Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1617 Breaking the City

"Boom, boom, boom!" As a huge sound of cannons sounded, countless cannonballs hit the walls of Penglai Water City hard.

Suddenly, stone chips flew away, leaving an uneven pit on the stone wall.

"Come again!" Fatty Zhang frowned and ordered again.

Not long after, when the thirty "Hongyi Cannons" in front of him were loaded, countless cannonballs poured onto the opposite city wall again.

The deputy commander-in-chief Bai Dengyong and others who were originally frightened saw that Penglai Shuicheng was not moving at all, and they couldn't help but get nervous again: "Fight, fight hard!"

"My city wall is built with stones on the outside and rammed earth on the inside. It is as solid as gold. What can even the Hongyi cannon do to me?"

"Sir, it doesn't seem like this is possible?" After firing two rounds in a row, Fatty Zhang couldn't help but hesitate when he saw that the wall of Penglai Water City was motionless.

The most lacking thing for the rebels now is time.

If too much time is spent here, if Huang Sunmao's navy cannot be reached, I am afraid that I and others will be trapped in a situation of fighting alone.

"Where are you going? Give me a few more rounds and see!" Unexpectedly, the master Bo Li Mingzhong said disapprovingly.

"This section of the city wall seems solid, but it actually collapsed once during the Denglai Rebellion a few years ago."

"This stone is not solid stone, and the soil is not solid soil, so it is easily destroyed. General, don't worry about it!"

It turns out that although the Penglai Water City was extremely solid, it became the last base of the rebels during the Denglai Rebellion in the fifth year of Chongzhen.

In order to seize the city, the Ming army had to dig tunnels and then use gunpowder to blow up a section of the city wall before entering the city.

At the beginning, the first military champion king in the late Ming Dynasty came to hire, and he died in this battle.

Although the city wall has been repaired now, the work materials used are far inferior to those in the early Ming Dynasty, so it was regarded as a flaw by Li Mingzhong.

"Okay, then it's up to you!" Fatty Zhang thought for a while and realized that he had no other choice but to walk all the way to the dark side.

"Dong, dong, dong" As the heavy cannonballs hit the water wall again and again, rustling sand continued to fall from the gaps in the stones.

The originally impregnable city also trembled slightly under the repeated blows.

"Hey!" The soldiers in the city couldn't help but gasped, and couldn't help admonishing the deputy commander-in-chief Bai Dengyong, "General, it's too frustrating to just be beaten without fighting back."

"How about we also set up artillery and blast him with wine?"

"Blast him?" Bai Dengyong couldn't help laughing angrily after hearing this, pointing to the rebel artillery position outside the city and said, "Can you bomb him?"

"If there wasn't a mole here, I could take my head off and use it as a ball for someone else to kick!"


It turned out that Fatty Zhang only brought five golden cannons and five field cannons with him. In fact, he did not have very strong siege capabilities.

But that’s not the case with Denlay.

The Denglai area was not only the base for the Ming army to attack the Liaodong Peninsula, but also the place where the "Western French Party members" trained their troops and forged artillery.

In the Denglai Rebellion alone, Li Jiulong, Kong Youde, and Geng Zhongming plundered more than 20 red Yi cannons and more than 300 Western cannons from Dengzhou City.

These artillery pieces and captured craftsmen later became the main support of the "Three Shun Kings" such as Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming after they invested money.

Although the Denglai area suffered heavy losses due to this chaos, fortunately, the craftsmen and skills still remained, so many cannons were quickly cast.

This time, in addition to the ten artillery pieces Fatty Zhang used, the other twenty Hongyi cannons weighing two to three thousand kilograms were collected from the city by Li Mingzhong and his men.

After the artillery was transported outside the city, Li Mingzhong admonished Fatty Zhang: "In the past, Shuicheng was occupied by Kong and Geng thieves, and it was difficult to get out. Liu Liangzuo, then a guerrilla general, came up with a plan to bombard Shuicheng from Yongfu Temple."

