Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1594 Pincer Attack

"Damn it!" Seeing the sixth son Ma Zhan retreat from the city, Prince Lilie Daishan couldn't help but cursed in annoyance.

After four or five consecutive days of fierce attack, this was the closest Hou Jin came to success, but he was still driven off the city wall.

"Father, is it time to retreat?" Seeing this, the fourth son Wakda couldn't help but ask quickly.

"Retreat?" Daishan heard the words and looked up at the setting sun shining brightly on the top of the Western Mountain. He couldn't help but half-squinted his eyes and said, "Wait a minute, wait until your sixth brother comes back!"

"Hey, what time has it been? What are you waiting for?" Wakda couldn't help but said dissatisfied.

The fierce attack failed for several days, and the Jin soldiers suffered heavy casualties. Wakda had already felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Wakda, where is your courage?" There is no better son than a father. As soon as Wakda opened his mouth, Daishan captured his thoughts instantly and couldn't help but scolded him sternly.

"Uh..." Wakda was suddenly scolded by Daishan. For a moment, his face turned red and he lowered his head and was speechless.

"Father!" Just as Daishan was reprimanding Wakda, a general wearing red armor and covered in blood hurriedly rushed in.

"Oh, Mazhan, how are you? You're not injured, are you?" Daishan quickly put Wakda aside and asked peacefully.

"It's nothing, this is all the blood of the enemy!" Ma Zhan proudly showed off to Daishan.

"Then how long do you think this thief can defend himself?" Daishan smiled.

"We can't defend for long!" Mazhan frowned and explained, "Originally, this time, if reinforcements hadn't arrived, I would have been able to take down this section of the city wall in one go."

"However, a group of armored soldiers came later. They were so large that the boy couldn't resist them, so he had no choice but to retreat."

"If... if we give the child another chance, maybe this city will be captured!"

"Oh?" After hearing what Ma Zhan said, Dai Shan couldn't help but think, and said quickly, "Military and national affairs are not a trivial matter. Is this really true?"

"This" Mazhan glanced at Wakda secretly, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "I saw it with my own eyes on the city. The people of 'Shun Zei' are panicked and the soldiers are tired. They will not last long!"

"If the sun hadn't dazzled my eyes, the victory might have been decided, and this city would have been captured long ago."

"Okay, Wakda, did you hear that?" Daishan was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help turning his head and asked.

"Baby, you heard it!" Wakda was listening to his boasting, but he never thought that it would involve him.

"Then this round, you will lead the 'Dead Soldiers' to attack the city!" Daishan nodded and ordered without any doubt.

"Ah? The boy takes the order!" Wakda was stunned when he heard this, and immediately realized that he was being plotted by his sixth brother.

It turns out that this generation of good people has three people: the direct Fujin, the successor Fujin and the side Fujin. Among them, the brothers Shuotuo and Yuetuo are descendants of the direct Fujin Li Jia family, and Sakhalin, Wakda, Mandahai and others are the successor Fujin Yehe. Born from the Nala family, Duma Zhan was born from the Hadanala family of Side Fuji Jin.

These past few days have continued the fine tradition of fatherly kindness and filial piety from the old slaves, with both struggle and cooperation between them.

Although this Ma Zhan is weak, he can't help but give eye drops to his brothers every chance he gets.

Go to Mazhan first and have already made a fierce attack. Although he keeps saying that he wants to fight again, in fact, his soldiers are already exhausted, so naturally his brother Wakda can only take charge.

When Nawakta thought of this, he couldn't help but glared at Mazhan fiercely, and then led his men and horses to leave angrily.

I just like the way you look at me and feel helpless about me!

Aixinjueluo Ma Zhan smiled when he saw this, and felt quite proud for a while.

"Hmph, you are quite smart, be careful of being too smart!" Unexpectedly, Daishan's voice suddenly came at this moment.

"Father?" Mazhan was shocked when he heard this. He never expected that the old Daishan had already seen through his mind.

"Go ahead and take care of yourself!" Daishan was too good to punish him, but instead issued an order to expel him in a calm tone.

