"Hurry, hurry, the Kong Mansion is ahead!" After finally killing Hou Jin's remaining soldiers, Huang Degong grabbed a few "tongues" and found out where the Kong Mansion was, and then killed them all the way there.

After finally arriving at the door of Confucius' mansion, everyone was about to break in, but unexpectedly they saw a group of people coming from the north to kill the general.

Huang Degong was taken aback and quickly ordered the formation to prepare to meet the enemy.

But at this moment, someone walked out from the opposite side and shouted loudly: "But General Huang is an old man in front of you!"

Huang Degong took a closer look and found that this person was none other than the old fisherman who had encouraged him to attack Liaoyang and others.

"Old sir, why were you born here?" Huang Degong couldn't help but asked in surprise.

When the old fisherman saw that Huang Degong recognized him, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and quickly greeted someone: "My master is Han Chengzheng of the Puppet Qing Dynasty, Jia La Zhangjing and Li Yangeng."

"I was originally the son-in-law of an old slave of the Tatar chieftain, with a bright future. I was dissatisfied with the Tatars for abusing my Han people and humiliating my Han officials, so I wholeheartedly returned to justice."

"Now that I heard that the general has recovered the Han Dynasty, he personally led the troops and came to help in the battle!"

When Huang Degong heard this, he was stunned. He looked carefully at Li Yangeng and saw that he was only thirty-four or five years old. He was wearing a square scarf. He had a heroic appearance and an extraordinary bearing.

He was originally from Liaodong, so how could he not know that Li Yangeng was the son of the traitor Li Yongfang.

Li Yongfang was the first general to surrender to the Jin Dynasty, and his status was only lower than that of the Han Tong Yangxing. He was once in charge of the four states of Jin Fuhai, and his power was even higher than that of the famous "Three Shun King".

If Li Changgeng truly sacrifices his life for the Tatars, he may not be as rich as other kings.

However, such a person still resisted Hou Jin without hesitation, which really made Huang Degong awe-inspiring.

He couldn't help but hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Sir, he understands the righteousness and protects our Han people. He is indeed a good man of our Han family!"

"General, you are so complimentary!" Li Yangeng quickly returned the salute and said anxiously, "This is not the place to talk. I also ask the general to send troops quickly to capture the 'Kong thief', and then I can help the general to clean up his dust."

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Huang Degong was not polite when he heard the words. While ordering his cronies to accompany Li Yangeng, he quickly led his team to kill them.

The Kongfu Mansion was in chaos. Unknown how many servants were sweeping away the property in the house. They were suddenly attacked and couldn't help but howl and run around.

When Huang Degong saw that the situation was not right, he quickly captured a few slaves and interrogated them, asking, "Where are the relatives of the Confucius family?"

"Already. Already escaped with the gold and silver property!" The slaves, who were half frightened to death, quickly confessed.

"Where are you going?" Huang Degong's heart skipped a beat and he quickly asked.

"Go north!"

"Go south!"

"No, it's going west!"

For a time, there were different opinions and different opinions.

Huang Degong couldn't make a decision, so he ordered his close associates to lead a group of people and continue the search. He left the Confucius Mansion and went to look for Li Yangeng again.

"General, what are you doing?" Li Yangeng couldn't help but be filled with doubts when he saw that Huang Degong had just entered and then turned back again for some reason.

"The people from the Kong Mansion have escaped!" Huang Degong slapped his thigh and said, "The slaves pointed east and west, and they didn't know where they were fleeing for a while!"

"What?" Li Yangeng couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. Unexpectedly, the cooked duck actually flew away.

He pondered for a moment, then couldn't help but say: "The Tatars have suffered heavy casualties since the disastrous defeat in the pass. Now there are wars in Guangning, Dongjiang and Liaonan. The troops are divided into four parts, and only more than 10,000 troops are stationed in Shenyang. As long as Mrs. Bai has any brains. , they will not go to Shenyang to ask for help."

"Only Gaizhou was granted to Confucius for several years. Most of the people under her rule were brought from Denglai by Confucius and were loyal. Therefore, in my opinion, she must have led her children and family members to flee there."

Li Yangeng's analysis seemed quite reasonable, but he never expected that after Kong Youde's death, Mrs. Bai had lost the source of information in her inner circle.

It's just that although the process was ridiculously wrong, the conclusion was surprisingly accurate.

"Gaizhou?" Huang Degong was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but laugh. Li Yangeng also laughed.


It turns out that the city of Tokyo is located on the east bank of the Taizi River, while Liaoyang is on the west bank of the Taizi River.

If Madam Bai and others want to go to Gaizhou, they must cross the Taizi River whether by water or land, and then pass through the old city of Liaoyang.

Now the waterway on the Taizi River is being blocked by the rebels, but the old city of Liaoyang is where Li Yangeng's power lies.

This Mrs. Bai was "talented, smart and ambitious", but she didn't understand the current situation, so she fell into a trap.

Thinking of this, Huang Degong couldn't help but quickly ordered: "Send the navy to closely monitor the ships on the river. If there are people and horses crossing the river, they will stop them with me."

And Li Yangeng also ordered: "Send someone quickly to inform Li Jue to detect the movement at the city gate, dock, inn, etc. If there is a large group of people passing by, please report to me as soon as possible."

"Where's the second master?" The old fisherman hesitated and asked.

"Him? Leave him alone and let him be the Tatar's son-in-law!" Li Yangeng said dismissively.

