Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1523 Food Patrol Censor

"Your Majesty, due to frequent wars, the collection of summer grain has been delayed for more than half of the time. Now that the country is in peace, I ask the Metropolitan Procuratorate to send a grain inspection censor to specifically supervise the collection of money and grain!" In the Qianqing Palace, Zhang Shunyi He asked Zhu Changxun for instructions with a serious face.

The "quasi" Hongguang Emperor Zhu Changxun has the consciousness of a human rubber stamp.

It's just that he never expected that he was interrupted by Tang Shiji, the censor of Zuodu, just halfway through saying these two simple words: "Your Majesty, this must not be done!"

"Why is this?" Zhu Changxun glanced at Zhang Zhifa, the second assistant to the cabinet, and couldn't help but ask strangely.

"Well, the Metropolitan Procuratorate is short of manpower." When Tang Shiji saw Zhu Changxun's demeanor, he was immediately startled and quickly defended.

It turns out that the Metropolitan Procuratorate of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to the second-rank left and right censors, the third-rank left and right deputy censors, and the fourth-rank left and right censors, it also had the Department of Experience, the Department of General Affairs, and the Zhaomo Department. The specific offices of the Institute and Prison Department.

Under it, thirteen supervisory censors were set up in provincial units, with a manpower of 110 people.

Not counting those who have resigned, but in terms of staffing, if the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate were added up, there would definitely be no more than 200 people.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, in addition to states, chieftains and guards, there were 1,427 counties alone.

There are currently about six to seven hundred states and counties in the north occupied by the rebels.

If each county dispatches one censor, then the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate will not have that many manpower even if it is one person.

"Tangdu Censor, you are half-obedient!" Zhang Shun smiled slightly when he heard this, took out a piece of paper from his arms, and answered slowly.

"Previously, many officials in the capital had abandoned their positions. I had already ordered people to recruit a thousand supervisors and students. In addition to filling the vacancies among the officials in the capital, there were more than 400 more people. If we add the censors who patrolled the provinces, One hundred and ten people, a few concubines are enough!"

"These people have not received professional training, so they may not be competent!" Tang Shiji muttered again.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to face Zhang Shun at all.

However, if I really let Zhang Shun wield the cudgel of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and hit civil servants at will, I am afraid that my reputation will be completely ruined.

"Tang Du Yushi, if you don't want to be, you don't have to be!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered.

"Not professionally trained? It's as if you are very professional."

"To tell the truth, for the nobles and civil servants in the court to be able to seize so much money and houses, the Metropolitan Procuratorate must have played a major role. Isn't that right, Mr. Zhang Ge?"

Your Procuratorate has the responsibility to supervise all officials. Nowadays, almost all officials are corrupt and bribery. Do you dare to say that your Procuratorate has no responsibility?

After Tang Shiji heard Zhang Shun's words, he couldn't stand it anymore.

He quickly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and turned his peripheral vision to Zhang Zhifa.

When Zhang Zhifa saw being beaten like this by Zhang Shun, he felt panic in his heart. He glanced angrily at Tang Shiji who was staring at him, and then he quickly responded: "Yes, yes, what His Highness King Shun said is true!"

You bastard, I told you to follow his orders a few days ago, but why can’t you understand human speech?

After hearing what Zhang Zhifa said, Tang Shiji felt relieved and quickly changed his words: "What your Highness said is true. I will definitely handle this matter beautifully!"

Ma De, no matter what, I will fight hard this time and save my life first.

"Okay, if that's the case, then if the imperial censor of the Tang Dynasty only needs to act according to this, the corrupt officials will definitely be able to escape!" Zhang Shun then sneered and opened the paper in his hand and said.

"The King is going to ask His Majesty to issue a 'replacement order' for the Censor of Food Patrol."

"What is an 'official substitution order'?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"Whenever the grain inspection censor goes to the county, he is allowed to supervise the county magistrate and prefectural magistrate's grain and grass collection, corruption, violation of the law, and civil grievances. If it is found to be true after verification by the Ministry of Punishment, the crime will be punished by law, and the official vacancy will be filled by the conscientious grain inspection censor! "Zhang Shun laughed.

"Ah?" When everyone heard Zhang Shun's words, their expressions suddenly changed.

What are you doing here to collect grain? This is clearly to clean up the magistrates of the Ming Dynasty!

In Zhang Shun's previous life, it was said that "three years of clearing the prefecture, and one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver". Although he has not been called this in this life, at this point in the state affairs, it is natural that there will be no officials and no corruption.

If Zhang Shun plays the way he does, those "grain patrol censors" will definitely turn into hungry wolves one by one and make every possible effort to make things difficult for the magistrates they inspect in order to be released.

By then, wouldn’t it mean that the local government would not be able to make a living?

"No, this must never be done!" Even Feng Quan was startled this time and quickly reminded Zhang Shundao, "If this is the case, I... I'm afraid there will be no one available for you under His Highness!"

"Mr. Feng Ge, what do you mean by this? Are you saying that since I am a great Ming Dynasty, don't I have an upright official?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, if our Ming Dynasty had an upright official, why would His Highness do this!" Feng Quan couldn't help but gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"So, you mean that I should just sit back and wait for the next King Shun to come out, and then kill my whole family?" Zhang Shun sneered.

"Ah? No, no, no!" Feng Quan suddenly started sweating on his forehead, and couldn't help but explain quickly, "People often say: if the water is clear, there will be no fish; if the water is clear, there will be no disciples. Your Highness, please be careful!"

"No need, I have made up my mind on this matter." Zhang Shun refused firmly, "What did you learn from reading the books of sages? It is nothing more than asking for orders for the people!"

"Today, even if my body is broken to pieces, I will still ask for this life for the people of the world!"

"Kong is willing to take on this responsibility for His Highness!" As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, and everyone was looking at each other, the assistant minister Kong Zhenyun suddenly spoke and took the initiative to say.

"Uh, Mr. Kongge, what do you mean?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but hesitated a little.

"Your Highness wants to rectify the official style of the world. As a saint of Confucius, how can I be willing to be second to others?" Kong Zhenyun couldn't help but said impassionedly.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun looked at Kong Zhenyun, who had white hair and beard, and felt for the first time that this stubborn old man was so cute.

"Since Mr. Kong Ge has this intention, your majesty and I will ask you to take a part-time job as the censor of Zuodu. What do you think?"

"When a real man does things, why do he need to work concurrently?" Unexpectedly, Kong Zhenyun's face turned red when he heard this, and he became excited. He bowed to Zhu Changxun and said, "I am willing to resign from the post of Pavilion Elder and take up the post of Zuodu Censor." !”

"This" Zhu Changxun was a little confused now, but he quickly glanced at Zhang Shun.

"Well, since Mr. Kong Ge has great ambitions, why don't your Majesty let Mr. Kong Ge change his position with the Censor of the Tang Dynasty, which can be regarded as fulfilling his ambition!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said hurriedly when he heard this.

At this moment, he understood what he meant, and he understood what he meant.

A "little stubborn" and an "old stubborn", their hearts are connected at this moment.

As long as a person lives, so will the vegetation.

There is always a time to give up being a fool and do something useful for the world.

This is Zhang Shun's thoughts, and also Kong Zhenyun's thoughts!

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