After hearing this, Nama Zhan quickly said goodbye to Daishan, and ran out of the Chinese army's tent as if running away. When he looked up, he saw a red sun like a disk, falling about to set on the western mountain.

But before the Western Mountains could cover the red sun, the sky was still bright.

"Oh? It seems that father still doesn't give up!" Ma Zhan suddenly understood a little bit of Daishan's thoughts.

Liaoyang City is in the west, and Houjin Camp is in the east.

When we first went to Mazhan to attack Liaoyang City, we naturally had to attack in the dazzling sunlight, which was quite inconvenient.

Now that the red sun is about to set in the western mountains, the sunlight is no longer as dazzling as before, so naturally there is another chance.

Moreover, after several days of fierce attacks by Hou Jinlian, the "shun thieves" defending the city were almost reaching their limit.

If we take the opportunity to exert more pressure, the city may not be able to defend itself.

Thinking of this, Ma Zhan suddenly felt ridiculous.

In this fight, it seemed that he was a stumbling block for the fourth brother Wakda, so how could it be that his father Daishan was using him as a weapon?

Maybe he wanted to give this great achievement to Wakda, but he became a villain for no reason.

He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and quickly ordered: "Let's go back to camp!"

"Ah? Master, don't you want to see how the battle is going?" The servants on the left and right couldn't help being surprised when they heard this.

"Stop reading, go back to sleep!" Ma Zhan replied angrily.

Just as Mazhan returned to camp, Wakda once again led the "dead soldiers" to the gates of Liaoyang City.

"Dong dong dong!" Along with the thrilling sound of war drums, the Hongyi cannons that had stopped sounded again, and the siege equipment that had been quietly staying not far outside the city began to move slowly.

"General Huang, the Tatars are here again!" Li Yangeng saw clearly in the city and couldn't help but said in shock.

"Oh? Still not giving up?" To be honest, Huang Degong also admired Hou Jin's endurance.

He thought that today's battle was going to be over, but he never expected that the other party would attack again.

"What should we do, general?" Li Yangeng looked at the tired and frightened guards in the city and asked quickly.

"Send the order and ask Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui to send troops to attack their flanks by water!" Huang Degong hesitated for a moment, but finally made up his mind.

No more, I couldn't wait any longer, so I had to use my "killer" first.

However, Huang Degong, Daishan and others never expected that just when the two sides were fighting fiercely to the point of exhaustion, Yang Chengzu was leading his cavalry to the battlefield.

"General, we will reach the battlefield in five miles!" Just as this battalion of cavalry descended the first mountain, someone had already reported it.

"Put on armor and prepare to charge into battle!" Yang Chengzu calmly ordered.

His battalion of cavalry is a typical shock cavalry and needs to put on vests and charge into battle.

"No!" After receiving the order, all the knights dismounted and took their vests and armor to put on.

And just when Yang Chengzu's troops were putting on their armor, Zu Dashou led his Jiangyi camp and quickly surpassed them.

Unlike Yang Chengzu's tribe who needed to charge into battle, Zu Dashou's Jiangyi camp was a typical ranger.

These cavalry can quickly enter the battlefield without wearing heavy iron armor and horse armor.

When Zu Dashou led his cavalry to appear in the south of Liaoyang City, the entire battlefield was stunned.

Where did the cavalry come from?

"Quick, quick, let Ma Zhan lead the cavalry on top!" Dai Shan saw that only a thousand cavalry appeared, and he was surprised and ordered quickly.

"Kill!" Even though this ancestor was old, he was still as heroic as before. As soon as he saw the situation on the battlefield, he personally led the cavalry to attack the siege equipment.

However, it was precisely because of Zu Dashou's decisiveness that Daishan, an old fox, made a fatal mistake in his judgment.

"Quick, stop him!" Daishan, who originally suspected that the rebel reinforcements had arrived, mistakenly thought at this moment that this was the last force in Liaoyang City.

"They can't hold on any longer. They're jumping over the wall!"

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