In Jinzhou City, Liaodong Province, the flames of war have long been extinguished, but there is still an aura of murderous atmosphere in the city.

And in this chilling atmosphere, a group of generals filed in, escorted by personal guards on the left and right, and soon arrived at the General Military Mansion in Jinzhou City.

"The right-wing and left-wing deputy general Zuke is here!"

"The deputy general of Houjin Zuoying, Gao Xun, is here!"

"The deputy general of the training camp, Cheng Jiru, is here!"

"Ding Zhixiang, the director of the Hussars Camp Office, has arrived!"

As the gates of the General Military Mansion were called out one after another, officers from the entire Liao Town came one after another.

"Okay, everyone is almost here, let's get down to business!" A veteran general in his sixties with white beard and hair who looked like Old Huang Zhong sat in the main seat and said.

"Needless to say the current situation, everyone must be aware of what we are going to do. Please feel free to speak freely."

"General, what do we know about 'where to go'? You just talk and we just listen!" Jinzhou City Guards Guerrilla Article heard this and couldn't help but flatter him.

"Hey, what are you talking about? My ancestor is just a warrior. If Master Fujun had not died in a king's affair, would there be any room for my ancestor to speak today?" The general who looked like Huang Zhong couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

It turns out that this person is none other than Liaodong Commander-in-Chief Soldier Zu Dashou.

Since Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao, was arrested, Zu Dashou killed the Houjin spies and stayed on the front line of Jinzhou, refusing to leave the camp easily.

I just didn't expect that the situation in the past few years has changed. The capital suddenly fell. Emperor Zhu Youjian hanged himself on Meishan. Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, died in battle, leaving only his commander-in-chief, Zu Dashou, to guard Liaodong.

"Commander, my generation of warriors only know how to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country. We don't know anything else." As soon as Zu Dashou finished speaking, a general with a loud voice responded.

"In my opinion, we should mobilize all the elite soldiers from Liao Town to serve as King Qin in Guan, drive away the 'Shun thieves', and help establish a new king. This is a tribute to Duke Yi Yin of Zhou!"

When Zu Dashou heard the words, he looked carefully and saw that the person who answered was none other than Wu Sangui, the deputy general of the right battalion of the forward team who "bravely champions the three armies and is filial to all nine sides".

"Okay, this is a method of sincerity!" Zu Dashou nodded noncommittally upon hearing this.

When Nazu Dalue heard this, he became anxious and said quickly: "Although General Wu's words are kind, they are like hitting an egg against a stone."

"In the past, Hong Tai led 160,000 elite soldiers of the Hou Jin Dynasty to enter the pass. The strength of the army was unprecedented since ancient times! However, he died in the battle, and most of his main force was lost."

"Although our army in Liaodong is prosperous today, how does it compare with our gold later?"

"That's true!" Everyone couldn't help but talk after hearing this, "We in Liao Town have only 50,000 soldiers and horses. How can we compare with the millions of elite soldiers of the traitors?"

"Otherwise, let's vote for Houjin!" At this moment, Zu Keyong, the deputy general of the right-wing left camp, couldn't help but suggest.

"Pull them down!" As soon as Zu Keyong said these words, everyone shook their heads and said, "Now that Hong Tai is dead, the situation in the Houjin Kingdom is turbulent, and it is facing the threat of 'submissive thieves', and the country's destruction is not far away. How can we be free?" Seeking death?"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, what do you think we should do?" Seeing that everyone didn't agree, Zu Keyong couldn't help but said in anger.

"This," Wu Sangui hesitated for a moment, then said, "It is said that after the 'Shun thieves' took over the capital, they were cruel and ruthless, and tortured all civil and military officials. They are really not human beings."

"Some people claim that if we can lead a large army to the capital city, we will be able to defeat the city in one fell swoop."

"You shouldn't even mention this kind of thing!" Zu Dashou shook his head when he heard this and sneered, "This is clearly using us as guns, how can we believe it?"

"Report, Shanhai Commander-in-Chief Hou Gongji has sent someone!" Just as everyone was hesitant, a soldier suddenly reported loudly.

