Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1539 Assistance

The sea is vast and the waves are rolling.

A fleet of ships appeared above the sea level.

"Police!" A sailor who had climbed on the mast had noticed it and couldn't help shouting.

As the sailor shouted, as if a switch was turned on, the originally lifeless warship suddenly became lively.

Some hurriedly put on armor, some began to load artillery and firecrackers, and the helmsman rushed to the helm, waiting for the captain's order.

"Come up to meet him, he might be a Tatar navy man!" The captain laughed and ordered loudly.

"Hahaha!" The sailors and soldiers on the ship were delighted when they heard this, and the atmosphere on the ship suddenly became relaxed.

Since "King Sanshun" took refuge in Houjin, Houjin also relied on Lushun and Jinzhou to establish a navy using the ships brought by "King Sanshun".

How could Hou Jin afford to build a professional maritime navy since he had neither technology nor talent?

Therefore, even if Pi Dao Navy is not that good, he can at least be better than Jin Navy after despising him.

"There are more than twenty ships in total!" At this moment, the sailor on the mast suddenly shouted again.

"Uh." The sailors and soldiers who were still excited suddenly felt like a cock being strangled by the neck, and they couldn't laugh anymore.

They only have one patrol ship now, how can they withstand the siege of more than 20 warships?

"Sergeant, what should I do?" Everyone couldn't help but look at the captain.

"What should I do? Salad!" The captain sneered and couldn't help but order, "Get up first and see the situation before making any calculations!"

"This" a look of fear suddenly appeared on everyone's faces.

"It should be noted that everyone's family members are on the island. If the enemy ship Houjin sneaks up on the main force on the island, wouldn't we be eternal sinners!" The captain sneered.

"This" everyone, look at me, I look at you, thinking about the women, children, old and weak at home, they couldn't help but gritted their teeth and said, "Okay, let's do it!"

As everyone unified their opinions, the sailors quickly raised their flags, waved their long oars, and headed towards the fleet.

As this sentry boat approached, a smaller sentinel boat from that fleet soon came in.

"Which one are you going to?"

"Who are you?"

"We are the Tianjin Navy!"

"We are the Dongjiang Navy, what are you doing here?"

"Accepting the order of King Shun, we specially deliver supplies to Pi Island in Dongjiang Town!"

"Ah? Please, please come quickly!"

As the two sides negotiated for a while, the two sides initially established trust, and then tentatively rushed towards Pidao step by step.

"Zhao Liangdong, why are you here?" After finally waiting for the Tianjin Navy to land on Pi Island, Shen Shikui, the commander-in-chief of the Dongjiang River who came to greet him, couldn't help but look at the visitor in surprise.

"It's me!" Zhao Liangdong chuckled and said, "How about it, it's quite unexpected, right?"

"It's quite unexpected!" Shen Shikui said honestly while inviting him to enter the island.

"Actually, I'm quite surprised myself!" Zhao Liangdong smiled, pointed to the ship behind him and said, "Don't be busy with other things. Let's check the goods first and do the handover."

"Oh? What did you bring this time?" Shen Shikui couldn't help but squinted at the ships moored there, and was shocked to find that there were ten ocean-covering ships among them.

"Ten ships of grain, one thousand dan per ship, ten thousand dan in total!" Zhao Liangdong laughed.

"Ah?" Shen Shikui couldn't believe his ears when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask again, "All of them?"

"All of them!" Zhao Liangdong affirmed.

"This is really great!" Shen Shikui couldn't help but be so excited that he couldn't help but fell to his knees on the ground and bowed three times in the direction of the capital.

It turns out that Dongjiang Town is isolated overseas. It is arrogant and domineering, has a bad attitude, and is deeply suspected by the court.

The land near Phi Island was barren and barren and could not feed these many people, so they had to forcibly purchase it from North Korea.

Now that North Korea is under Hongtai's attack, it has no choice but to take refuge in Houjin. Dongjiang Town, which was originally short of supplies, has become increasingly difficult.

To the north are the Tartars, to the east is North Korea, to the south is the sea, and to the west is the Ming Dynasty across the sea. Dongjiang Town is surrounded by enemies on almost all sides.

This is also the fundamental reason why Shen Shikui, the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang, defected to Zhang Shun after the rebels occupied the capital.

The Tartars in the north are mortal enemies, North Korea in the east has turned against them, Da Yang in the south is desperate, and the Ming Dynasty in the west is suspicious of everyone.

