Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1469 Unexpected soldiers

"Boom!" As lightning jumped like silver snakes in the dark cloudy sky, rolling thunder came from far to near.

"Pa, pa, pa!" Big raindrops fell with a crackling sound.

"Prince Cheng, it's raining!" A Houjin soldier wearing red armor with white trim couldn't help shouting.

"Understood, rush to Fanshan Castle as soon as possible!" Prince Cheng Yue Tuo emphasized expressionlessly.

From Miyun to Fanshan Fort, it is three hundred and twenty miles, half closer than the Duoduo tribe who rushed from Guguan.

However, due to the obstruction of Jiang Xuan's servant, Prince Cheng Yue Tuo was delayed for two days in Juyongguan, which caused the delay.

No one expected that Zhang Shun's idleness would become the key to determining the outcome of the battle between the two sides.

It is said that Hong Tai moved the main force to Fanshan Fort under Kong Youde's suggestion, and Zhang Shunyi led the main force to move to the Yellow Emperor's old city, which immediately created a large power vacuum zone from Jimingyi to Changping Town. .

After Jiang Xuan received Zhang Shun's order, he led dozens of people and dozens of blank edicts to recruit the defeated Ming army.

It turned out that after the defeat of Changping Town, Juyong Pass was destroyed by Hou Jin.

The remaining Ming troops were either fleeing in all directions or huddled in the castle, shivering.

At a time when everyone was confused and confused, when they saw Jiang Xuan, the former resident of Yongguan, returning with the rebel army, they were overjoyed and came to join him one after another, recruiting two to three thousand people at once.

Jiang Xuan couldn't help but be overjoyed and thought to himself: "My king, King Shun, has appointed me as the commander-in-chief of the army, and now I have recruited so many people, including a few of them!"

"When we reorganize a battalion in the future, we can look forward to such glory and wealth!"

I just didn't expect that Jiang Xuan had been happy for two days just now, and he never thought that Hou Jin's troops would suddenly attack.

Jiang Xuan relied on the dangerous position of Juyong Pass and held on to the city. The two sides fought hard for a day before Yue Tuo and his troops managed to break through the south entrance.

Walking along Juyonggou, from south to north are Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan, Badaling and Chadaocheng.

Although Jiang Xuan was not part of the Ming army, if he were to defend the city, it would not be possible for Yue Tuo to capture it in an instant.

We have just broken through the south entrance now. If we want to conquer the dangerous passes of Juyongguan, Shangguan, Badaling and Chadaocheng, it will be impossible without four or five days of effort.

If we had to wait for three to five days, I am afraid that the body of Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", would be completely cold.

To be honest, Mrs. Hong's guess about the relationship between Daishan and Yue Tuo and his son was very accurate. These two people were just acting for the two generations of Khans.

Therefore, when Yue Tuo received Hong Tai's order, his first reaction was to throw Hong Tai and his men into Fanshan Fort.

Now Hou Jin's left behind is none other than his father, Prince Lilie Daishan, his brother Shuo Tuo is stationed in Changping, and Wu Zhenchao Hanai who assists him in attacking the city is his in-law Tong Yangxing.

As long as he leads these people back to the Houjin Kingdom, his father Daishan will be the unstoppable Tu Emperor, and he will be the next Tu Emperor.

However, he soon gave up his thoughts and decided to fight to the death to support Hong Tai.

It turns out that Daishan and Yue Tuo, father and son, are of course an old fox and a young fox. How could their thoughts be so simple?

Back then, if Daishan, who was the leader of the four Baylors, really wanted to covet the throne, how would he have the chance to ascend to the throne?

The reason why he is "magnanimous and tolerant for the sake of the country" is actually a combination of snake and mouse.

If the Later Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty, then Hong Tai would naturally be "kacha kacha" and kill his whole family, and he could take the opportunity to change his skin as Hong Tai's opposition force and continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

If Hou Jin destroyed the Ming Dynasty, as the leader of the four Baylors, and holding on to the two red flags, with both status and strength, who would dare to touch him?

It's just that the two red flags headed by Daishan are just a powerful force among the Eight Banners and use their own interests as the guideline for their actions. They neither want to "replace", nor do they want to be "two or five boys".

If Hong Taizhen is defeated in this decisive battle, the domestic situation in Houjin will be shaken.

Then the two red flags, two of the Eight Banners of Houjin, will naturally be greatly affected. This is by no means the result that Daishan and Yue Tuo, the two red flags of the two red flags, want.

Therefore, when being blocked by Jiang Xuan at the gate of Juyongguan, Prince Nacheng Yue Tuo really wanted to support the main force of Houjin.

How to do how to do?

"Your Majesty, it seems that we can only take the trail. Although the trail will take some time, it is still better than storming Juyong Pass!" The servants on the left and right couldn't help but persuade.

"Let's go, take the trail!" Yue Tuo's face was uncertain for a long time, and finally he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said.

It was better to arrive late than never, so Yue Tuo had no choice but to order his soldiers to turn north, take the breach in the direction of Liugou and enter the boundary of Yanqing, and then come in the direction of Huailai and Baoan.

Let us say that Prince Cheng, Yue Tuo, led ten thousand cavalry and traveled three to four hundred miles, finally arriving at the battlefield in the afternoon of July 21st.

"Your Highness, look!" Just when Yue Tuo and his Bajala camp arrived, someone had already pointed him in the direction of the battlefield.

Yue Tuo looked up and saw a castle not far away.

The castle was separated from him and others by a not-so-wide river. On the other side of the river, tens of millions of people were arrayed in a fierce battle, and the sound of killing was loud.

"Get ready to cross the river!" Yue Tuo ordered expressionlessly.

"Your Majesty, it's not very convenient to unfold things here!" There was some confusion between the two.

It turned out that according to Hong Tai's plan, when Yue Tuan arrived with ten thousand cavalry, the left wing of the rebel army was forming a fierce battle with Hauge and Duduo's 40,000 horses.

The flat terrain between the left rear of the rebel army and Zhuoshui was a good place for Yue Tuo's troops to insert themselves into the battlefield.

However, Yue Tuan never expected that when he arrived, the battlefield situation he saw was completely different from what he expected.

It turns out that south of Fanshan Fort, from Chiyou Spring to Dongshan Mountain, there is a relatively flat terrain.

Any commander with a sound mind would usually expand the formation to reach Dongshan Mountain in the east and Chiyou Spring in the west, completely filling this area to prevent others from taking advantage of it.

Even in order to prevent the rebel formation from deforming during the battle, Hong Tai also deliberately placed the Duduo tribe, which was relatively tired after traveling for 800 miles, near Dongshan to prevent the left wing of the rebel army from retreating towards Fanshan Fort.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhang Sanbai actually arranged his formation like this, and made great progress on the left wing near the foot of the east mountain.

However, Hong Tai and Yue Tuo had all the predictions, but Zhang Shun did not expect that Zhang Shun would take advantage of the newly surrendered Jiang Xuan.

This idle piece not only delayed the journey of Yue Tuo's troops, but also warned the rebels in advance.

Therefore, when Yue Tuo's troops rushed to the battlefield, what they saw was that Zhang Sanbai followed Zhang Shun's order and not only turned back the more than 10,000 troops on the left wing, but also advanced on Fanshan Fort and along the Zhuoshui River. Armed.

Nowadays, there are no surprises, so we can only attack by force!

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