Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 163 “Arms Dealer”

Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked after hearing this, but he said with a smile on his face: "I was originally called 'Optimus Prime', and also had the nickname 'Megatron'. Do you know the reason? It's because I'm good at making and using firearms." Therefore. If you have good goods, just bring them, but I will not treat you badly!"

Wang Qingzhi liked what he heard and happily said to Zhang Shun: "Wait a moment, I will send someone to bring some color samples in the afternoon, please check it out!" After saying this, the man coughed twice. He said goodbye excitedly.

Zhang Shun knew that his army's combat effectiveness was only average, and most of the time he still needed to rely on artillery to support the situation. He knew that the artillery he forged was not very good, and he was afraid that he would encounter an opponent with stronger firepower than himself, so he took this matter very seriously and personally sent Wang Qingzhi to the door.

As a result, Zhang Shun's behavior was seen by the next merchant who came in. He said to Zhang Shun: "General, this person is a stubborn person, don't trust him!"

Zhang Shun happened to want to inquire about this person, so he quickly asked: "How do you say this?"

"This man is the grandson of Wang Juesi, the crazy Taoist from Mengjin. He is naughty and lustful, and often does things to bully men and dominate women. I never thought that this man would get carried away and dominate the daughter of a prefect. That Wang Juesi was just a person. I'm just a lecturer at the Hanlin Academy, how can I offend a state magistrate?"

"He had no choice but to sell some land and houses and raise some capital to share with his grandson. He sent him to travel to the inland areas to do some business in grain and cloth. This guy had some money in his hands, but he did not forget his old capital. Okay, he often goes in and out of the hook fence, spends a lot of money, and is extremely wasteful!"

"I even like to look for people who are good at acting but not selling themselves. They often empty out their bodies and pockets. It is really ridiculous. A few days ago, it was said that I found an aunt from Datong in Datong and had a lot of fun. I don’t know how much he lost in one night, so he just wanted to run back and swindle some more money.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun calmed down and stopped paying special attention to this person. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun was busy until the afternoon and was just about to take a rest when he heard Ji Dan coming to report: "A young young man came from outside and said that he had made an appointment with the Lord to make a big deal. He also brought The two ambulances are so heavy and tight that I don’t know what they are pulling!”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun felt a little wary and ordered Ji Dan to go and check before making a decision. After a while, Ji Dan ran back and reported: "It's just some iron bowls, iron buckets and other objects, as well as some iron balls. I don't know what they are used for."

After Zhang Shun heard that there were no assassins, he felt relieved and ordered Ji Dan to bring the man and the goods.

After a while, Wang Qingzhi and his truck were brought to the courtyard by the guards. Zhang Shun saw that the four-wheeled truck was made of tarpaulin and almost wanted to kick Ji Dan to death.

What are the "iron bowls", "iron buckets" and "iron balls" here? They are bowl-shaped and straight-cylinder artillery and shells. If the other party intends to deal with him, this is too dangerous. After seeing it, I have to find a smarter confidant to serve as a bodyguard, otherwise I will be killed by these two idiots, Wukong and Ji Dan sooner or later.

Zhang Shun suppressed his uneasiness and asked, "Is this the firearm you mentioned?"

"Yes!" Wang Qingzhi pointed at these things to Zhang Shun with a bright smile and said, "Look, Your Majesty!"

"This is a bowl-mouth cannon. Even though it has a shallow mouth and a big mouth, if you put this explosive bomb in and fire it, it will blow up a lot of people!"

"This is a poisonous fire flying cannon. It only weighs twenty or thirty kilograms. It is loaded with ten taels of powder. It uses poison bombs. One shot can not only injure people and horses, but also poison people."

"This is a double gun, created by Qi Nantang. The ammunition is made of wood carved into screws and twisted with medicine. It is most convenient."

"This is a sky-shattering thunder. It is made of pig iron, with a fuse embedded inside. It contains sacred smoke and magic medicine. It can be used to attack the city, and it will be invincible!"

Wang Qingzhi kept talking and explained to Zhang Shun one by one. Zhang Shun watched it for a long time and thought to himself: "Isn't this just a mortar? It has so many strange names. If you want to say it is more powerful, it is still more powerful than the 'heartless cannon' that I saw in later movies."

"It seems that this guy wants to take advantage of me. I just need to buy a few samples and go back to study them. Then I will follow the method of 'unscrupulous cannons' and cast a few big guys. This will really make me siege the city." gram!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "As you said, I am not in short supply, but it is rare to buy horse bones with a lot of money, so I will buy these samples!"

"If you are interested in being my voice, it would be easy to talk about. Can you get me some Western cannons? A large one will do, a small one will do, as long as it's easy to use. I'll keep the money to take care of it."

Wang Qingzhi was a little resentful when he saw the failure in selling firearms, but he didn't expect Zhang Shun to say these words, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed. He hurriedly patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is no firearm that I, Wang Qingzhi, cannot get. As long as you are willing to spare the money, I can get it for you even the Hongyi cannon."

It turns out that although Wang Qingzhi is a dandy, he got into the Datong frontier army with the help of his grandfather Wang Duo's relationship. At first, this guy was relatively timid and only specialized in the business of grain and cloth.

However, "Auntie Datong" is famous all over the world, no less than "Yangzhou Skinny Horse" in the south. This guy came and went frequently and couldn't make ends meet, so he got into trouble.

To say that the Ming Dynasty is just a pill, the border army's food and salary are often in arrears, and the soldiers often fight hungry, it is not a solution. At this time, the bandits in Shaanxi and Shanxi were in chaos, so they cleverly focused on "munitions".

Wang Qingzhi is one such representative. They buy some outdated and obsolete firearms from the border troops at low prices, and then sell them to bandits and even newly recruited troops from the court to earn the price difference.

However, this Wang Qingzhi was more daring. Relying on his relationship with the border troops of Datong Prefecture, he was wondering whether he should get some elite weapons and weapons and sell them to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun would not worry about how the army on the other side "settled the accounts" or how Wang Qingzhi resold arms. The reason why he proposed to buy Western cannons was actually to imitate them. This Western cannon is actually a small Hongyi cannon. For Zhang Shun, who has modern thinking, the size is not important, the key is the shape of the cannon.

As long as he gets a sample of the Western cannon, he is sure that if he improves and develops it on this basis, he will be better than his predecessor.

To be honest, the "Tiger Crouching Cannon" currently used by Zhang Shun lags behind the times. He is also quite dissatisfied with the performance of the cannon. However, due to limited conditions, he can only use it reluctantly. As for the pile of miscellaneous artillery purchased for several hundred taels of silver, Zhang Shun did not spend the money in vain. He was going to study the technical level of the "explosive bombs" of this era.

To a modern person, if artillery cannot shoot explosive bombs, can it still be called artillery?

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