Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1528 The Empress Arrives

"What time is it?" Zhou Yufeng asked drowsily as soon as it was dark the next day.

"It's five o'clock!" Zhang Yan's angry voice came immediately.

Oh, it turns out that now she is a prisoner, and there is no palace servant to serve her, Zhou Yufeng, Queen Zhou thought a little sadly.

"He...he didn't come here tonight?" Zhou Yufeng asked hesitantly.

"Not here!" Zhang Yan said increasingly unhappy, "What, do you miss a man?"

Because Zhou Yufeng was thin and petite with fair skin, she was often held in Zhang Shun's arms in the past, which made Zhang Yan angry just thinking about it.

"What, you don't want to?" Without the man in front of her, Zhou Yufeng became bolder.

"Think, what's the use of thinking?" In the past, several people were in a daze. Although it was a bit absurd, they were very happy.

Now that Zhang Shunyi has "transferred love", neither of them can adapt to it.

"If you think about it carefully, those two wild women are lying on your bed, covered with your quilt, sleeping with the naked man..." Zhou Yufeng chuckled.

It turns out that although there are five rooms in the back hall of Yangxin Hall, one of them was opened as a study by Zhang Shun.

Therefore, except for Tian Xiuying and her sister Tian Shuying who live in one room, each person has one room in the other three rooms.

Of course, despite being so divided, in fact, apart from storing their personal belongings in these rooms, most of the nights they would gather in the study and sleep together with Zhang Shun.

As a result, I didn't expect that after Hai Lanzhu and "Dayu'er" arrived, the back hall could no longer be accommodated.

Among them, sisters Tian Xiuying and Tian Shuying live in the same room, and this must not be touched.

Zhou Yufeng and Zhang Yan dislike each other and cannot move, so the question becomes who Zhu Huiti lives with.

However, when Zhang Shun proposed that Zhu Huiti and Zhou Yufeng live together, Zhang Yan disagreed.

Zhang Shun proposed that Zhu Huiti and Zhang Yan live together, but Zhou Yufeng disagreed again.

Zhang Shun was so angry that he had no choice but to suggest: "This won't work, that won't work either, how about you two live together!"

Zhang Yan and Zhou Yufeng calculated for a long time, and suddenly felt that this was good, so that no one would suffer and the other would take advantage.

As a result, the two enemies moved into the same house, while "Sao Da Zi" Hai Lanzhu and Dayu'er moved into Zhang Yan's room.

When Zhang Yan heard Zhou Yufeng provoking her, she was about to retort, but unexpectedly she heard the voice next door.

She couldn't help but change her words and cursed: "At this hour, these two shameless 'sluts' still don't let His Highness rest!"

Zhou Yufeng was angry and funny after hearing this, and also felt a little sad.

When did the queens themselves and Zhang Yan need to compete with other women like this?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but lose some of her anger, and changed the subject: "Hey, what do you think his eldest wife is like? After I come here, will I be mad if I see him fooling around like this?"

"Instead of worrying about this, why don't you worry about us." Zhang Yan thought about it seriously after hearing this.

"Whether she will be so mad is hard to say, but I'm afraid our good days will come to an end!"

"That's true!" Zhou Yufeng thought about it for a moment, and felt that if it were herself, she would definitely deal with these "funny girls" first.

Just when Zhou Yufeng and Zhang Yan were worried, a team of tired people arrived at Fuchengmen.

"Who is it?" When the city guard saw the man carrying a bow and armor, he was startled and asked quickly.

"His Royal Highness King Shun's family has arrived!" the leader said, flashing his token.

The gatekeeper didn't recognize the rebel token and quickly reported it.

Not long after, Xu Quan appeared on the tower. He lowered his head and looked down. He couldn't help being surprised and said, "Li You, why were you born?"

"Escort His Highness's family members!" Li You repeated.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to open the city gate right now." Xu Quan responded in a panic, and at the same time ordered the soldiers around him, "Tell your highness quickly, just say..."

However, Xu Quan had just finished speaking when a woman in armor said loudly: "No need, it's already dawn, how can I wake up His Highness?"

Xu Quan looked down and saw that it was Zhang Shun's concubine Ma Yingniang.

He thought about it carefully and realized that it made sense, so he stopped thinking about passing the news and just focused on opening the city gate.

"Yingniang, what are you doing?" Just as Ma Yingniang finished speaking, Li Sanniang's voice came from the sedan.

"Without the sisters watching, I don't know how many more women this man has found. While he's not paying attention, this time we'll catch him!" Ma Yingniang curled her lips and said.

"You, just let me persuade him later. Why do you do this?" Li Sanniang shook her head and replied helplessly.

"Sister, you just spoil him too much!" After hearing this, the red lady came immediately and said.

"Oh? If I don't spoil him, how can I be worthy of you?" Li Sanniang said sharply.

"Uh..." When the girls heard this, they immediately fell silent.

If you are above yourself, it is a problem left over from history; if you are above yourself, it is naturally a "foolish" hookup!

Everyone was speechless all the way, passing through the Chengtian Gate and the Meridian Gate, and finally arrived in front of the Qianqing Palace.

Ma Yingniang was impatient and wanted to break into the Qianqing Palace. She was so frightened that she stood up in a cold sweat and said: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, you are not here. Your Highness lives in the Yangxin Palace!"

The cabinet ministers are discussing matters with His Majesty inside. What's the point of barging in?

"Oh? Lead the way!" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but said with a frosty look on her face, "Now that he is entangled by some 'funny girl', why can't he even handle government affairs?"

"Ah? Your Highness is always on time!" Gao Qiqian explained, not daring to say any more.

"So, did you recruit a new 'Hu Mei Zi' last night?" Ma Yingniang immediately grasped the key point.

"Ah, no, no, the envoy from Liaodong Empress Jin came yesterday. It must be... His Highness must be tired of handling government affairs!" Gao Qiqian was not a fool. Although he didn't know that Zhang Shun was hiding in the golden house, he deduced from various signs that... Secondly.

At this time, if he didn’t turn to his old master, who could he turn to?

"Okay, it's none of your business. I will take care of it!" Ma Yingniang raised her eyebrows and shouted sternly.

"Ah, this...isn't this appropriate?" Gao Qiqian looked confused, "The palace has not arrived yet, and the empress went in. I... it's hard for me to explain!"

"It's hard for you to explain, then I'll do it!" Ma Yingniang didn't care about the rules set by the slaves, she opened up Gao Qiqian and rushed into the Yangxin Hall.

When a dozen other women saw someone taking the lead, they immediately swarmed in and rushed in together.

When Gao Qiqian saw this, how could he stop him?

He had no choice but to smile bitterly and shake his head, pretending not to look.

The protagonist is a lustful person, someone should have taken care of it a long time ago

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