Apart from defecting to the rebels, Dongjiang Town has no other choice!

However, in this desperate situation, King Shun actually sent over 10,000 shi of grain without saying a word.

The icing on the cake is not as good as providing help when it is timely.

This made Dongjiang Town, which was already in danger, not deeply moved.

"If we talk about generosity, there are indeed few people in the world who are as generous as King Shun!" Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Jinjin, who had been personally received by Zhang Shun that day, considered himself "a man of King Shun" and couldn't help but beat the drum.

"To tell you the truth, the rebel army has just occupied the capital and needs money and food everywhere. His Highness King Shun even ordered to spare 10,000 dan to rescue the Dongjiang River first!"

"In addition, since the rebel army only has one navy in Tianjin, it is embarrassed to carry out the heavy task. Now it is recruiting people, buying wood, preparing large ships, and fully assisting the Dongjiang River!"

"Ah? How can you deserve this!" Even the cunning and cunning Shen Shikui felt flattered for a moment and wished he could retaliate with death.

"Your Highness is a man of great wisdom and great ambitions. How do you put Xiao Dongjiang in His Highness's eyes?" Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, couldn't help but laugh.

"When His Highness led the army to march eastward, Hou Jin Hongtai manipulated him, and the two sides had a great battle."

"Now that Mrs. Hong has been defeated and died, do you think His Highness will just let it go?"

"Oh?" Shen Shikui was surprised at first when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed.

If King Shun really intends to plow the court and clear out the holes and completely destroy Hou Jin, then the status of Dongjiang Town will naturally increase.

Of course, if King Shun is really satisfied with the "two capitals and thirteen provinces" within the pass, then Dongjiang Town will naturally have no choice but to be destroyed.

"Then what does Your Highness need us to do?" Shen Shikui turned his head, looked seriously at the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians left on the island, and couldn't help but ask seriously.

Many things in the world have a price. Since Dongjiang Town is so loved by His Highness King Shun, it will naturally reciprocate the favor.

In terms of food, life-saving food is naturally life-saving food.

"There's not much that Dongjiang Town can do now!" Zhao Liangdong shook his head and said, "Before leaving, His Highness only mentioned two points."

"One is for Dongjiang Town to prepare as soon as possible to guard against Hou Jin's sudden attack."

"The other thing is, please check if there is any wood suitable for shipbuilding nearby."

"Now His Highness wants to build a large ship, and he is in urgent need of century-old hardwood. The best pine, fir, and elm can barely be used."

"If there is other wood that is tough and not afraid of being soaked by sea water, it is best to report it as soon as possible."

"When the time comes, Your Highness will buy grain and transport it to build sea ships to save the Dongjiang River!"

"How can this happen? Since His Highness wants a few pieces of wood for Dongjiang River!" Although Shen Shikui was a businessman, he also knew that talking about money at this time hurts feelings.

Especially since Dongjiang Town can only talk about relationships now, not money!

"Hey, before leaving, His Highness specifically told me!" Zhao Liangdong shook his head when he heard this, and said helplessly, "It is said that the East River is bitterly cold, and you are guarding the border for the country, how can you treat everyone unfairly?"

"It's just that now the imperial court is using troops in many places, and there is a shortage of food and grass, so it is unsustainable."

"Therefore, we can only understand each other and trade fairly, so as not to cause resentment!"

Shen Shikui was so smart. When he heard Zhao Liangdong's words, he immediately understood what Zhang Shun meant.

The original conflict between Dongjiang Town and the Ming court was simply that Dongjiang Town felt that it was guarding the country's borders and should be treated favorably by the court.

The imperial court believed that Dongjiang Town had committed fraud to deceive the imperial court, so the two sides had frequent disputes.

However, Zhang Shun first put the relationship between the two parties on an equal footing and traded fairly, and then the court paid for it to make up for the shortcomings.

In this way, on the one hand, Dongjiang Town can have a certain amount of economic income, on the other hand, it can show the favor of the imperial court, and on the other hand, the imperial court will not have to spend too much money.

Originally, Shen Shikui, the commander-in-chief of the Dongjiang River, was shocked by the 10,000 shi of grain sent by Zhang Shun, and inevitably felt that the other party was "taken advantage of."

Now that he saw Zhang Shun using this method of killing three birds with one stone, he immediately put away his contempt.

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