Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1591 Rush for help

"Kill!" Jia La Zhangjing Zhu Shichang held a spear in one hand and a wooden ladder with the other, and climbed up the city bravely.

At this moment, several stones were thrown from the city. He hurried forward and heard a scream from below.

He didn't need to lower his head to know that it hit the soldiers below.

However, he did not panic. Instead, he continued to climb up while the rebels were throwing stones.

Although it was said that it was because he took refuge with the "Tatars" that his family was destroyed.

But he did not regret this. He only regretted that he could not move his family to Shengjing in time and suffered this disaster.

When he thought of his father and brother's heads covered in blood and mud outside the city, he couldn't help but burst into anger.

Kill, kill, kill!

There was no thought in his mind now, only one thought.

He wanted to kill all the "submissive thieves" in the city, kill all the big families in the city, and even more, kill all the people in the city to avenge his whole family!

Seeing that he was about to climb up the city tower, Zhu Shichang couldn't help but feel happy, but when he looked up, he saw a big pot propped up on the city wall.

The cauldron was steaming hot, and a pot full of yellow and white stuff was constantly rolling in it.

"Ha, one of them comes up and throws it at him!" The soldier who was cooking the pot saw a Tatar running up to him. He couldn't help but scoop up a ladle of yellow and white stuff and throw it at him.

"Ah!" Zhu Shichang didn't expect this. He was immediately drenched. He only felt his face and body being burned and hurt. He quickly abandoned his spear and jumped down.

The height of the city wall was three feet and five feet, which was almost equivalent to the height of three or four stories in later generations.

Zhu Shichang was wrapped in iron armor and fell down with a thud, only to lose his body.

After finally getting up, I felt pain in my left leg and almost fainted.

It turned out that this jump was nothing, but he broke his calf bone.

"General, General, are you okay?" Two loyal slaves had already rushed up, one on the left and the other on the right.

"I'm fine, let's go back and talk!" Zhu Shichang responded, and with the help of two domestic slaves, he limped away from the battlefield.

"Boring, boring, boring!" Just as Zhu Shichang retreated, the sound of ringing gold resounded, and the originally menacing Hou Jin soldiers retreated like a tide.

"How is it?" Daishan asked quickly when he saw his son Wakda and the limping Zhu Shichang entering the tent.

"No, we can't capture it!" Wakda shook his head and said somewhat helplessly.

"Today's Liaoyang City is monolithic, and no one is willing to join our army. It seems that they have to be armed with red cannons!"

"What do you think?" Dai Shan frowned, turned to Zhu Shichang and asked.

"I think so too!" Zhu Shichang quickly stepped forward and agreed upon hearing this.

It turned out that Zhu Shichang surrendered to Houjin and was classified as a red flag, and his master was none other than Prince Lilie Daishan.

"Okay then, then write to Anping Baylor and ask him to send someone to deliver the red cannon!" Daishan frowned and finally gave the order helplessly.

After that, although the soldiers of Jin Dynasty were excellent, they were good at night fighting and clumsy at attacking cities.

Previously, the old slaves raised troops and were able to conquer the city and occupy Liaodong. They mainly relied on the cooperation between spies and the big households in the city.

Now Huang Degong first took the risk to get rid of the Zhu, Wang, and Duan families in Liaoyang City, and then tied the Li, Cui, and Han families into his chariot. There were already no "own men" of Hou Jin in the city, so this battle would be difficult. beated.

"The puppet king of the Tatars has arrived in Liaoyang?" Shortly after Daishan arrived outside Liaoyang City, Zhang Sanbai, who had moved to Niuzhuang, received the news.

"Yes, there are about 5,000 people in the Shuo Tuo Division and more than 10,000 in the Daishan Division." The messenger quickly reported.

"Three thousand versus five thousand, this battle is not easy to fight!" Zhang Sanbai frowned and sighed.

"Why don't you ask His Highness for more troops?" Zhang Dashou, the cavalry general, couldn't help but suggest after hearing this.

At the beginning of the rebel army's large-scale eastern expedition, a total of 200,000 soldiers and horses were mobilized.