"This Yongfu Temple is located in the southwest corner of Shuicheng. People can be hidden in the temple, but the top of Shuicheng is difficult to see."

"Therefore, I can hit him, but he can't hit me. If I don't do it today, I'll break it with one drum!"

It was precisely because of this that the deputy commander-in-chief Bai Dengyong was convinced that there was a traitor who had defected to the rebels.

"Quick, bring up the fire gunners and get ready to meet the enemy!" Bai Dengyong couldn't help but ordered quickly now that he had confirmed the rebels' plan.

"Why is this?" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but wonder.

"Someone will come out with gunpowder in a moment and try to blow up the city wall!" Bai Dengyong explained with a godly look, "Our army also used this tactic when they breached the city!"

It turned out that although the Hongyi cannon was powerful, it would be quite difficult to blow down this solid city wall.

At the beginning, the Ming army first bombarded the city with artillery to attract the city's attention, and then secretly sent soldiers to plant gunpowder, and then blew up the city wall.

Bai Dengyong thought that the rebels were repeating their old tricks, so he took precautions early.

Not long after, as expected, an elite gunman rushed over, but Bai Dengyong hid behind the parapet, preparing to kill the rebels when they approached.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

When Bai Dengyong was in shock and doubt, he only heard a click, and then the city wall under his feet loosened.

He subconsciously stepped back, took two steps, and then retreated to a solid place, when he heard a loud noise.

When Bai Dengyong took a closer look, he saw that everything was empty. It turned out that half of the huge city wall had collapsed, and only half of it was still under his feet.

And on the collapsed half, there was originally a whistle of elite fire gunners hidden, but most of them fell together in a moment, and now they are wailing below.

Cold sweat suddenly dripped from Bai Dengyong's forehead. If he had taken a step slower just now, he might have ended up like this.

After a while, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the scene in front of him became clear.

After the collapsed half of the city wall slid down, it formed a slope, and the slope was mixed with some elite fire gunmen who had just been thrown down.

Some were half buried and were wailing there; some were thrown off the slope and hit the ground, with a pool of blood underneath them.

Others were lucky enough to escape, but were thrown to pieces and couldn't react for a while.

At this moment, a heart-rending sound of war drums sounded, and a group of rebel soldiers in armor and helmets rushed over.

"Kill, kill, kill!" they shouted while skillfully harvesting the elite fire gunmen who had not yet died.

"Quick, quick, stop them!" Deputy Commander-in-Chief Bai Dengyong just woke up from a dream, came to his senses, and ordered loudly.

But where is the time?

He had all the predictions, but he never expected that the rebels planned to use Hongyi cannon to blow down the walls of Shuicheng.

At this time, not only Bai Dengyong was stunned, but also Li Mingzhong, who offered the idea, was surprised: "How is this possible?"

"Hey, thanks to you!" Fatty Zhang smiled modestly, his pride evident in his expression.

This time the rebels were able to quickly collapse the Shuicheng wall. It was certainly because of Li Mingzhong's guidance and finding the weak points, but also because the rebel gunners were good at attacking the city.

When the rebel gunners repeatedly projected the shells at a certain location, they continued to damage the structure of the city wall.

When the structure is damaged to a critical point, it will naturally cause the city wall to collapse.

"Kill, kill!" The rebel soldiers quickly climbed onto the city wall. Bai Dengyong resisted desperately, trying to concentrate his efforts to drive the rebel soldiers down the city.

However, at this moment, another cheer was suddenly heard: "The door is broken, the door is broken!"

He couldn't help but turn his head and saw the rebels swarming in from the south gate of Shuicheng. The soldiers who defended the city were beaten and retreated.

It turns out that Bai Dengyong didn't have many soldiers in his hands. Now most of the soldiers were transferred by him to defend the collapsed city wall. However, the rebels seized the opportunity of the empty city gate and broke through it in one fell swoop.

At this time, how could Bai Dengyong still not understand his situation?

It’s over, it’s all over, Penglai Water City is going to be gone!

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