Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1459 Heavy Fog

"Father!" Prince Su Hauge saw Mrs. Hong arriving with a large group of people. He didn't dare to ask or say anything, so he quickly stepped forward to pay his respects.

Na Hongtai took a deep look at Hauge, who had prostrated himself on the ground, King Zhishun Shang Kexi, and General Kong Youxing. She couldn't help but sigh and said: "Instruct Jierhalang, Duduo, Yue Tuo, Shuo Tuo, etc. People, lead your men and horses to fight with me immediately!"

"Your Majesty?" Hauge couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and thought to himself: What's wrong with my father? Why do you act so recklessly?

"What's wrong?" Seeing the hesitation on Hauge's face, Hong Tai couldn't help but asked in a cold voice, "Does Prince Su have any different opinions?"

"I don't dare!"

"Dare not? Rather than not?"

"I don't have any children."

"Forget it, you have never faced the 'Shun Thief' directly, so you don't know how powerful the 'Shun Thief' is!" Hong Tai sighed, "To tell you the truth, this time I was kicked out of Fanshan Castle and had to I have come to seek refuge with you!"

"Father is joking. The shore of the land is not the king's land. Everything I have is given by my father. I can take it away whenever I want!" Hauge suddenly broke into sweat after hearing this. , responded quickly.

"Everything you have is mine, and everything mine is yours after all!" After hearing this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile.

"This time, the 'submissive thief' I encountered was the most cunning and vicious person."

"I am old, but you are still young. If I can't get rid of this thief for you today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to control the 'thief's power' in the future!"

"Can you understand my painstaking efforts?"

To be honest, Mrs. Hong is only forty-five years old now, in her prime, and far from being able to consider the issue of heir.

However, compared with Zhang Shun, who was only twenty years old, he looked sluggish.

If the "obedient thief" cannot be severely defeated this time, I am afraid that he will take over the world in the future. When the time comes, his manpower, material resources, and even his age will be inferior to others, and that will be a big deal.

Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, why not take a brave strike!

Therefore, just before exiting Fanshan Castle, Na Hongtai carefully reflected on his problem and finally came to a result.

If you don't fight hard, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to fight hard in the future.

The Ming Dynasty is a lesson learned from the past. Since the "shun thieves" raised their troops, although they have been encircling and suppressing them continuously, they cannot concentrate their forces to eliminate the "thieves" in one fell swoop.

As a result, when the "Shun Bandits" launched a large-scale eastward expedition, even if the Ming Dynasty's government and opposition parties wanted to fight decisively, they no longer had the ability to organize an army of 100,000 people. They could only watch the other side seize the important land of Shanxi and had no choice but to do anything.

If you don't want to fall into this situation, then you can only gather all the elites and "shun thieves" to fight to the death while you still have the strength to resist.

"What the father said is true!" After hearing this, Hauge knew that both strategies of fighting and walking had their own pros and cons, but since Mrs. Hong had chosen the strategy of decisive battle, there was only one way to go.

"Our army currently has 50,000 or 60,000 troops. If we add Prince Zheng Jierharang and Prince Duduo of Yu 30,000 troops, plus 10,000 Yue Tuo and 5,000 Shuo Tuo, we will have a total of 100,000 troops, which is enough. Fight to the death with the 'Shun Thief'."

"There are only 100,000 troops left!" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but darken her eyes.

Before this expedition, the Eight Banners of the Manchu, Mongolian and Han Dynasties drew one from each third, and this was how they formed this 130,000-strong army.

If we add the "Wuzhen Chaoha" and "Sanshun King" who later supported, the total will be 160,000 troops.

As a result, after ten stops and three stops, only these 100,000 troops were left.

It's sad, it's deplorable!

"In this way, prepare manpower immediately, dig more tunnels, set up more camps, and be sure to hold on to the Dragon King Hall to wait for reinforcements!" Fortunately, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai was also a great hero, and his heavy mood disappeared in a flash, and he couldn't help but He quickly ordered.

"The strategy proposed by the obedient king Kong Youde is indeed good. It can withstand the artillery of the 'submissive thieves'."

"Had it not been for the collusion between internal and external forces of the Han army and sudden rebellion this time, the good situation would not have collapsed like this!"

"Father, do you want this?" Upon hearing this, Prince Nasu Hauge couldn't help but make a gesture of wiping his neck to Mrs. Hong.

"No, not for now, just send more people to keep an eye on it!" Hong Tai hesitated after hearing this, and finally ordered.

Although these two people seemed to be playing charades, in fact, the father and son already knew who they were talking about.

This person is none other than King Zhishun, one of the only remaining "Three Shun Kings".

In fact, it is not that Mrs. Hong has never been worried about this person, but now that Kong Youde has died in battle and Geng Zhongming has surrendered to the "thieves", if Shang Kexi is killed again, I am afraid that no Han in the world will be willing to join the "Qing Dynasty".

It was the lesser of two evils, so Mrs. Hong had to grit her teeth and endure it.

"Actually, Kong Youde's method may not all rely on trenches!" After being silent for a long time, Hauge suddenly said.

"Going west from here, roughly along the west bank of Chiyou Spring, there is a large area of ​​rugged hills."

"If our army can slightly modify this place, it will be a ready place to block the red cannons."

"Oh?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this, "Okay, in that case, without further ado, bring some people and go with me to check right away!"

"Father, it's almost Yinshi, don't you want to rest for a while?" Na Hauge hesitated after hearing this, and couldn't help but remind him quickly.

"I can't sleep!" Mrs. Hong sighed after hearing this, "I won't feel at ease until the 'Shun Thief' dies!"

"Okay, I'll prepare the manpower now!" Hauge said nothing and quickly agreed.

Not long after, Hongtai and Hauge, escorted by many Bajala elite soldiers, took advantage of the night to leave the Dragon King Hall and headed straight for the hills west of Chiyou Spring.

It dawned relatively early in July and August. Soon after they left the Dragon King Hall, they arrived at the west bank of Chiyou Spring.

The sky was slightly bright at this time, and although it was a bit foggy, the surrounding terrain could generally be seen clearly.

Na Hongtai took a closer look and saw undulating hills stretching for more than ten miles along the Chiyou Spring.

"Okay, okay, okay, the earth is really helping me!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but laugh heartily, "With the help of the terrain, why worry about being unfair to the 'submissive thieves'?"

"It's just... I'm afraid the next few days will be a little difficult!" Hauge hesitated and reminded him.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It looks like it's going to fog up. If it's really foggy, God help me."

"Heaven helps me, earth also helps me, heaven and earth all help me, I wonder how that 'submissive thief' can fight with me?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's foggy outside!" Just when Hong Tai noticed that the weather was foggy, Zhang Fengyi, who had always been diligent, also noticed the change in the weather and hurriedly woke up Zhang Shundao.

"It's foggy? It's foggy but it's clear all the time. What are you afraid of!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing, "Even if it's foggy for three days and three nights, it won't be able to save Mrs. Hong's life!"

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