"Look, look, what is that?"

Just as the rebel hot air balloon was rising, Hou Jinbing, who was hurriedly building a watchtower, soon discovered the movement on the rebel side.

"Longlong. The 'Shun Thief' has invited Shenlong to support him!" The ignorant soldiers couldn't help shouting when they saw this.

"What dragon? It's clearly a ball." After hearing this, Mrs. Hong turned her head and saw a "big ball" suddenly rising slowly from the rebel formation. She couldn't help but be shocked.

Although he did not understand much scientific knowledge, his many years of knowledge and experience told him that there was no way such a magical creature like a dragon could appear in this world.

However, compared to this "weird" giant ball, it is obviously not as good as the appearance of a divine dragon to make him understand what is going on.

Just when it was easy for Hong to suppress the fear in his heart, he saw that all the guards on the left and right turned pale, and some of them were whispering to each other: "What should we do? How can we fight again?"

Only then did Mrs. Hong realize that this weird giant ball not only frightened herself, but also made the soldiers of the three armies uneasy.

He couldn't help but hurriedly ordered loudly: "If you pass on the order, say that the 'shun thief' is going against the will of heaven. This 'weird giant ball' is a symbol of God's punishment for him."

"He's a bad omen, I'm a good omen, this battle will be won!"

"Your Majesty has an edict that the 'successful thieves' go against the will of heaven, so the 'weird giant ball' is dropped from the sky as a warning. The entire army should be at ease and ready to defeat the enemy!" Following Hong Tai's order, soldiers had already sent orders. He turned over and shouted orders all the way down.

After everyone heard Mrs. Hong's order, they felt a little at ease.

However, just as the messenger was delivering the order, the Rebel Army's "weird giant ball" had already flown into the sky, floating above the Rebel Army's central formation.

Na Hongtai looked carefully and saw a basket hanging under the giant ball, as if there was something loaded inside.

He couldn't help feeling uneasy, and couldn't help but order: "Here, come, get my telescope!"

It turns out that not only Zhang Shun had a "thousand-mile mirror" in his hand, but Mrs. Hong also had a "thousand-mile mirror" presented by Kong Youde.

High technology is always applied to war first. This is the norm in most human history, even after gold is no exception.

When the telescope was handed over to the left, Mrs. Hong took it, closed her left eye, looked at it with her right eye, and was shocked.


It turned out that there were three living people standing on the hanging basket under the "weird giant ball", and the leader of them was holding a telescope and looking in his direction.

"Successful thief!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but cursed through gritted teeth.

As a result, just as he was cursing, the man opposite holding a telescope also moved his mouth.

Mrs. Hong got the lip sync right, but it turned out that she was scolding the word "Tatar".

He had the intention to retaliate, but felt it was disrespectful, so he had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, the man opposite him was unforgiving and moved his mouth several times.

Mrs. Hong adjusted her mouth for a long time, and then said out loud: "I can fly, come here and bite me if you can!"

"Your Majesty?" As soon as Mrs. Hong said these words, Fan Wencheng couldn't help but remind her quickly.

My master, what time has it been? Why are you so hysterical?

"Hmph, 'Shun thief'!" Mrs. Hong ignored him and just cursed fiercely.

This time he was sure that the guy hanging under the weird giant ball must be Zhang Shun.

With such a mean look, who else in the world would be better off than him?

"Fan Wencheng, can you shoot him down?" I'm so angry. Why did this little thief fly up? Why can't I fly!

"Your Majesty is joking. Which bow, arrow or cannon can hit such a long distance?" Fan Wencheng heard this and couldn't help but replied quickly.

"If we have to take down this thing, I think I have to get the red cannon!"

"Oh? Then send an order to 'King Zhishun' Shang Kexi to order his gunners to give it a try!" Hong Tai frowned and couldn't help but give the order.

It turned out that the "Sanshun King" brought thirty red Yi cannons to support Hong Tai. As a result, in the Battle of Banquan, the main force of the "Sanshun King" was completely lost. Fifteen of the Hongyi cannons could not be transported away in time and were destroyed by the rebels. Seized by Luo Xiangqian.

The remaining fifteen Hongyi cannons were divided into two places, one was placed in Fanshan Fort and the other was placed in Chiyou Village.

As a result, the rebels captured Fanshan Fort three days ago, and only six Hongyi cannons were left among the mighty Jin Shiwan main force, which are now in the hands of "King Zhishun" Shang Kexi.

Not long after, Na Shang Kexi accepted the order and almost cursed in anger.

The range of the long-barreled Hongyi cannon of this era was indeed not very close. Regardless of the effective range, only the maximum range was considered, and it could even reach as far as two or three miles.

However, trying to hit a target at this distance is equivalent to using an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes - overkill.

"Fight!" The man was under the eaves and had to lower his head. Although Shang Kexi was very dissatisfied, he still ordered helplessly.

"Your Majesty, we...we have never learned to shoot flying things!" Hearing this, the gunners on the left and right couldn't help but said with a look of embarrassment.

"You haven't learned, and neither have I!" Shang Kexi became more and more angry after hearing this, and couldn't help but order, "Hit as you like, what if you get hit?"

"Okay, okay then!" The gunner had no choice but to order someone to load the shells, then raised the cannon six points and fired the shells at the maximum range.

"Boom, boom, boom!" I heard a burst of cannon fire, and saw five or six iron bombs flying up, and then falling scatteredly into the rebel formation.

But because they were fired too far, most of the shells hit the open ground and did not hit any of them.

At this moment, Zhang Shun saw clearly from the hot air balloon, and quickly took a "telescope" to watch carefully, and then ordered: "Command the gunner, Jianlu Hongyi cannon position is behind the 'Jiashu Hill', Fight back with the 'Golden Cannon'!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, the flag-bearer quickly waved the flag in his hand and conveyed the order to the people below in flag language.

The rebel flag bearers below got the flag message and quickly passed it on to the rebel artillery.

"'Jiashu Hills'? Oh, here!" It turns out that before the war started, the rebels numbered the terrain where Hou Jin might form an array so that they could give orders in flag language.

King Zhishun's six red cannons were hidden behind the hill numbered "Jiashu", but they were exposed only because of Hong Tai's order.

"Okay!" There happened to be twenty-five "golden cannons" in the rebel army. They quickly loaded the cannonballs and fired a test shot at the "Arrested Hill" first.

"Oops, missed, lower the muzzle by half a minute!" Not long after, Zhang Shun, who was on the hot air balloon, saw clearly and quickly ordered the flagman to adjust the shooting angle.

"Boom!" Then another cannonball flew up, this time it hit a Hongyi cannon, killing a gunner on the spot and breaking a soldier's thigh.

"Okay, okay, let's fight like this!" As Zhang Shun continued, the rebel artillery became more and more accurate, and soon the gunners under Kong Youde suffered heavy casualties.

"What's going on, what's going on, how did the 'Shun Thief' artillery come over, how did it hit so accurately!" King Zhishun Shang Kexi couldn't help but said angrily when he saw that the gunners of his precious Hongyi cannon had killed and injured more than ten people. .

"I don't know. It's evil. We are hiding behind the hill. How can we still get hit? Could it be that?"

"Is it what?" Shang Kexi grabbed the gunner beside him and asked loudly.

"Is there something evil about that weird giant ball that can guide the 'Shun Thief' artillery to attack?" The gunner couldn't help but cry in sorrow.

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