It turns out that this "second master" is Li Yangeng's younger brother Li Yanling. Now he has been given the title of leader by the old slave, and his wife is the daughter of the clan.

As expected, Li Shutai was loyal and followed Hong Taidong in his expeditions to the east and west, and was highly regarded.

It is precisely because of this that after Li Shutai followed the army back to Liaodong, he has been on duty in Shenyang and never returned to Liaoyang. This gave Li Yangeng the opportunity to take over.

"Then...that's good, I'll do it right away!" The old fisherman was stunned when he heard this, and rushed away excitedly.

Not to mention Huang Degong and Li Yangeng's quarrels, let's say that Mrs. Bai, Kong Tingxun and Kong Sizhen left the Confucius Mansion. Under the protection of three to five hundred servants, they marched out of the west gate of Tokyo City and quickly arrived at the bank of the Prince's River. side.

The river was still flowing, but there was not even half a ferry in sight.

"Mother, there are no boats on the river." Kong Tingxun observed for a long time before reporting.

"Look!" Madam Bai sneered, "If there is water, there will be fish, and if there is a river, there will be boats. It is impossible not to have boats!"

"Did you hear that? Why don't you look for it quickly!" Kong Tingxun quickly scolded his subordinates after hearing this.

Not long after, a soldier came back with an old man pressed down and reported: "Reporting to the young prince, we caught this old guy in a ditch. He hid a boat in the reeds."

"Can one boat be built?" Mrs. Bai frowned upon hearing this.

"Ah? Female Bodhisattva, please don't kill me. Although this little old man only has one boat, it is no problem to carry ten or eight people at a time." The old man was frightened to death. When he saw a kind-faced person, he hurriedly Kneel down and beg.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you carry us across the river honestly, if anyone dares to touch you, I will make the decision for you!" Mrs. Bai couldn't help but promise.

"Okay, okay, then you must keep your word!" The little old man couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and kowtowed quickly.

"Yes!" Mrs. Bai nodded and quickly winked at Kong Tingxun.

Kong Tingxun understood in his mind and quickly gave instructions in a low voice. After a while, he saw a boat coming and docked on the shore.

Mrs. Bai took a closer look and found that although the boat was in tatters and didn't even have a awning, it was actually a large wooden boat that could transport twenty people at a time.

In this way, it only takes about twenty trips to transport them all.

So she nodded and ordered: "Let them go over first and explore the movement, and then we will get on the boat."

When Kong Tingxun heard this, he couldn't help but admire his mother's sophistication and quickly followed the instructions.

The little old man got the order, grabbed the bamboo pole and pushed it hard, and the wooden boat slowly left the river bank under the eyes of everyone and sailed towards the other side of the river.

I don’t know how long it took, but twenty soldiers were finally transported to the other side of the river. Mrs. Bai nodded with satisfaction and ordered: "Let's go!"

In fact, she wanted to confirm more, but the ship was so slow that she couldn't wait any longer.

After she, Kong Tingxun, Kong Sizhen and others boarded the boat, and only three or five soldiers got on board, the boat became crowded.

Madam Bai frowned and said, "You wait for the next bus, let's go!"

"Okay, sit still!" the little old man responded, then propped up his boat with a bamboo pole, and the boat slowly left the shore.

The ship was very stable, much more stable than the sea-going ship they were on, and she couldn't help but feel relieved.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a cold feeling on the soles of her shoes. She couldn't help but look down and saw that the cabin was filled with water.

Mrs. Bai couldn't help but said quickly: "Old man, why is your boat leaking?"

"This boat is not leaking, how could it flood the madam, the young master, and the ladies!" The little old man couldn't help but laugh suddenly.

"You're looking for death!" Before Mrs. Bai could say anything, Kong Tingxun had already drawn his sword and was about to step forward to catch the little old man.

Unexpectedly, the little old man did not dodge. Instead, he stepped back and fell into the river with a splash and disappeared.

"What's going on? What's going on!" Kong Tingxun couldn't help being shocked and said in a panic.

"Why are you panicking? Which of you knows how to punt a boat? Get it across the shore first!" Mrs. Bai couldn't help shouting, "Even if we can't make it through, as long as the boat doesn't sink, we can't sink it!"

Most of the boats in this era were wooden boats. Even if the boat leaked, it could still float on the water and hold two or three people.

Besides, apart from the poor water quality of her son and daughter, Madam Bai and these soldiers were all born in Dongjiang Town, so they were naturally proficient in water quality.

"It's too late, the rebel navy has already arrived!" At this moment, the little old man's voice sounded in real time.

Madam Bai turned around and saw that he was floating on the water in the distance, while several warships on the upper reaches of the Taizi River were moving down the river.

"Quickly, kill me and Sizhen, and then take Tingxun away!" Madam Bai was frightened to death and ordered quickly.

After following Kong Youde for many years, she could clearly see the fate of the loser's family members. How could she still dare to live an ignoble existence?

However, these people are all diehard loyalists of the Kong family. Who dares to take action against Mrs. Bai?

This hesitation didn't matter, the cold river water suddenly reached his calves and almost filled the entire cabin.

"Mom, what are you going to do?" Kong Tingxun was still in a state of confusion due to the sudden situation.

After hearing this, Mrs. Bai discovered that her son was holding a steel knife that he had just pulled out.

She couldn't help but step forward, reaching out to grab the knife.

Kong Tingxun subconsciously stepped back, only to hear a "plop", and the boat suddenly capsized.

At this time, Mrs. Bai, Kong Tingxun, Kong Sizhen and several guards fell into the river together.

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