"I heard that a sage king will not humiliate other people's wives and daughters, but the followers of Jie and Zhou will indulge in beauty. Mencius said: The king is lustful, and the people are the same, what is there for the king? Now your majesty..." From the Qianqing Palace In the middle, Kong Zhenyun, a scholar in the cabinet, quoted scriptures and gave long speeches to scold Emperor Hongguang.

The scolding only made him blush, and his face turned red.

It turned out that a few days ago, Zhang Shun and others decided to select noble family members to enrich the harem. As a result, Hongguang Emperor Zhu Changxun sent someone to find Zhang Shun that night and said privately: "The one I like is someone else's wife and daughter. Please King Shun do your best!"

Zhang Shun had no choice but to select some of the Duke's family members to send them to him.

Good guy, it doesn't matter if you give him away, it's like poking a hornet's nest, giving Kong Zhenyun a good time.

Zhu Changxun couldn't resist and quickly looked at Zhang Shun for help.

Zhang Shun didn't dare to answer these questions, he just lowered his head and pretended that a flower was blooming on his shoes.

Your Majesty, you can't just watch thieves eating meat without seeing them being beaten!

I was sprayed by him for seven or eight days before and I didn't even dare to say a word. Where are you doing now?

Kong Zhenyun was really excited, but when he saw Zhu Changxun repeatedly looking in the direction of Zhang Shun, he suddenly lost his temper.

He turned around again and spat at Zhang Shun: "I heard that an upright minister can admonish the monarch for his faults, but a flattering minister can only cater to the monarch's selfishness."

"As an important minister of the imperial court, King Shun has achieved great success. How come he refuses to advise His Majesty and instead acts like a villain?"

In this way, Zhang Shun was sprayed by Kong Zhenyun for another hour, and Zhang Shun was covered in cold sweat.

"Your Highness!"

He finally found an excuse and ran out. As soon as he went out, Zhang saw Feng Quan, who had been waiting for a long time.

When Feng Quan saw Zhang Shun, he quickly stepped forward and kowtowed three times and nine times.

"Okay, okay, no need to give this big gift!" Zhang Shun waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the Yangxin Hall to talk."

Not long after, the two entered the Yangxin Hall one after another, but they did not see the fourth daughter Zhang Zhoutian and Zhu.

Of course it's not that the four girls went out, but that the Yangxin Hall has many rooms besides the main hall.

The east and west sides of the main hall are the Dongnuan Pavilion and the Xinuan Pavilion respectively, and the back hall has five rooms, which is just enough for each of the girls to choose to live in one.

Let's not talk about it. The two of them sat down respectively as host and guest. No one offered tea. Zhang took the tea and boiling water by himself, made a pot of tea and filled it for himself and Feng Quan. Feng Quan was frightened and drank again. bow down.

After finally appeasing this person, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "You said you wanted to come to see me two days ago. What do you mean?"

"Is it possible that what His Highness did was intended to harm the nobles in the court?" Unexpectedly, Feng Quan couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this.

"Oh? How do you say this?" Zhang Shun thought he had concealed it well, but he didn't expect someone to tell him the truth, but he remained calm.

"The most important thing in the country is the sacrifice and the army!" Feng Quan couldn't help but smile, "Money and food are indispensable for both the husband and the army."

"Now that His Highness has entered the capital, he has done nothing wrong and is extremely benevolent! However, the imperial treasury has been empty for a long time. Is there any money or food?"

"I see that Your Highness should be noble first, and I think the next one must be an official!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but glance at this guy in surprise, and couldn't help but said: It's true that people cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

This guy looks like a tall man, but when you think he is an upright gentleman, he actually has a flattering look on his face.

Just when you thought he was a speculative villain, he actually had some insights.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but responded generously: "Yes, this is exactly what I think. How can you teach me?"

"Don't dare to take it, don't take it!" When Feng Quan saw Zhang Shun's sincere expression, he couldn't help but waved his hands and said, "I just have some opinions, please correct me."

"Sage Confucius said: A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and he is a group but does not party. But this is not the case today."

"Since Wanli, various parties in Donglin, Zhejiang, Qi, Chu, and Xuan have stood up and fought for power and gain all day long, causing great trouble in the court!"

"The most treacherous and deceitful one among them is undoubtedly Donglin Wuyi. If His Highness is serious, you should first use Donglin as a breakthrough point, and then defeat them one by one..."

"Stop, stop, stop, that's what you say, but I don't have anyone from Donglin under my command!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but interrupt Feng Quan in the middle of his words.

"Why not?" Feng Quan couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this.

"Feng Ying, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Hou Xun, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Zhan Shi, the Young Master of Zhan Shifu, and Huang Dao Yiyi Ganren, a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, all belong to Donglin."

"Of course, apart from these people, the most important ones are Zhang Shenyan and Han Xu, the chief minister of the cabinet who are close friends of His Highness..."

"You mean to let me deal with these two people first?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look dangerously in his eyes.

"Ah, Your Highness, that's not what I mean!" Feng Quan was startled when he heard this and quickly explained.

"What the villain means is that there are so many twists and turns involved. Is Your Highness really prepared?"

"Oh? What's so complicated?" Zhang Shun's face showed no emotion or anger, and he just asked lightly.

Since he wanted to attack these officials, he was naturally prepared for a counterattack.

"Please refer to it as 'Ji Si's disaster'!" Feng Quan hesitated after hearing this, and then said.

"Yuan Chonghuan was mostly blamed for the 'Ji Si Disaster' back then, but little did he know that Yuan Chonghuan's mentor was none other than Han Xu, a member of the Donglin Party who was the chief minister of the cabinet at the time!"

"But the Shanxi reinforcements who were the first to arrive at the capital suddenly mutinied. If the reinforcements hadn't gathered four times, I'm afraid the capital wouldn't have been able to defend it!"

"This..." Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and immediately realized what Feng Quan meant.

From the perspective of the Jisi Incident, Han Xu was probably the main man behind the scenes. In fact, Yuan Chonghuan was responsible for leading the Jin soldiers to "enter the pass", and the Shanxi soldiers who collapsed at the critical moment put pressure on the government and the opposition, and as a Han Xu, the chief minister of the cabinet, took the opportunity to propose an alliance under the city.

Of course, Feng Quan's words were not to reveal the truth of that year, but to remind Zhang Shun of a fact.

In this era, civilian officials are deeply involved in military work. If one is not handled properly, internal and external collusion will occur.

However, Feng Quan's words made Zhang Shun alert and couldn't help but think of a more terrifying thing.

After the Azige tribe was defeated by him, why did they not go anywhere and instead pounced on the hinterland of Shanxi?

If there really is such a person who can guide him in the direction of attack and open the city gate at a critical moment, then all this can be explained.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded and said: "I already know this, so don't worry too much!"

Fortunately, he had already defeated the main force of Hou Jin and killed his pseudo-emperors Hong Tai and Hao Ge.

Nowadays, not only every family in the Hou Jin Dynasty has filial piety and every household is covered with linen, but the central government has also fallen into fierce internal strife. Unexpectedly, someone has lured the troops of the Hou Jin Dynasty into the pass.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "I have made up my mind, and I will report it to Your Majesty tomorrow."

"Firstly, please allow Sir to join the cabinet, and secondly, please ask all officials to donate money for His Majesty's ascension to the throne!"

The author's condition is a little better today. I will update a chapter today. I wish everyone a happy New Year.

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