"Oh? Hou Gongji? Hurry, hurry and invite me!" It turns out that although the geographical location of Liaodong Town is extremely important, the Ming court is not unprepared for it.

Therefore, during the Wanli period, the Ming court set up the post of Shanhai Commander-in-Chief at Shanhaiguan.

On the one hand, it is the hinterland of Liaodong Town, and on the other hand, it is also on guard against changes in Liaodong.

The reason why Ancestor Dashou was hesitant before was because he didn't know what the attitude of the Shanhai General Soldier was.

If they want to "enter the customs", but the generals of the mountains and seas refuse to tell them to "enter the customs", wouldn't they just be helpless and sighing?

"Hey, are you all here?" Not long after Zu Dashou gave the order, a familiar voice suddenly came in.

Zu Dashou looked up and was shocked. He stood up in a hurry and greeted him: "Brother Hou, why are you here?"

It turned out that the person who came was none other than Hou Gongji's father, the famous general Hou Shilu.

This Hou Shilu was slightly older than Zu Dashou, but he became famous very early. However, he later sought to be dismissed from office due to two accidents.

If we talk about it carefully, this ancestor has to call others "senior" no matter what.

"No way, I'm afraid you may make the wrong choice, so as not to lose your wealth and life!" Hou Shilu said with a smile.

"How do you say this?" Zu Dashou said with a look of astonishment.

"I have surrendered to King Shun!" Unexpectedly, Hou Shilu laughed loudly after hearing this, and swaggered to the main seat and said, "General Zhang Sanbai under King Shun has arrived at Shanhaiguan with an army of 50,000 people."

"If you hesitate any longer, your life may be in danger!"

"What?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and the whole hall was in an uproar.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Zu Dashou couldn't help but hold back his anger and asked.

Good guy, the "shun thieves" have all arrived at Shanhaiguan. The sentimental father and son didn't even say a word to us, so they just sold us out?

Hou Shilu knew that everyone was dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "You don't know, this King Shun is one of our own. If I don't invite him to take over as soon as possible, I may not be a good person in the future!"

"How do you say this?" Zu Dashou didn't believe it at all, but instead looked at him sideways.

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Hou Shilu said with a regretful expression, "It turns out that His Highness King Shun is none other than the son-in-law of Wang Shiqin of the Yulin Wang family!"

"Our 'seven families and six surnames' all voted for him! You said that if I hesitated even a little bit, how could I have the honor to meet my old friends in the future!"

"Huh?" The generals here couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this, and then they couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

You bastard, you Yulin general is so cunning!

I am fighting life and death here, and I never expected to be sold by you long ago.

Damn, deserve it!

Hou Shilu looked at the faces of these Liao Town generals, and couldn't help but feel happy.

It turned out that Hou Shilu was defeated and lost his official position twice, and all the generals in Liaodong Town could not escape from the relationship.

One is the Battle of Liaoyang, in which the Ming army was defeated and Hou Shilu was seriously injured.

One is the Jisi Incident. After the Jin soldiers entered the pass, Hou Shilu led his army to defend. As a result, the soldiers were defeated and Hou Shilu was defeated again.

This time, he managed to gain the upper hand. How could he not like this?

"Okay, okay, what a great Yulin general!" This ancestor hunted geese all day long, but he didn't expect that one day he would be pecked and blinded by geese.

He couldn't help but shout three times in a row, and finally ordered helplessly: "In this case, what can we and the Liaodong generals say?"

"Zu Dale, behead both the Hou Jin envoy and the Ming Ting envoy. Bring their heads over later, and I'll surrender them as well!"

What a great ancestor. It turned out that his mansion had already received envoys from the Hou Jin and Ming armies, and was waiting for the envoys from the rebel army to come to "quote".

But he didn't expect that Hou Shilu, an old and cunning guy, would give him a blow.

As the saying goes: Be willing to admit defeat.

Since this time it fell into the hands of the Yulin general, Liaodong Town was now open and he had lost the capital to ask for the price, so he acted neatly and defected to the rebels without hesitation.

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