pays back all the money with some interest!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"Hey, I can't accept this!" Taoist Master Ma quickly waved his hand and refused, "Could it be that the shore of Sui Tu is Wang Tu? This is just you borrowing money from your left pocket and giving it to your right pocket. What does it have to do with me, an old Taoist priest. "

"Haha, old Taoist priest!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Then if I take money from my right pocket, wouldn't it be natural for me to return it to my left pocket?"

The Taoist priests were speechless and had no choice but to accept them. Then he said sternly to Zhang Shun: "I am here this time. It is not appropriate to stay for a long time. I am just asking for someone from the lord. I hope you will allow me!"


"?" Before Ma Dao finished speaking, he was stunned by Zhang Shun's "Okay". It took him a long time to realize that he had promised himself. He couldn't help but asked in astonishment: "My lord, do you know who I asked for, and yet he agreed so happily?"

"Han Tingxian has been captured by me for a long time, since the second master returned to the city. Firstly, there is no order to punish this person, and secondly, there is no inquiry about this person's movements. It means that he must have other thoughts. I don't know if I am right or not?" Zhang Shunxiao road.

"My lord, you really know what's going on!" Taoist Master Ma flattered him and said with a smile, "This person is obsessed with recruiting people, and he never wakes up from the dream of surrender. What can be done about it!"

"So, after knowing that this person is a government official, you value this person even more?"

"I value this person more!"

"Don't hesitate to offend me?"

"I won't hesitate to offend you!"

"Taoist Priest, I know that you are proficient in the art of physiognomy. What does this person look like?"

"There is no cure for premature death!"

"Why is there no cure?" Zhang Shun asked strangely.

“If you have a headache, treat your head; if you have a foot pain, treat your feet; if you have a brain injury, there is no cure!”

Zhang Shun was speechless when he heard this, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that this was indeed a wise saying. It's hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words, this is the kind of person I'm talking about.

Zhang Shun had nothing to say, so he just sent people to bring Han Tingxian over and handed him over to Taoist Master Ma to take him away. Seeing that Zhang Shun trusted him so much, Taoist Ma didn't say anything. He just bowed deeply three times without saying anything.

Just as Taoist Master Ma was about to leave and take away Han Tingxian, Zhang Shun suddenly called out to Taoist Master Ma and asked, "Since Taoist Master is good at fortune telling, do you know who has the appearance of a queen?"

Hearing this, Taoist Master Ma laughed and said: "The chicken turned into a phoenix just because it lived in the sycamore tree!"

Zhang Shun watched Taoist Master Ma finish his answer, then waved his hand, walked towards the tied Han Tingxian, and led him slowly away. He couldn't help but shook his head, smiled and cursed: "This old fox!"

This time, after Han Tingxian was brought back by Taoist Master Ma, I don't know what method he used, but he was still worshiped as a military advisor by the second master "Purple Gold Liang", and his favor remained the same.

At this time, now that Zhang Shun had gained a certain amount of strength, he became disenchanted. So he went to personally visit the "Chuang Camp" in Zezhou City. At this time, Huang Lai'er, "General", "One Tiger", "Mountain Harrier", etc. were not in the camp, and only the Xing family stayed behind.

Mr. Xing personally welcomed Zhang Shun to the camp, served tea, and said with a smile: "Long time no see, little brother Optimus Prime! As the saying goes: I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I don't know why I'm here today?"

Zhang Shun looked at Mrs.

Thanks to fan "Li Ruoyun" and "book friend 20190316112729474" for the reward! The author came back too late today. I'm sorry to everyone. I only have one update and I owe another chapter! sorry. . .

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