Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1514 Non-cooperation

"Today, we have actually found 127 residences of the emperor's relatives, 32 gardens, 537 shops, and 815 farms, worth approximately 24 million taels of silver." Tian Xiuying looked at Zhang Shun hugging Zhou Yufeng with a look of helplessness while reading the report.

"There are countless other antique calligraphy and paintings, jewelry and curios, which are roughly estimated to be worth tens of millions of taels of silver. The actual amount of silver that was copied was 6.37 million taels, which is very surprising. The total value is..."

"Four thousand three hundred and seventy thousand taels!" Before Tian Xiuying could finish speaking, Zhang calculated the result casually.

"Yes, 40,370,000 taels!" As soon as Tian Xiuying said these words, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

Although about 70% of them were properties, antiques and other things that needed to be cashed in, this figure, which was almost equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty for two or three years, also surprised everyone.

"With such great honor in the court, the Ming Dynasty will be safe and sound!" Even Queen Zhou couldn't help but shook her head and said.

She didn't know how her first wife, Zhu Youjian, had begged her grandfather to sue her grandmother, and then she got hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

As a result, Zhang Shun copied hundreds of times the amount of money. How could everyone not be surprised?

Zhang Shun didn't care about this, just shook his head and said: "This matter is a first-class secret and is not allowed to be revealed."

"Just put the silver coins, antique calligraphy and paintings, rare silks and satin, real estate title deeds and other items into the internal funds, and then worry about it."

With this amount of money, Zhang Shun had the confidence to fight against the civil power of the Ming Dynasty.

I want soldiers and wealth, what can you do to me?

"Your Highness, Your Highness, urgent report!" At this moment, Gao Qiqian's voice suddenly sounded outside.

"What's the matter? Come in and report!" Zhang Shun quickly motioned to the four girls to hide, leaving Tian Shuying alone to wait on them.

Not long after, I saw Gao Qiqian walking in, and then he whispered: "Your Highness, I just received news that many officials in the capital have resigned from their posts, claiming that they are incompatible with Your Highness!"

"If this is the case, if what the slaves expected is true, states and counties will soon start a wave of people abandoning their official positions."

"Non-violence and non-cooperation?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard this, and said with a sarcastic face, "It seems that they know that those who understand current affairs are heroes!"

So is this the character of a literati?

Love it, love it!

Zhang Shun shook his head and ordered: "Pass this order: 1. Anyone who abandons his official position will be recorded on the roster and will never be used again!"

"2. Tell the whole world that His Majesty will open a wide range of favors and recruit more soldiers the next day after he ascends the throne!"

Don't you want to give up your career? Then don't be an official in this life!

To be honest, Zhang Shun thought that these people might collude with Houjin or Bianzhen, or they might collude with Can Ming forces, but he really didn't expect that these people would actually play this trick on him.

In fact, this move is extremely vicious!

In fact, since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the ancient Chinese regime relied heavily on bureaucratic governance.

And once the bureaucrats clearly show no cooperation, the rulers will lose their ability to govern the country.

If most new regimes had no one under their control and hundreds of thousands of troops to support, they might give up.

But who is Zhang Shun?

Zhang Shun was the son of four women who defrauded four million taels of silver and then copied over six million. How could his men be so short of this amount?

Not to mention anything else, but the additional income of nearly ten million taels, plus the taxes that have already been included in most of Shaanxi and a small part of Henan, are completely enough for him to stabilize his position.

Seeing that the former civil servants of the Ming Dynasty were incompetent, he became more confident and even planned to take the opportunity to reorganize the Ming Dynasty's messy bureaucracy.

Of course, this alone was not enough. He made military preparations to avoid being taken advantage of.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun continued to order: "Instruct Zhang Sanbai to deal with the remaining enemies in the three towns of Jiliao and Dongjiang as soon as possible without delay."

"Instruct Hong Chengchou and Li Xin to deal with Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and others as soon as possible without delay!"

"Xiao told Cao Bianjiao to capture Kaifeng as soon as possible and push the front towards Xuzhou."

"Yes, I'll do it right now!" Gao Qiqian heard the words and quickly wrote them down one by one before retiring.

Who would have thought that as soon as he went out, he turned around and came back.

"What else is there?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel strange.

"House Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, asks to see you!" Gao Qiqian hurriedly reported.

"Oh? Let him come in!" Zhang Shun nodded.

After Zhang Shun entered Beijing, in addition to the cabinet ministers, he also invited back some of the six ministers, among which Hou Xun, the minister of household affairs, was one of them.

It's just that since Zhang Shun came to power, he has always regarded "Hongguang Emperor" Zhu Changxun and the cabinet as rubber stamps, and he is not very dependent on them for the time being.

The Duliu Shangshu is different in that it is an executive department and has greater power.

Not long after, the gray-haired Hou Xun came in, bowed to Zhang Shun, and the two parties sat down respectively.

He then said: "Wei Chen is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. However, Taicang is empty now and it is difficult to relieve His Highness' worries. Please resign!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun glanced at him indifferently upon hearing this, then smiled and said, "I heard that Mr. is from Guide Prefecture?"

"Exactly!" Hou Xun said in his heart: Here it comes!

"I heard that Guide Mansion is not too far from Kaifeng and Daiming, right?" Hou Xun originally thought that Zhang Shun would play the emotional card with him and try to improve relations with the township party, but he never expected him to say such things. .

Today, the rebel Cao Bianjiao tribe has been besieging Kaifeng for seven months, while Hong Chengchou's tribe has been confronting Yang Sichang, Zhu Dadian and others in the Damingfu area for more than half a year.

Zhang Shun's words did not contradict Chi Guoguo's threat.

Hou Xun couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and immediately calmed down his expression.

I am very afraid of birds. I know very well how much silver there is in the warehouse since Ji Yan took office. Could he still be able to conjure silver?

Zhang Shun's face became even more grim when he saw that he looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

He continued: "When I first entered the capital, someone told me: Hou Xun is a remnant of the Donglin Party, and I should take advantage of him as soon as possible!"

"I smiled and said: I appoint people on their merits, regardless of their closeness or distance. What's more, if you look at it carefully, you can still be regarded as a member of my hometown party."

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't belong to his own party but is willing to be someone else's lackey?"

"King Shun, this is too much!" Hou Xun couldn't help but protested when he heard Zhang Shun's provocation.

It turned out that Hou Xun not only controlled the household department of the Ming Dynasty, but also promoted Zuo Liangyu, the general of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, he felt that he was qualified to bargain with Zhang Shun, but Zhang Shun told him that he could not.

"Why are you not convinced?" Zhang Shun smiled.

"Zuo Liangyu, whom you have high hopes for, has a nickname called 'You Nianshi', so I personally took it from him!"

"As for money and food, you don't need to worry about it. Even if I don't collect grains from these states and counties, I will have plenty of spare money for three to five years to support an army of 500,000 people under my command!"

"How... how is it possible?" Hou Xun was still aggressive at first, but when he heard Zhang Shun's best words, he was stunned.

As the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, he managed to support himself for many years, but he didn't know the embarrassment of the imperial court.

As a result, Zhang Shun now tells him that he is not short of money. How can he believe this?

"It's up to you to believe it or not, but it's up to me whether you can do it or not!" Zhang Shun sneered, "To tell you the truth, the Ming and Jin Dynasties never thought that I could raise so many soldiers, but I did. Can you imagine it?"

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