Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1484 The Immature Lord

"Your master, what do you mean?" After the envoy Houjin was introduced, Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, was the first to speak.

"It's not interesting. To be honest, our country was defeated this time!" The envoy shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"What?" As soon as the Hou Jin envoy said this, the whole hall was in an uproar.

Previously, Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, concluded that Hou Jin might be defeated. Many people still didn't believe it. This time they were shocked when they heard it from the envoy of Hou Jin himself.

"How many people did you bring this time?" Wen Tiren glanced at Chongzhen, who had an ugly expression, and couldn't help but continue to ask.

"No more, no more, 160,000 troops!" The envoy said with a smile.

"What?" The whole room was in an uproar again.

One hundred and sixty thousand, this number was unthinkable in the Ming Dynasty, and yet it resulted in defeat?

So how many people are there in the "Shun Thieves"?

"In my opinion, the number of 'submissive thieves' is no less than 300,000, so please make plans early!" The envoy cupped his hands, as if he had won a great victory.

"What?" At this moment, all the civil and military officials in the court were stunned, and they almost couldn't even scream in surprise.

Three hundred thousand troops, what is the concept?

Even if they piled heads, they would die from top to bottom in the Ming Dynasty.

"How many more of you are there?" Wen Tiren couldn't help but ask again.

"No less than one hundred thousand!"

"." The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were stunned for a moment when you looked at me and I looked at you.

"Then what kind of alliance do you plan to make?" Wen Tiren looked at the stunned civil and military ministers and couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Our two families have two good friends. We will marry the princess to your emperor, and you will marry the princess to my master. Then, you provide us with food, weapons, armor and artillery, and we will destroy the bandits for you." The messenger smiled. .

"The story of the two families working together in Huihe and the Tang Dynasty, they are like a country of brothers and share the peace of the world!"

"This matter is not something we can decide in one word. Please go down and wait for a while until we have decided on our plan before we discuss it!" Wen Tiren frowned and took a sneak look at Chongzhen's face before he said. .

"Then I'll just wait for the good news!" The envoy of Houjin chuckled, and then left in a swaggering way.

"Shu Zi, you are rude. I ask you to punish this traitor, because you are not a police officer!" Just after Hou Jin's envoy left, a censor shouted.

"This matter will be discussed later. I would like to ask you all, my dear friends, how is this matter?" Chongzhen shied away and asked quickly.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter can be a temporary solution." Ding Kuichu saw that everyone was silent and couldn't help but make some suggestions.

In fact, Ding Kuichu was much more awake than everyone present.

Not only was he the governor of Jiliao, he knew the situation of the soldiers and horses in the two towns of Jiliao very well. He was also the uncle of Ding Qirui, who had taken refuge in the rebel army, and he also knew a little bit about the strength of the rebel army.

However, this matter was very secret, so he naturally did not dare to mention it on his own initiative, so he could only remind the important officials in the court indirectly.

Nowadays, "Qin" is strong, but Mingjin is weak. Only if the two weak ones join forces to fight against one strong one can there be a chance of survival.

But as soon as Ding Kuichu said these words, a censor had already criticized him: "Governor Ding's statement is completely wrong. This is a thousand-year plan. How can it be called a 'expediency measure'?"

"In my opinion, this matter is probably not between the Uighurs and the Tang Dynasty, but between the Liao Dynasty and the weak Song Dynasty!"

"His Majesty is now in his prime, and Mrs. Hong is already old. Of course, it is easy to make money."

"If time goes by, we will be brothers now, brothers tomorrow, uncles and nephews, uncles and nephews, and grandsons again. Wouldn't it be a big mistake?"

"I wonder if all of you here can still deserve this eternal infamy?"

It turns out that what the censor was talking about was what happened in Song and Liao Dynasties. At the beginning of the Tan Yuan alliance, the two sides became countries of brothers.

Unexpectedly, the life spans of the two parties were different, and the relationship at the beginning was nothing more than brothers, uncles and nephews, which was not too outrageous.

