Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1508 Confiscating the house

"What are you doing? What are you doing? This is Chengguo Duke's Mansion! You dare to come here and act wild. Are you too brave to eat a bear's heart?"

"Cheng Guo Duke's Mansion? That's right! Your Majesty has a decree. Cheng Guo Gong conspired to assassinate and kill the nine tribes. Your Majesty will remember his merits and intercede with His Highness King Shun, and change the Yi tribe to serve as a warning to others!"

"No, you can't do this, hurry up, stop them...ah..."

Without waiting for the gates of the government to stop them, Li Zicheng led his army to break in, and everything was going crazy for a while.

The Chengguo Duke's Mansion also refused to sit still and wait for death. Someone had already organized manpower to resist.

As the saying goes: People can't walk without a head, birds can't fly without a head.

Not to mention the loss of the Duke's Mansion, where Duke Cheng was in charge of the overall situation. Even if Zhu Chunchen, Duke of Cheng, was here, how could he resist the wolves and tigers of the rebel soldiers?

After a while, all those who dared to resist were thrown into a pool of blood. Among them, men, women, old and children were unable to escape, so they had to be driven together like pigs and dogs by the rebels and controlled them.

"Quickly, seal everything here for me and wait for King Shun to send someone to check!" Li Zicheng shouted loudly while commanding the soldiers.

"Tsk, tsk, is this the Duke's Mansion?" At this moment, Liu Zongmin, who was following him, was looking at the decorated and decorated Cheng Guogong's Mansion, as well as the beautiful women in the mansion. Big move.

"Master Plate, do you want us to try it first?" He couldn't help but rub his hands.

"You bastard, this is not how you seek death!" Li Zicheng couldn't help but cursed, "Are you really a disadvantage to His Highness's sword?"

After finishing his scolding, Li Zicheng hesitated again, and then whispered: "Your Highness plans to reward the meritorious generals with the maids later."

"If you don't have a share, I will give you two when the time comes!"

"Ah? can this be so embarrassing!" Liu Zongmin rubbed his hands after hearing this, and immediately stopped thinking.

Although the women in the Duke's palace are good, how can they compare with the carefully selected palace maids?

To be honest, Liu Zongmin himself is not bad, but Zhang Shun has so many talents under his command that he cannot show his greatness.

Throughout the journey of the rebel army, his performance among the generals could only be considered satisfactory.

If it were true that rewards were based on merit, I don't know if he would be able to take his turn.

However, Li Zicheng was different. He made great achievements in cutting off the escape route of Prince Yingwu Azige, persuading Governor Zhang Weishi of the Xuan Mansion to surrender, and fighting against Hong Tai.

If we really want to divide it, I'm afraid not one person can divide it into ten.

Since Li Zicheng gave him a guarantee, he naturally had no reason to choose these rotten fish and shrimps.

Just when Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin took control of the Duke Cheng's mansion, a circle of people had already gathered outside the mansion, pointing and pointing.

"This is what he deserves. He used to clean up other people's homes, and now someone is cleaning up his home. This is called tit for tat!"

"Yeah, where did the ability to occupy other people's shops go? Now it's the turn of others to occupy other people's shops, hahahaha..."

"I don't know if his mother-in-law is smart or not, but it's a pity that we don't have the luxury to enjoy it..."

In the past, these government officials relied on their power to dominate and prosper. Now that they have fallen from power, everyone is watching the joke.

And the same thing happened almost at the same time in Dingguo Gongfu, Yinggong Gongfu, Wan Prince Consort's Mansion, Ran Prince Consort's Mansion, Wu Qinghou Mansion, Hui'an Bo Mansion and other mansions.

The three hundred years of honors and royal relatives accumulated by the Ming Dynasty in the capital were almost wiped out by Zhang Shun's "assassination case".

For a time, the whole city was filled with wailing sounds from the mansions of nobles and relatives of the emperor: "Zhu Changxun, you are so perverse and you are going to die a good death sooner or later after you slaughter the heroes."

"Oh, what a big resentment!" Unexpectedly, these words reached the ears of a white-faced and long-bearded man in a street restaurant, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Why, do they still have a grudge against you?" At this moment, a tall, dark man sitting opposite him couldn't help but laugh.

"'King Huai', please!" The white-faced and long-bearded man did not answer when he heard the words. Instead, he raised his wine glass to the man and said.

It turned out that the person sitting opposite him was none other than Geng Zhongming, Zhang Shun's newly named "King Huai".