Except for Hong Chengchou's troops on the South Road, there are at least 150,000 soldiers and horses entrenched in Xuandaji Town and near the capital.

Among the 150,000 troops, only 50,000 were transferred to Liaodong, so Zhang Damou made this suggestion.

"No, no!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanbai shook his head and said.

"Brother Zhang doesn't know. In addition to our rebel army, there are more than 60,000 old soldiers in Liaodong. There are a total of 111,000 troops here."

"Liaodong has experienced war, and the mulberry fields have been abandoned. Most of the food is supplied by Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places."

"If we add more troops, I'm afraid we won't have enough food and grass!"

It turns out that at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Liao land was desolate, and more than 700,000 shi of grain and wages needed to be transported every year.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, set up a guard station here and carried out farming. By the Yongle period, the collection of grains had reached 700,000 shi, and the income and expenditure were roughly evenly balanced.

During the Wanli period, the farming system was corrupted, and the Liao Dynasty gradually broke out. The imperial court repeatedly deployed troops, and the land in Liaodong had already been unable to make ends meet.

After the killing and destruction by the old slaves, Liaodong's economy was almost on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, if the rebels want to support the war in Liaodong, they can only rely on inland transportation for all food and wages.

However, the current rebel army has only occupied parts of Shanshan, Shaanxi, Henan and Beizhi, and the territory is plagued by disasters, making it difficult to raise food and wages.

Not to mention that the new navy formed based on the original Tianjin Navy of the Ming Dynasty was still very weak, and it was unable to transport grain and grass on a large scale for a long time.

Unlike Zhang Damou, who was a pure general, Zhang Sanbai now became the commander-in-chief of the three armies, so he naturally knew all of this.

Zhang Shun will not send any more reinforcements to him in this battle. He only has these 50,000 soldiers and 60,000 defenders.

"Then... what should we do?" Zhang Damou was dumbfounded when he heard this.

If he were allowed to fight in battle, he would be a first-class player.

If he is asked to solve the food and grass problem, he has only one old method, and that is to steal!

"It's not easy!" Zhang Sanbai shook his head and said, "The most urgent task is to quickly determine where the main Tatar force is."

"Once someone takes advantage of us, we will be in serious trouble!"

"Report, there is urgent military information coming from Liaoze!" Zhang Sanbai had just finished speaking when he suddenly saw someone hurried in and reported the report loudly.

"Oh? Bring it up quickly!" Zhang Sanbai was shocked when he heard this and ordered quickly.

"Okay, okay, God is helping me!" When Zhang Sanbai opened it with trembling hands, he suddenly said with great joy.

"How is the situation in Liaoze?" Zhang Damou and others couldn't help but ask after seeing Zhang Sanbai's expression.

"Hahaha, the main pontoon bridge of the Tatars was burned down by our navy one after another, and they were trapped in the Liao River. They were unable to cross eastward for a while!" Zhang Sanbai then realized and hurriedly handed it to Zhang Damou and the others.

"Ah? This... this is really surprising!" Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

It turned out that just as the main force of Hou Jin led by Na Duduo arrived on the west bank of the Liao River, the navy sent by Zhang Sanbai happened to burn the pontoon bridge.

Duduo was unable to cross the river, so he ordered people to build a bridge again.

It's just that there is a lack of trees in Liaoze, making it difficult to build, so we can only use reeds instead.

This reed is thin and dry. How can it withstand the fire ships of the rebels if it is touched with fire?

So the Hou Jin built one, and the rebels burned one; the Tatars suffered two, and the rebels burned a pair.

Duduo was furious and ordered his soldiers to capture and drive him away. However, Houjin had no ships and the Liaoze area was muddy and difficult to navigate, making it impossible to pursue him.

They could only watch helplessly as seven or eight rebel ships crossed the Liao River, causing the 40,000-strong army to look away and sigh.

"Then... let's go to help Liaoyang right now?" Seeing this situation, Zu Dashou immediately understood that a fighter opportunity had appeared.

"Yes!" Zhang Sanbai nodded, and then ordered, "Zhang Damou will stay to defend the city, and the others will follow me by land and water to Liaoyang!"

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