As time went by, the generational hierarchy between the two parties continued to change. It turned out that the relationship between brothers with relatively equal status has turned into a relationship between father and son with extremely different generations.

The majestic Song Dynasty was one or two generations younger than others for no reason. It was even more outrageous than the country that was later agreed to be the country of uncles and nephews, and the country of uncles and nephews.

With just this sentence, Ding Kuichu choked to death.

He said deliberately, "If you can't take care of today's affairs, do you still have time to worry about what will happen in the next few decades or even hundreds of years?"

However, he couldn't say this and had to shake his head.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter needs to be discussed!" At this moment, after observing Chongzhen's reaction to Ding Kuichu's words, Wen Tiren couldn't help but smile and said.

"This Jianlu envoy is exaggerating. There may not be one truth in his ten sentences!"

"Oh? I wonder what Mr. Wen said?" Chongzhen couldn't help but shine his eyes.

"Then the Jianlu envoy claimed that the Later Jin Dynasty entered the Pass with an army of 160,000 people, and the 'Shun bandits' had an army of 300,000 people. Isn't it a big mistake?" Wen Tiren said eloquently.

"We in Liaodong have only fifty or sixty thousand soldiers and horses, and our annual expenditure on military pay and food is no less than six to seven million, and among them there are only more than ten thousand soldiers."

"How much land and population can the Eastern and Western pirates have now? How much tax can they levy? How dare they support hundreds of thousands of soldiers?"

"If I take it as my ministers, I will find that the number of the Eastern invaders is no more than 50,000 or 60,000, and the Western invaders are no more than 70,000 or 80,000."

"Now that the two sides have gone through a fierce battle, they will definitely suffer heavy losses, so they are deceiving me with big words."

"I ask your Majesty to send troops to King Pingkou of the West of Jing as soon as possible. If it is too late, things will change!"

It turns out that Wangpingkou is the Wangpingkou Inspection Department, which is the only place to enter Beijing through Tianjin Pass, Yanhekou, Qijiazhuang Inspection Department and other places.

If the Ming army takes the opportunity to block this place, I am afraid that Hongtai, Hauge and the others will be trapped in the triangle between Tianjin Pass, Qijiazhuang and Wangpingkou, and be slaughtered.

Wen Tiren's strategy is very simple. If Hou Jin wins, Hou Jin will be blocked there and unable to get out, and then he will have the opportunity to make further plans.

If the rebel army wins, Hou Jin will be blocked inside, allowing the rebel army to continue fighting with him, and the Ming army will benefit.

"Is this possible?" After hearing this, Chongzhen almost understood what Wen Tiren meant, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao.

"It's possible for a commoner!" Ding Kuichu hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

It doesn't work. From a tactical point of view, this thing seems quite clever at first glance, but from a strategic point of view, it is simply an unimaginable catastrophe.

From Shanxi to the capital, where can't we cross at Juyongguan, Mashuikou, Zijingguan and Daomaguan?

If you can stop the Tatars, can you still stop "King Shun"?

"In that case, please trouble me, Mr. Ding, Governor of Jiliao, to lead more than ten thousand elites from Jiliao to make such a journey for me. I am here to wait for your good news!" Chongzhen couldn't help but said excitedly.

Ding Kuichu twitched his lips when he heard this, but in the end he had no choice but to "take the order and thank him."

Others don't know, how come he doesn't know?

It turned out that as early as the beginning of the rebel army's expedition to Shanxi, his nephew Ding Qirui had written to him many times, urging him to "lead his troops to King Shun" and claimed that "King Shun" had already trained 300,000 troops and was ready to fight with Hou Jin and others at the same time. Preparations for war in the Ming Dynasty.

At the beginning, he was doubtful about this, but now he saw Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom was defeated and died, and Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", led an army of 160,000 and was defeated. Only then was he convinced that "King Shun" really had an army of 300,000. .

A total of three hundred thousand, not to mention defeating a little Hong Tai, is probably enough to sweep the world.

As soon as he thought about it, he could no longer look directly at these stupid words.

"The Ming Dynasty wants to play!" Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed secretly in his heart.

All he can do now is to do his best and obey fate.

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