"What you mean by King Huai is just what His Highness said casually!" Geng Zhongming smiled, shook his head, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Just saying it casually? This is called golden words!" The white-faced and long-bearded man laughed when he heard the words.

"You are also a general under His Highness. Why doesn't His Highness send you to inspect these royal relatives and nobles?"

"How do you say this? Please make it clear to 'Mr. Feng Ge'!" Geng Zhongming drank a glass of wine and ate some food, then smiled.

"What do you mean by 'Mr. Feng Ge'? Aren't you exposing my shortcomings?" Unexpectedly, "Mr. Feng Ge" heard this and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Since those hypocrites gained power, don't say 'Mr. Feng Ge'. Even if I want to be a seventh-grade county magistrate, I can't get it."

"Okay, let's not talk about those bad things, let's talk about your problem."

It turns out that "Lao Feng Ge" is none other than Feng Quan, the backbone of the eunuch party.

The members of the eunuch party headed by Wei Zhongxian roughly include the "Five Tigers", "Five Biaos", "Ten Dogs", "Ten Children", and "Forty Suns".

And this Feng Quan is one of the "Ten Dogs". Because he has a relatively high status among the eunuchs, but is not a core member, he was listed as a "counter-auxiliary" after Chongzhen came to power and was not allowed to live forever.

Now that Chongzhen has taken the southeast branch and Zhang Shun is in power, Feng Quan smells the smell and rushes over. He wants to take the opportunity to find an official position, so he finds someone to make an appointment with Geng Zhongming.

"Your problem is that you have a mixed bag of fish and fish. If you are asked to do this kind of thing, you will definitely get it done." Feng Quan continued to laugh.

"It's a small matter to ruin His Highness's reputation, but it's a big deal to ruin His Highness's reputation!"

"Big deal, what big deal?" Geng Zhongming pointed to the long list of noble family members tied up outside, and couldn't help but smile, "Is it bigger than this?"

"Of course, what is this? This is just an appetizer, the real meal is later!" Feng Quan couldn't help but sneered.

"How do you say this?" Geng Zhongming couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Then... what does 'Mr. Feng Ge' mean?"

"Although the royal relatives and nobles are fat, how can they be fatter than the hypocritical 'Donglin Party'!" Feng Quan couldn't help but sneered.

"King Shun has millions of elite soldiers under his command. Although they have captured the city of Beijing, the city has no food and no silver in the treasury. There are also a large group of arrogant soldiers and powerful generals who want rewards."

"What would you do if you were in a different place?"

"Of course I stole it from him!" Geng Zhongming said without thinking.

"This is the difference between you and His Highness King Shun!" Unexpectedly, Feng Quan shook his head when he heard this and said, "Of course it is to set up a prison and kill the unruly people!"

"Isn't this...the same?" Geng Zhongming said disapprovingly, "Also, why do you think His Highness wants to attack the Donglin Party?"

"Pigs want to pick the fattest ones to be slaughtered, and people want to pick the rich ones to kill!" Feng Quan couldn't help but sneered.

"Now that the nobles and relatives of the emperor have been slaughtered, it will naturally be the turn of those hypocrites from the Donglin Party!"

"Then... why isn't it Qi Dang or Chu Dang?" Geng Zhongming couldn't help but wonder.

"Because as long as King Huai introduces me to His Highness, I will convince King Shun to find a good job for you. What do you think?" Feng Quan couldn't help but laugh.

"Well... well, I can only promise to recommend it to His Highness. Whether it succeeds or not is still up for debate!" Geng Zhongming hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Feng Quan had a bad reputation, and Geng Zhongming originally didn't want to get involved with him.

But then he changed his mind and realized that his reputation might not be any better than others, so how could he be selective?

As for whether the Donglin Party or the Donglin Party is not mentioned, Geng Zhongming has repeatedly offended the "Western French Party" to death.

These "Western French Party" mastered "wonderful skills and cunning". Among them, Wang Zheng, a general, had already defected to King Shun. If he did not form a party to protect himself, I am afraid that he would inevitably die without a burial place in the future.

When Feng Quan saw that Geng Zhongming agreed, he couldn't help but said with great joy: "In this way, you and I will join forces, and we will enjoy endless glory and wealth!"

Due to the "anticipation" of some readers, the author may indeed have succeeded. Originally, the author was thinking of finishing the last plot by dividing it by three, five, and two. Now it seems that it may be delayed for a few days. Please forgive me.

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